Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 209 Learning to Pilot a Mecha

Chapter 209 Learning to Pilot a Mecha
Ji Zhixi was so teased that she didn't dare to be in a daze any longer, and when she started to study seriously, Artis felt a little regretful looking at her concentration.Soon Ji Zhixi basically memorized the dance steps, and then let Artis put him down, and began to try to dance.

The result is either stepping on her feet, or making a wrong shot, or remembering the wrong direction or forgetting the dance steps, which made her a little dizzy. Sure enough, learning to dance is not that simple!And from this point of view, her body is indeed not well coordinated.

"It's okay, Xixi, relax, don't stare at your feet all the time, memorize the dance steps, it doesn't matter if you dance wrong, just follow me to move, you just follow me wherever I go, just look at me." S said.

Under the guidance of Artis, Ji Zhixi slowly relaxed, and assuredly handed herself over to Artis, and followed his movements to move forward and backward, turn left and right, turn and tilt.Gradually getting familiar with the dance steps, the body began to automatically dance to the rhythm, and it seemed that it was not that difficult to spin and sway under the leadership of Artis.

"Okay, let's get here first, let's go eat first." Artis said.

When she stopped, she realized that the whole morning had passed. A grunt sound came from Ji Zhixi's stomach, and she shyly covered her stomach. She had consumed too much in the morning.

Artis gently picked him up, "My fault, I actually made Xixi hungry. I will shorten the practice time next time."

"Let me down, I'll go by myself, what do others think if you carry me out like this." Ji Zhixi patted his chest and said.

"Don't worry about what other people think, I just know that you are hungry and tired, just be patient and go to the cafeteria right away. Next time, I will ask the cooking team to prepare the meals first, so that you won't be afraid of being hungry." Artis said , directly speeding up, and came to the cafeteria all at once.

Others thought there was a gust of wind blowing by, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Marshal and Miss Zhixi, this dog food is really everywhere!
Ji Zhixi felt ashamed to meet people, this was indeed a sign of a person in love with zero IQ, it was terrible.

As soon as Artis put the person on the chair, the cooking team immediately served the meals, it seemed that they had just been notified in advance.

Artis handed over a bowl of soup, "Xixi, have some soup first."

Fortunately, they were in a private room, and she was really hungry, so she ate unceremoniously. Artis picked out all the meals she liked. This person is really considerate.

She held a piece of meat and handed it to his mouth, "Hurry up and eat! Why are you looking at me! See if I can eat enough!"

Artis ate the piece of meat, smiled happily, and waited until Ji Zhixi was almost done eating before starting to eat. As a habit developed in the army, he quickly and gracefully finished the rest of the food.

"Let's go to other planting areas to see! Last time I only went to the pasture, I don't know what else is going on." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, then let's go to the tea mountain and have a look?" As soon as Artis finished speaking, two figures appeared, which were Silver Wing and Crescent Moon.

"Master, I'll take you there!" Silver Wing said.

"Sister, let me drive you!" Yueya said.

Ji Zhixi suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After waking up Yueya, she still hasn't started to learn to drive. Although Yueya can now turn on the autonomous flight mode, she always feels that not really driving Yueya will make her feel a little lonely.

"You actually call the hostess sister? Master, should I change my name too?" Silver Wing asked.

"What do you want to call? Brother-in-law?" Artis said.

Silver Wing blinked, "Why brother-in-law? Isn't it brother?"

"Haha! How did Dr. Mu set it up? Why is Silver Wing so cute!" Ji Zhixi laughed.

Silver Wing seemed to feel Yue Ya's contemptuous eyes, did he say something wrong?Why are you laughing at him?
"I suddenly changed my mind. Let's not go out, Artis, teach me how to drive a mecha! I also want to try what it's like to really drive a mecha." Ji Zhixi just finished speaking. For some reason, she seemed to feel the crescent moon. Happy feeling.

It's just a mecha, but it looks like a human being. It's amazing. Dr. Mu is really powerful.

"Okay, then let's go to the mecha training room!" Artis said, and then a group of people came to the mecha training room, where there are many simulation cabins, and many soldiers are training here.

"Marshal, Miss Zhixi, why are you here?" Guo Yiming hurried over when he saw someone.

"I took Xixi to learn how to drive the mecha, how is everyone's training going?" Artis asked.

"Everyone practiced hard, and everyone passed the mecha driving test, and the results were basically B or above." Guo Yiming said.

"And the mecha driving test? What's the level of a grade B?" Ji Zhixi asked curiously.

"This was specially designed by the marshal before. Although we don't have a mecha, the marshal said that one day each of us will be able to drive a mecha, so we have to train every day. I didn't expect that there is really a chance now." Guo Yiming said excitedly.

Ji Zhixi looked at Artis, her man is really outstanding!Many things are considered early and planned for a rainy day.

"Get to the point." Artis said coldly.

"Hey, yes, the mecha driving test scores are divided into S, A, B, C, D, E from high to low, and the grade C is a pass." Guo Yiming said.

"Oh! So that's the case, what's your grade?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Guo Yiming rubbed his nose, "During my time at Blue Star, my mental strength has improved a lot, and my grade is now A. Many people are like me. After improving their mental strength, their grades have improved."

Ji Zhixi nodded, and it's normal. The idea of ​​the current mecha is to rely on mental power to drive, so the higher the mental power, the better the driving will be. Her mental power is so high, it shouldn't be difficult for her to drive the mecha, right?
"Okay, let's hurry up and study!" Ji Zhixi said excitedly.

Ji Zhixi thought that she would learn how to drive the mecha directly, but she was taken into the audio-visual room by Artis. Seeing Artis operating on the screen, she sighed, it seemed that she wanted to learn theoretical knowledge first.

"Brother-in-law, I downloaded a lot of materials suitable for my sister's study." Yueya said.

Ji Zhixi was almost taken aback by this title, but there was nothing wrong with calling it that way, only the corners of Artis' mouth curled up as if satisfied.

"Then let's play it!" Artis said, so Crescent Moon immediately connected to the player, and Silver Wing was a little bored doing nothing beside her.

So she sat down obediently, and Artis brought her juice and a bunch of snacks. How many snacks did he put in the nanospace?Like a Doraemon.She looked at the snacks in front of her. Is this kind of study really good?What about watching a movie?

But she still reached out to pick up a bag of potato chips and was about to tear it open, but Artis took it away, sat next to her, then tore it open and took out the potato chips to feed her, "Don't get your hands dirty, tell me what you want to eat .”

Ji Zhixi opened her mouth to eat, and the feeling of opening her mouth was a bit intoxicating. The video played quickly, and her attention was also attracted to this side.

Looking at the development history of the mechs inside, Ji Zhixi couldn't help but lament that there are people out there who are beyond the sky. If it weren't for emigrating to other planets and merging with other planets, the development of the Federation Empire would probably be even more stagnant.

What's more, there are higher planes, so people should never think how strong and superior they are, and there will always be people stronger than you. Only by constantly letting yourself learn new knowledge and make yourself stronger can you not be fooled. Only when people bully you can protect everything you want to protect.

(End of this chapter)

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