Chapter 216 Willing?

"Grandpa Xiang, doesn't this mean that all the plants in Blue Star have the possibility to evolve again, maybe the seed purification I told you before can also bring about further evolution." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right, that's right, I think so too. Next, I'm going to open up an experimental field to plant these new species and see how they reproduce," Xiang Nange said.

"Just leave this planting to our pharmacist, what's the matter with your purifiers." Zhan Bei said.

"Girl Zhixi and I discovered this. Why are you here to join in the fun? We'll plant it too, so let's go." Xiang Nange said angrily.

"If these can reproduce stably, our potions will soon be available for public sale, and we will hand them over to you at that time. If you work together, you will definitely be able to achieve good results." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right, girl, don't worry, it will be no problem to leave it to us, Lao Xiang, you will be responsible for the research of seeds and seedlings, and then I will plant them for you?" Zhan Bei said.

Looking at Nan Ge's reluctance, Zhan Bei continued: "There are so many new species, you must not have enough manpower. This time you will take the lead, and we will assist. Let's listen to your head office!"

"Okay, you have to listen to me." Xiang Nange stroked his beard and said, happy now.

Seeing that the two finally reached a consensus, Ji Zhixi was relieved, "I think we can classify them first, because the new species is not sure yet, and the production is not yet guaranteed, but the value is obviously higher. If it is really going to be sold, We can go to high-end positioning."

"Yes, just like medicines are divided into primary, intermediate, and advanced, our new research can be called special grade!" Zhan Bei said.

"Special grade, this one is good! As for the future, if you are sure to sell it, you can discuss it with my uncle and Wen Yan. By the way, have you ever thought about using these plants to make skin care products?" Ji Zhixi asked .

"Skin care products? Now there are beauty instruments, few people know how to use skin care products!" Zhan Bei said.

"However, I have tried the beauty devices on the market, and they are expensive, and the effect is not particularly good. Many people with good effects cannot afford it. We can create a skin care product that is affordable and effective for everyone. , I think this market is still huge." Ji Zhixi said.

"However, I don't know much about skin care products. I can tell Jiang Hong and let them study it." Xiang Nange said.

"Okay, let me mention it too. If it's difficult, forget it. After all, everyone has a lot of things to do now." Ji Zhixi said.

"Haha, it's good like this, every day is very fulfilling, and the last time is not wasted." Zhan Bei said.

"By the way, Grandpa Zhan, I also need to ask you to make some repair fluid for me, the more the better." Ji Zhixi said.

"Repair fluid? What is it to repair?" Zhan Bei asked.

"It's like the repair liquid in the medical cabin, it can repair cells, bones, and genes. The stronger the effect, the better." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, I can use these new species to try the enhanced version. If it succeeds, it will be good news for the medical team!" Zhan Bei said.

"Okay, then I won't bother you, Artis and I are going to the laboratory to have a look." Ji Zhixi said.

"Go! Go!" Zhan Bei waved his hand and said, then pulled Xiang Nange back into research.

"Hee Hee, do you want to go to the lab?" Artis asked.

"Yes, didn't you say you want to try to restore those experimental subjects?" Ji Zhixi said.

Artis put his hands on her shoulders, frowned and said, "Is it really okay? Will it hurt your body?"

"Don't worry, I won't act recklessly, I only do what I can, and I just try, it may not be possible." Ji Zhixi said.

The two soon came to the laboratory and learned about the recent conditions of the experimental subjects. Although they had conducted multiple treatments based on Yao Chen's experimental data, the effect was still not obvious.

They came to the laboratory and saw that Wu Lian was using mental control to stimulate those experimental subjects, hoping to awaken their consciousness.

"Xiao Lian is such a good boy! His own Zerg gene cells accounted for too much and couldn't be removed, but he was not discouraged at all, and instead worked hard to help others."

"He has helped many people regain consciousness during this time. Although everyone can't accept their transformed bodies, Xiao Lian and Xiao Ai have always encouraged them. As long as they are alive, there is hope, and at least they can meet their family members. "

"There are also many people who have accepted their bodies. Everyone joked that although they are ugly, they are very strong now, and everyone in Blue Star doesn't mind, so they treat them as freshmen."

"So there are some experimental subjects that have stabilized. We have already started to assign tasks to them. The overall situation is good, and everyone can still live normally. It's just that there are still sequelae of transformation. Long-term injection of drugs is necessary, otherwise it is easy to get out of control and cause genetic damage. Unstable," said the military doctor.

"He's a good boy!" Ji Zhixi nodded and said.

After Wu Lian finished treating the patients, she walked out of the laboratory, and when she saw them, she immediately saluted, "Marshal, Miss Zhixi!"

No need to introduce, he already knew who the woman in front of him was. She had a very comfortable feeling about her, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

"Wu Lian, how is your study going?" Artis asked.

"Report to Marshal, I have finished my junior high school courses." Wu Lian said.

"Very well, hurry up, I hope to see you at the recruit welcome ceremony later." Artis said.

"Yes!" Wu Lian stood at attention and said.

"Xiao Lian, do you mind your current appearance?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Wu Lian frowned and said, "I mind, but it doesn't affect my determination to move forward."

"It's really good, if there is a chance to restore a normal body now, do you want to try?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Wu Lian froze for a moment, didn't the military doctor say there was nothing to do?But looking at the person in front of him, maybe she can, after all, she created a miracle and saved the entire Blue Star.

"I am willing, even if I fail, I am willing to try." Wu Lian said.

"But if you return to a normal body, your abilities will also disappear? Are you still willing?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Wu Lian fell into deep thought, how could I protect my sister without the supernatural power? The reason why he was able to join the Jagged Legion was also because of his supernatural power!Without the ability, can he still stay in the legion?

"It's okay, you can think about it slowly and let me know after you make a decision." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

Wu Lian nodded, then saluted and walked away.

Artis looked at his back thoughtfully, "Xixi, will there really be no supernatural powers after returning to a normal body?"

"According to my physical condition, my abilities are gone, but because I have the power of the source of life, it seems that the abilities are still there. So I'm not sure if their abilities will still exist after I help them recover. exist."

"The ability itself is produced because of the mutated virus, so I think there are many chances that the ability will disappear." Ji Zhixi thought.

(End of this chapter)

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