Chapter 214 Hot Springs
Cao Lian No. 1 said disdainfully: "At most, the materials here are relatively rich, so the people here can be self-sufficient. I observe the people here and don't think they are very strong. If you can take this place and recreate some experimental bodies , I still have a chance to stand up."

Cao Lian frowned and said: "I advise you not to, there is a mysterious force protecting this place, if it is so easy to control, it would have been captured long ago. And I like this place very much, don't come to destroy my life, just like I never interfere with you same life.”

Cao Lian No. 1 said with red eyes: "Number XJ76389999, don't forget that you are also a clone, we are a group, if you are willing to help me, we may have succeeded long ago, don't think about living alone like a fairy life."

"Fate has been doomed since you were born. We were born for the doctor's plan. We must complete this plan. If you don't cooperate, don't think about it."

Cao Lian No. 1 has to admit that this person is more talented than him, he has inherited all the good genes more perfectly than any clone, and is even smarter than the mother, but he always looks like nothing has anything to do with me , which made him very angry.

Their existence is to accomplish Cao Lian's goal, which is also his goal. When he obtains immortality, these clones don't need to exist anymore, and he will become the real and only Cao Lian.

After Cao Lian No. 1 finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the laboratory, leaving Cao Lian looking at his back with a cold face, as if he was thinking about something, and finally he buried his head and continued to watch his research.

If Cao Lian No. 1 pays close attention to his research, he will find that this is an astonishing research that will even affect the future, but he always disdains his research, so he misses many things.

After Ji Zhixi and the others finished their meal, they were going to go to the forest. When Tang Xin heard this, she also clamored to go, and pulled Li Huai along.

Bai Genghuai also dragged Jiang Chen to go with him, and said to him: "Don't be bored in the room all day long, you should go out more often to take in fresh air, you will almost become a log."

"Haha, Xiaobai is right, old man Xiang, we should also walk more, old man, it is better to exercise and digest after meals." Zhan Bei said.

"Honey, let's go out for a walk too! I haven't been to the forest at night yet!" Lisa said enthusiastically.

"Uncle, let's go too! The forest at night when Sister Zhixi was broadcasting live was also very beautiful!" Ji Yuan said excitedly.

"With so many people going, our team must also protect everyone." Liu Jianwei said.

"Madam, let's go too! I stayed with Xixi in the forest before and didn't go anywhere. Now I can go for a stroll." Ji Chenghan said.

"Of course, let's go for a walk too! The flowers that Zhixi picked before are so beautiful, let's go pick some and plant them too." Wen Yan said.

Seeing that everyone was in pairs, Ji Xueqing was not far behind, she took her brother Ji Mingyang to go with her, and after Ji Zhixi woke up, she never had a chance to contact Artis again.

Her brother once persuaded her to give up. The two of them have experienced life and death. Their deep feelings cannot be destroyed by her.There are still many young talents here, it would be better to pick one and marry as soon as possible, since they are not young anyway.But the person I have admired for so many years is right in front of me, how can I just give up.

So, the forest troop set off bustlingly. At first, Artis only thought about the world of two people, but there were too many light bulbs around him. Next time, he wanted to take Xixi out alone.

Walking in the forest, Ji Zhixi felt that the surrounding environment had changed a lot. The main reason was that these plants were new. Thinking of Grandpa Gushu, she couldn't help but sigh. She hoped that this time, she could protect the blue star well and let it develop in the long run.

Artis knew what Ji Zhixi was thinking, and took her hand and shook it firmly, "A new life is hope, and everything will be fine."

Ji Zhixi blinked, "By the way, last time you said you found the Stone of Life, is there magma underneath?"

"That's right, that place is more dangerous, does Xixi want to see it?" Artis asked.

"Mistress, it's very dangerous there, last time my body was melted." Silver Wing said.

"Of course we have to take a look. There may be many treasures in the place where the Stone of Life was bred! Even a body as hard as Silver Wing can melt. Have you considered extracting the magma for use?" Ji Zhixi said.

"The situation was urgent at the time. I came back after I got the Stone of Life. Someone was sent to investigate later, but because the magma is more dangerous, I haven't had time to investigate in depth."

"But what is certain is that there must be geothermal resources underground. As for how wide the area is, further exploration is needed. And I also found that there are many plants around that I have never seen before," Artis said.

"Then let's go and have a look, maybe there will be many good things." Ji Zhixi said happily.

Then Artis took Ji Zhixi to the direction of the cave, and everyone followed without knowing it. When they came to the familiar waterfall, everyone was stunned by the scene before them.

There is smoke on the surface of the lake, and the air is filled with water vapor. It feels a bit like a fairyland under the reflection of the waterfall.

"Wow! What is this place? Why is it so beautiful? Uncle, uncle, come and take a picture of me." Ji Yuan shouted excitedly.

Liu Jianwei turned on the camera silently and began to take pictures, and everyone also took pictures as souvenirs.

Everyone couldn't help but walked to the river and looked at it, everyone was amazed, what caused this scene.

Jiang Chen put his hands on the surface of the water and felt it, "The water here is hot. It should be because there is geothermal heat here, which affects the water temperature, so these water vapors are produced."

"Jiang Muju, can you be a little more romantic, everyone finally felt the beautiful scenery, and it was all destroyed by you." Bai Genghuai rolled his eyes and said.

Tang Xin wanted to put her hand into the water, but Li Huai grabbed her, "I don't know how the water temperature is, what should I do if I burn my hand later?"

Lisa looked at the two children secretly covering their mouths and laughing. Although Tang Haotian was dissatisfied with this kid holding his daughter's hand, for the sake of protecting Tang Xin, he let it go.

"Of course, I remembered that we were in the hopeless zone once before, and there was a hot spring at the foot of the volcano, but the temperature was too high to soak in at all. If this can be soaked, we must come here for a soak." Wen Yan said excitedly .

He nodded coldly, he knew that Wen Yan usually liked to take a bath, and now that there was a big hot spring outside, he definitely wanted to take a bath.Let's see if we can build a separate hot spring pool when the hot spring resort is built.

"Is it like this when you came last time?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"No, when we came here, the river was cold, Silver Wing, scan the underground situation," Artis said.

"Yes." Silver Wing immediately flew up and scanned around.

"Master, it should be that we fought last time and created cracks in the ground. Some of the magma flowed out, so the river water was heated. Because the waterfall next to it neutralized the water temperature, the current temperature of the river water is 42 degrees." Silver Wing Said.

"42 degrees? Wow! Wouldn't it become a natural hot spring? Crescent Moon, see if there is any problem with the composition of the river water, and if you soak in it, will it harm the human body?" Ji Zhixi said excitedly.

"Yes." Crescent Moon began to analyze the composition of the river water, and everyone gathered around to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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