Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 218 Wu Lian's Choice

Chapter 218 Wu Lian's Choice
Artis grabbed her raised swearing hand and pulled her into his arms, "Hee Hee, don't keep doing things that scare me."

"I'm sorry, I'll tell you in advance next time, but I'm really fine, so I can use the power of wood with confidence." Ji Zhixi patted him on the back and said.

"Although you have absorbed the power of the source of life, it doesn't mean that your wood power is inexhaustible, so I don't allow you to use the wood power indiscriminately like this. And you have to undergo a physical examination every time you use it, I You need to monitor your physical condition at any time," Artis said.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you." Ji Zhixi nodded obediently and said.

Artis pulled him to the medical cabin for a full set of detailed inspections, and he was relieved when he found that there was nothing wrong. "The next recovery operation should be in the forest! This way you can absorb the power of wood and reduce mental exhaustion."

"That's right! My marshal is so smart! I didn't even think of it." Ji Zhixi said with a smile, and kept patting Rainbow Fart.

Artis grabbed him and kissed him, "Let me see if there is honey on my mouth, it's so sweet."

Ji Zhixi glared at him with a blushing face, this person kisses even if they don't agree with each other now, what a sweet annoyance.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to dinner first! We still have dance practice in the afternoon!" Artis said while packing his things.

Ji Zhixi suddenly felt that she was busier than before. She had to practice dancing and mechs, she had to restore the experimental body, and she also had to worry about the production. It was easy to go to the forest, hunt, and pick up cubs as agreed at the beginning. What about life?
Hey, Ji Zhixi sighed, the path she chose had to be walked on her knees.

Artis saw her looking unlovable, "Don't want to practice? Then we won't practice."

"No, what I need to practice is my first dance, no matter what, I have to impress everyone. I must practice well." Ji Zhixi said suddenly full of fighting spirit.

Artis pampered her head, "Hee Hee, you just need to do what you want to do, leave everything else to me, don't force yourself, don't have to work hard, I will help you share everything, as long as you are happy."

Such a good fiancé can't be found even with a lantern. Ji Zhixi feels that she is already very happy, and everyone is working hard. Of course, she can't be too decadent. What should be done is still to be done, and she can't waste her time and waste this wonderful life.

"With you here, I don't worry about anything. Anyway, I rely on you. With you around, I am happy every day." Ji Zhixi said happily.

It was the first time that Artis felt that sweet talk could really be intoxicating, so he picked her up and walked towards the dining hall.

"Hey, hey! You put me down, I can walk by myself! Don't do this every time!" Ji Zhixi's anxious voice got farther and farther away, leaving only two intimate figures behind.

For the past two days, Wu Lian locked himself in the room, and rarely came out to communicate with other people. He also stopped for psychotherapy. He said that he wanted to study, but he never came out, and he didn't eat. He seemed to be drinking nutrition. liquid to fill the stomach.

John was a little worried when he knew about it. He came over to ask Wu Lian a few times, but they all said he was fine, so he couldn't bother him anymore.

Wu Lian is indeed learning, but he is learning what he can do after becoming an ordinary person.When he was not taken to the laboratory, he felt that he was an ordinary person, and his brain was not very smart, otherwise he would not have been deceived by that man.

So he wants to see what he can do when he becomes an ordinary person in the future, and what he can rely on to support himself.He also wanted to study more and learn everything first while his mind was better, so as to reduce the pressure later.

Seeing her brother studying day and night, Wu Ai was a little worried. In the evening, she took a midnight snack and knocked on her brother's room. When she went in, she saw that her brother was still studying.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Wu Ai asked.

"It's okay, isn't the assessment coming soon? I want to learn as much as possible, and I'm afraid I won't pass the assessment." Wu Lian said with a smile.

"Liar, my brother is so smart, why do you need to study so hard? You didn't do this before. You must have something to hide from me. Is there something wrong with your health? Brother, we are a family, and I am not a child anymore. I can also take care of my brother, so my brother doesn't have to work so hard." Wu Ai said with tears in her eyes.

Seeing her sister crying, Wu Lian panicked immediately, and quickly wiped her tears, "Xiao Ai, don't cry! Hey, brother is fine, really, don't worry."

"Then tell me, what's going on?" Wu Ai asked.

Wu Lian tugged at her own hair, "Hey, it's actually Miss Zhixi who said she found a way to restore my body."

Wu Ai's eyes lit up immediately, "Really? That's great, but, looking at you like this, is there any side effect? ​​Tell me! I'm ready."

Wu Lian looked at her sister's serious look, and said helplessly, "But after recovering, she will become an ordinary person."

Wu Ai was stunned for a moment, then looked at her brother, and said after a while: "That's it? Nothing else?"

Wu Lian shook her head, why doesn't my sister seem nervous at all?
"My silly brother! We are ordinary people! What are you struggling with? Could it be that you don't want the honor brought by the superpower?" Wu Ai asked.

"Of course not. For me, special recruitment is a recognition of my ability, but I think the greatest luck is to meet everyone. It is the happiest thing to be able to join the Jagged Legion and live with everyone." Wu Lian said immediately.

"That's it. After you become a normal person, you can still stay in Blue Star. We can still live with everyone. Now that Blue Star is short of manpower, the two of us can find jobs no matter what. There are also many soldiers without supernatural powers, even if my brother is an ordinary person, I believe that if you work hard, you can still join, even if you can't hold a high position, you can still do your part!" Wu Ai said.

Yup!My sister is right, he thinks too much and is too anxious, he forgets that they are not what they used to be, and they are not in that slum anymore, they are now in Blue Star, there are so many families here, such a good environment , there is no need to worry about the future life.

In the end, he was also afraid that everyone would be disappointed in him, and he was also worried that he would not be able to accept the gap when he became an ordinary person, but his sister was right, wouldn't this just start all over again?They are just ordinary people, what is there to be afraid of?Just keep trying.

Wu Lian stroked her sister's head, "Thank you, little love, you woke me up."

"Hmph, silly brother, your smart brain can sometimes be stupid, you promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you can't hide it from me, we have to share it together, if you keep it from me, you will treat me as an outsider, and I will be angry I'll ignore you." Wu Ai said angrily.

Wu Lian hurriedly coaxed: "No, no, brother will discuss everything with you in the future, I promise."

(End of this chapter)

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