Chapter 213 Cepheus Planet

On the other side, Yinyi kept saying to Yueya, "Although your initial compatibility is higher than ours, I am a senior and have more experience than you. If you ask me, I can also tell you the tricks."

Crescent Moon doesn't want to pay attention to this thick-skinned mech. I've been listening to other people's comment on how advanced and imposing this 3S mech is. How come I feel like a fool here? Could it be that the doctor made a mistake when he remodeled it? Bar!

Silver Wing seems to be able to sense Crescent Moon's thoughts, this is the characteristic of the linkage function, "Hey, hey, hey! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, I'm very powerful, don't be convinced, let's fight!"

When Ji Zhixi heard that Yinyi was going to fight with Yueya, she laughed angrily, "Sure enough, he is a straight man of steel! When the doctor created the AI ​​system, didn't he input the concept of gender or something?"

"I don't think so. He used to only have a 3S mecha, and he only knew how to fight. Now that he has one more, he probably just wants to compete, or he should ask a doctor to adjust it." Artis said. .

"It's so human-like in character and emotions, why don't you understand the difference between men and women, and don't know how to love women and women? It must be like a master!" Ji Zhixi looked at him with a smirk.

Artis didn't want to admit that he used to be a straight man of steel, but he is not now, "Although I am still a straight man of steel, when I face my wife, the steel turns into soft fingers."

Ji Zhixi's goosebumps were about to rise, she looked at Artis suspiciously: "You are really good at it, have you never been in a relationship?"

The corner of Artis's mouth curled up, "When I met you, I learned without a teacher."

Marshal, your integrity is gone, your principles are gone, and your personality has also collapsed.I shouldn't be eating dog food here, why don't I get out sooner.Jiang Yuxuan complained silently in his heart.

Ji Zhixi was amused, "Master Marshal is really amazing, I feel ashamed!"

"Hee Hee, just enjoy my kindness to you, and leave everything to me. Let's go, we should go to eat." Artis said.

So everyone packed up their things and walked out of the training room. Ji Zhixi remembered that she hadn't seen the little ones all day, and asked, "Yueya, where did the little ginseng go? Why didn't they go with you?"

"They ran into the forest to play that day, and they haven't come back yet," Crescent Moon said.

"What are you doing? You haven't come back all day, let's go to the forest later! Don't let anything happen," Ji Zhixi said.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Now there are system monitoring systems in the forest. If there is any abnormality, the alarm will be issued immediately. It is probably because I haven't played for a long time, so I forget the time when I play." Artis said.

"Master, I also want to go out to play." Silver Wing said pitifully beside her.

"Haha, okay, I'll take you to the forest tonight." Ji Zhixi said.

"Thank you, mistress, the mistress is the best." Yin Yi said happily, Yue Ya felt that this mech probably had schizophrenia!Otherwise, how could the personality be so changeable?

While Ji Zhixi was laughing heartily, on another distant planet, there was a person who was gnashing his teeth with hatred.

On another distant planet, there are rolling mountains and rivers, crystal clear rivers, dense forests, flowers and plants everywhere, all kinds of birds and animals, and many wooden houses, villas and exquisite palaces. The blue star is poor, this is a planet called Cepheus.

The Cepheus planet is a planet that ignores the world and looks like a paradise. This planet is very mysterious and rarely communicates with other planets. This planet is just like its name. The whole planet is very beautiful, and the architecture is also very delicate. Like the place where immortals live.

Those lucky enough to have been to the planet Cepheus are full of praise, saying that the people and environment there are very beautiful, and the people there seem to be very peaceful, do not like to be disturbed, and never care about the affairs of other planets.

At the same time, this mysterious planet is also very powerful, as if it is guarded by something. Those who tried to attack this planet have failed, so they will not allow outsiders to enter this planet, only a few special people can enter.

However, such a planet actually has a secret laboratory, and the person in the laboratory is actually Cao Lian.

At this time, Cao Lian was sitting on a chair in the laboratory concentrating on researching something. The people around him said, "Are you still in the mood for research? Most of the experimental subjects studied before are gone. Now all the planets are closely watched. It’s hard to find so many experimental subjects anymore.”

Cao Lian said without any expression: "I said earlier, don't act too hastily, those people are not so easy to deal with."

"I'm doing it for someone. If it wasn't for our future, I wouldn't be in such a hurry." The man said.

Cao Lian snorted, "For us? You are only for yourself! The eternal vitality can be divided between two people? What's more, I have already said that I am not interested."

The man immediately became anxious, "I really doubt whether you are my clone or not. There must be a mistake in the cloning process, otherwise how could you not look like me at all."

Cao Lian finally raised his head and looked at the person opposite, "I was wrong, I am not your clone, don't forget, you are also a clone."

The person opposite immediately became angry, yes, the person opposite was also Cao Lian, this was Cao Lian who arrested Ji Zhixi, and the one sitting on the chair was another clone.

This clone is quite special. Since he woke up, he has no interest in Cao Lian's plan. He just wants to do research silently, so he left quietly by himself.Although his personality is dull, he is friendly and intelligent.

He didn't want to be disturbed by others. After traveling to many planets, he came to Cepheus. The environment and humanities here are very suitable for him.Because his character is also very popular with the people of the Cepheus planet, his experiment also saved the people of the Cepheus, so they agreed with him to settle down, and built a laboratory for him, and he provided the people of the Cepheus planet. lots of help.

For the time being, call the one who attacked Ji Zhixi Cao Lian No. 1!

After Cao Lian No. 1 failed, in order to avoid arrest, he came here to join him. No one would have thought that Cao Lian No. 1 would hide in such a place.Because the people of the Cepheus would definitely not accept such troubles, if Cao Lian 1 hadn't pretended to be Cao Lian and sneaked in, he would probably still be evading arrest outside in embarrassment.

Cao Lian No. 1 watched Ji Zhixi's live broadcast viciously, "She absorbed the source of life and survived. I read it correctly, but unfortunately I couldn't take her body back. She must have eternal life now. I Something must be done, or we can take advantage of the people here."

Cao Lian looked up at him: "You'd better not, the people here are not something you can move if you want, you never thought that this planet can always exist independently, must there be something special about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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