Chapter 215 New Species

"Xixi, do you want to soak in the hot spring here?" Xia Jinxuan asked.

"Yes! If you can soak in hot springs here, it would be great! Especially in winter, it's so comfortable to soak in hot springs here, drink good wine, and enjoy the beautiful scenery."

"Besides, soaking in hot springs has many benefits for the human body. Apart from beauty treatments, it can also cure some physical problems. When the hot springs are confirmed to be ok, we can open a hot spring resort here, and everyone can soak in hot springs to their heart's content." Ji Zhixi said.

"This natural wild hot spring is really good! Where is there such a place in the federal empire, this hot spring resort will definitely be very popular." Xiang Nange said.

"That's right, it would be nice to have some flower hot springs, red wine hot springs, etc., just like we usually take a bath at home." Lisa said.

Then everyone excitedly discussed this hot spring resort, as if it had been decided to be developed. It seemed that everyone was very interested in these entertainment and leisure activities.

"Sister, it has been tested, and the ingredients in the river water are safe and suitable for human immersion," Yueya said.

"Oh! Great!" Everyone cheered unanimously, they will have a hot spring resort.

"Hey, hurry up and contact Lao Pan, let him come over and make plans, and start construction as soon as possible!" Zhan Bei said.

"Everyone, don't worry, because there is magma underground, it is not necessarily safe. If there is more and more magma, the temperature will become higher and higher. Specifically, we have to wait until the safety is confirmed after the exploration before starting construction." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right, although I really want to soak in hot springs, but I thought that if I soak in it, the underground volcano in my butt will erupt." Bai Genghuai said.

Xiang Nange slapped him across the face, "Boy, if you can't speak, don't speak."

"Ah! President, you already said not to hit me on the head, you will be stupid!" Bai Genghuai rubbed his head and complained, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, it's almost time for a walk today, let's go back and rest!" Ji Zhixi said.

Everyone nodded, so they all went back to the house. Ji Zhixi was about to go back, and found that there were many medicinal herbs near the river, so she hurried over to have a look.

"Huh? What is this? It looks a bit like a calamus, but it doesn't seem like it." Ji Zhixi muttered to herself.

"Huh? Girl, what's the matter? Did you find any herbs?" Zhan Bei saw what she was looking down at, so he also came over to have a look.

"Grandpa Zhan, look, does this look like Shichangpu?" Ji Zhixi said.

Zhan Bei also took a closer look, "The leaves are entire, arranged in two rows, the spadix, the pedicels are green, and the spathe leaves are shaped. These are all the characteristics of calamus, but the leaf pattern is wrong!"

"Yeah! I also find it strange, and the color of this crow's onion is also wrong." Ji Zhixi pointed to the plants next to her and said.

"Yes, yes, is this a new plant? You don't even know about it, so we have to take it back and study it carefully." Zhan Bei said, and then started digging.

"Grandpa Zhan, it's better to wear gloves. I don't know if there is any problem with these new plants." Ji Zhixi said.

Zhan Bei nodded, then put on special gloves, opened the face shield and started digging.

"President, I'm here to help." Jiang Chen said, so Bai Genghuai hurried over to help.

Others wanted to help when they saw it, but they were afraid of damaging the plants, so they said to Nange, "It's okay, you guys go back first! Just leave it to us here, the marshal is here, so don't worry."

So everyone left the forest and went back. The more Ji Zhixi dug, the more she found many new plants. She thought it was amazing.

"Grandpa Xiang, didn't you study the new plants in the hopeless zone before? Did you discover these new plants again?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"No! Before we took samples on the spot and found no new plants, or we didn't pay attention, we will send someone to check tomorrow to see if there is such a situation." Xiang Nange said while stroking his beard.

"I also found some on the way here before, silver wings and crescent moons, and you should help collect them too," Artis said.

"Yes." So Silver Wing and Crescent Moon also flew to collect new plants, because they have a complete collection of plants in their system, and they can collect those that are inconsistent with the system after identification.

"There are too many, let's collect some and go back for testing first!" Ji Zhixi said.

Everyone nodded, there were indeed too many, everyone arranged the plants and put them in the nanospace, and then Artis took out the aircraft and took everyone back to the base.

Ji Zhixi and Artis returned to the house, Xia Jinxuan and the others were still waiting for them.

"Mom, we're back, go and rest! It's too late, so you don't have to wait for us in the future." Ji Zhixi said.

"It's good to be back, go take a shower and rest! Good night, Xixi." Xia Jinxuan said with a smile.

"Good night." Ji Zhixi nodded, and then went back to the room with Artis, "I was going to look for those little ones, but I didn't expect to see no shadows. Where did they go?"

"Don't worry, they're fine. The forest is now safer than before. It must have been delayed because something was discovered," Yatis comforted.

Ji Zhixi nodded, she and Xiao Shen and Xiao Hei have senses, so they can know that they are safe, but just like a child who leaves home for a few days, parents feel uneasy, without these small ones, the house feels a bit empty .

"Okay, let's go take a shower and go to sleep!" Artis pushed Ji Zhixi and said.

So Ji Zhixi took the clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower, while Artis went to the next room to take a shower, and when she finished washing, she saw Artis sitting on her bed and reading a book.

It seemed that she hadn't seen this familiar scene for a long time. She walked over and sat beside him, "My lord marshal, why don't you go to sleep?"

Artis pulled him into his arms, "I haven't said good night to you yet, and I haven't kissed you good night yet."

So Ji Zhixi put her hands around his neck, pulled him down, and kissed him lightly on the face, "Good night."

In the next second, Artis pressed her for a French kiss, and then let her go after a while, "Good night, my baby."

Ji Zhixi gasped and said, "You've learned badly, Marshal, your goodnight kiss before was not like this."

Artis stuffed her into the quilt, put the white tiger pillow aside, and kissed her on the forehead, "Sleep!"

Ji Zhixi smiled sweetly at him, then closed her eyes, and did not leave until she fell asleep.

The next day when Ji Zhixi woke up and had just finished breakfast, Xiang Nange called to the Purifiers Guild urgently. It seemed that yesterday's new plant had some important discovery.

Ji Zhixi and Artis came to the Purifiers Guild, surrounded by many people, including people from the Pharmacists Guild.

Seeing Ji Zhixi and the others immediately make way for them, they hurriedly waved to Nan Ge, "Girl, come quickly, come quickly!"

After they passed by, I showed them the test report. Ji Zhixi was very happy after reading it. These are all new species, and some new species indicate that Blue Star is starting to recover.

Blue Star began to reproduce and had new development. The essence of biological evolution lies in the change of population gene frequency, mutation and gene recombination, natural selection and isolation are the three basic links in the process of speciation.

In this process, mutation and genetic recombination are the raw materials for biological evolution. Natural selection changes the gene frequency of the population and determines the direction of biological evolution, which may be caused by the disappearance of mutant viruses.

And the test report shows that the energy value of these new species is also very high, just like the new calamus discovered before, roughly the same as the original calamus, but with more functions, higher energy value, and more yield.

(End of this chapter)

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