Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 217 Restoring the Experimental Subject

Chapter 217 Restoring the Experimental Subject

"Actually, when our abilities began to stagnate, we also did many researches to see if we could improve our abilities through other aspects. Many parts are not because of the mutated virus, but because the mutated virus has already Combined with the body, the body changes."

"Make certain parts of the body stronger. Even if the mutated virus disappears, it will not necessarily affect the ability. Just look at the ability genes of the newborns. Through data testing, these people have certain genes that are particularly strong. , so we will continue to train and strengthen what we are good at.”

"So, even without supernatural powers, these aspects of the human body will still be better than ordinary people." Artis said.

"These may be for people with physical abilities, like you? What about those with natural abilities like water, fire, wind and thunder?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"In fact, it can also be understood as superpowers. Our bodies are already manipulating these powers." Artis said.

"Wow! There is indeed a possibility of superpowers, so let's try it then! Anyway, make a mental preparation first. If the superpowers really disappear, you can accept them. If the superpowers are still there, everyone will be happy." Ji Zhixi said.

"Actually, you can experiment with some mutant beast experiments. Yao Chen and his lab have a lot of them. We haven't wiped out these experiments, and they are still closed," Artis said.

"Really? Let's go, let's try quickly." Ji Zhixi immediately pulled Artis and said.

So Artis brought Ji Zhixi to the place where the experimental mutant beasts were held, seeing thousands of experimental mutant beasts of different shapes, Ji Zhixi was terrified.

Artis took a cage of experimental subjects and brought Ji Zhixi to an independent laboratory. This experiment should not be known to others for the time being.

Artis caught a mutant beast that was smaller in size, like a mouse, a rabbit, and a snake. Looking at this unrecognizable mutant beast, Ji Zhixi really felt that if it couldn't recover, maybe killing them would make people more healthy. They are free.

Artis fixed the experimental body to prevent it from breaking free and hurting people, "Hee Hee, it's okay, this is a first-level mutant animal whose prototype is a mouse."

Ji Zhixi took a deep breath, then covered the experimental body with her hands, and began to use the power of wood. She imagined the feeling of the source of life flowing in the body, imagined the birth and recovery of life, and gradually repaired the experimental body. Body.

Artis saw that the body of the experimental subject began to change continuously. The mouse struggled desperately at first, but then gradually became less violent under the relief of the force of wood.Then the original characteristics of the mouse continued to strengthen, the ears of the rabbit disappeared, and the tail of the snake also disappeared. Slowly, it turned into an ordinary mouse. It was amazing, like magic.

After Ji Zhixi stopped, she breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the normal mouse in front of her was much more comfortable.

Artis immediately tested the recovered mice, Ji Zhixi watched nervously, and then looked at the final test results and found that the power had really disappeared, and she was immediately dejected.

Seeing her frustrated look, Artis comforted her: "Hee Hee, look, here it shows that the mouse's minions are very powerful, which means that although the power has disappeared, the power still exists. Only by testing can we know how strong it is, but even if it can't reach the original ability level, I think it can be improved through training."

"Besides, Xixi, the crystal nucleus of this mutant mouse has also disappeared, is it also absorbed by the power of wood?"

"Hee Hee, during the recovery process, you can feel the energy in its body. Imagine removing some impurities and retaining these energy and crystal nuclei like surgery, can it be done?" Artis asked.

Hearing what Artis said, Ji Zhixi seemed to make sense, "Then let me try again!"

"Are you tired? Do you want to take a break?" Artis asked worriedly.

"It's okay, the consumption of wood power is less than I imagined, and it's okay to recover a few more." Ji Zhixi said.

So Artis grabbed a mutant beast experiment again, fixed it and handed it to Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi concentrated her mental power, and began to detect the situation in the mutated mouse's body, found the location of the crystal nucleus, protected it with mental power, and then began to slowly infiltrate and run with the power of wood, and soon the mutated mouse returned to its original appearance.

Ji Zhixi let out a breath, and Artis wiped the sweat off her forehead, "This time I exhausted my mental strength, and it feels much more difficult, but it has been repaired more meticulously."

"Hee Hee is awesome, come on, sit down and have a rest first." Artis pressed her on the chair, then turned around to test the mutant mouse, and the test results after a while showed that the ability still exists.

"Hee Hee, it worked!" Artis said, and Ji Zhixi threw herself into his arms happily, "Yeah! That's great! In this way, we can not only help everyone get back to normal, but also get a group of powerful superhumans , Yao Chen and the others will probably vomit blood when they find out, haha."

Seeing her laughing heartily, Artis also laughed, "Xixi is really a lucky star."

"However, my mental power is limited, so it is estimated that I can only recover 2-3 people per day, and the more advanced the supernatural being, the more difficult it is to recover." Ji Zhixi said.

"It doesn't matter, we can take it slowly, as long as we can recover, let alone wait for a period of time, everyone is willing to wait for decades. So the premise is that your body is the most important, and your spirit is good, so that everyone has a chance to recover." Ya Tees said.

Ji Zhixi nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be careful, I'll restore a few more mutant beasts to try, just in case! Next, restore each mutant beast of different levels to see the situation."

"Is the body still able to bear it? Don't tire yourself out. At most, you can recover one more, and the rest will be discussed tomorrow." Artis said forcefully.

"Okay, okay! Hurry up and catch the mutant beast." Ji Zhixi said eagerly.

Artis had no choice but to grab another second-level mutant beast. This time, Ji Zhixi combined her previous experience and recovered more carefully. At the same time, she also experimented with some ideas. After a long time, the mutant beast returned to normal.

Ji Zhixi sat down on the chair from exhaustion. She really exhausted her mental strength this time, and she didn't know what the result would be.

Artis took out a bottle of spirit recovery potion for her, and watched her drink it before going to test the mutant beast.

Artis raised his eyebrows looking at the test results this time, as if he understood why Xixi was so tired just now, and the results showed that the mutant beast not only retained its abilities, but also raised it by one level.

Artis came over with the test result, slapped it in front of Ji Zhixi, put his hands on her sides, and surrounded her.

"Miss Xixi, please explain what's going on?" Artis said in a low voice.

Ji Zhixi shrank her shoulders, then touched her nose and said: "I just want to experiment! I used the power of wood to help you improve your abilities before, and I think this time I also use the power of wood, so don't waste it. This time I found out that my body didn't get affected after using wood power, only my mental power was exhausted, I swear!"

(End of this chapter)

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