Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 219 Recovery Surgery

Chapter 219 Recovery Surgery
Wu Ai threw herself into her brother's arms in satisfaction after getting the assurance, "Brother, you should also learn to rely on me and everyone! We are all a family, and it's okay to help each other. Brother John and the others are all worried about you! "

Wu Lian froze for a moment, remembering that John came to ask him several times, all with a very concerned tone, but he refused indifferently, which was really hurtful, so I should ask him to apologize tomorrow.

Wu Lian hugged her sister tightly and said: "Sorry, I understand, I will talk to him tomorrow, thank you, little love, fortunately I have you by my side."

Wu Ai pushed his brother away, "Okay, hurry up and eat the supper! Although the nutrient solution of our Blue Star is better than the nutrient solution outside, it can't compare with real food. You haven't eaten it for two days. Hurry up and go to sleep!"

As Wu Ai said, she pushed the supper in front of him, turned off the learning video, and supervised Wu Lian to finish eating and sleep before leaving.

After she came out of the door, she found John waiting at the door. After he was rejected by Wu Lian before, he was still quite worried. After seeing Wu Ai going in, he wanted to ask about the situation. He would definitely not refuse his own sister.

"Brother John, why are you still here so late? Oh! You are worried about brother, right? Don't worry! He is fine and has fallen asleep." Wu Ai said.

"What's wrong with him? Is there anything I can do for you?" John asked.

"He said that he will tell you again tomorrow, and I won't overstep my authority. Don't worry! It's nothing serious." Wu Ai said.

John nodded reassuringly, and after sending Wu Ai back to the room, he also went back to sleep.

The next day, Wu Lian found John in good spirits, and briefly explained the situation to him. John directly hugged his neck and rubbed his hair, "Good boy, just because of this, I thought something was wrong, I was worried to die."

It was rare for Wu Lian to resist, but said silently: "Sorry, I won't do it next time."

John let go of him and said, "What's the matter, I was an ordinary person before I joined the legion! Look, I can pass the exam with my brain. What are you afraid of?"

Wu Lian looked at John in surprise, and looked him up and down. If he didn't rely on his brain, he probably relied on his well-developed limbs. He also looked at his small and thin body, and decided to start exercising physically today.

So he turned his head and left. John saw that he was inexplicably watching himself turn his head and leave, and quickly grabbed him, "Hey, hey! What's going on with you, don't believe it! I really entered the regiment as an ordinary person !"

Guo Yiming who passed by heard it, nodded and said: "Yes, at that time, many people in the Jagged Legion were recruited as ordinary people, but their abilities were inspired later. Sometimes ordinary people are not necessarily weaker than those with abilities. .”

"And ah! Even if you are an ordinary person, it will be fine to train to become a supernatural person when the time comes. Anyway, Miss Zhixi has a way. What are you worried about? And you are not ordinary people. Who wants to test our legion? Can?"

Wu Lian froze for a moment, yes!I heard that Ms. Zhixi turned Minister Li Huai, who was an ordinary person, into a supernatural person before, so it would be fine if he became an ordinary person, and he would be transformed into a supernatural person again later.

Wu Lian covered her face and suddenly felt like a fool for the past two days, but probably this was also to test him, and indeed made him think a lot, and opened his heart, which is considered a good thing.

"That's right! Why didn't I expect that you are smart, Yiming!" John patted Guo Yiming on the shoulder and said.

"Don't talk about others, how are you doing in your studies? There is still one month to go to the assessment, what about Lian? Is there anything you don't understand? You can ask me." Guo Yiming asked.

"I have already finished my high school knowledge, and I have one month left to finish my college knowledge." Wu Lian said, and then paused, "I will ask you if I don't understand, thank you."

Guo Yiming looked at him in surprise. This kid would say such a thing. It seems that there has been a change, which is a good thing.

"I can't. I'm so overwhelmed. I remember and forget a lot of things. I feel like my head will explode if I read it any more." John said pitifully.

Guo Yiming sighed, "Let me sort out the knowledge points for you tonight! You should focus on memorizing these, if you can't even remember these, you can go away! And Lian, I will also help you sort out, Just look at it carefully before the exam.”

"Yiming, you are amazing! I love you so much!" John embraced him as he said that, but was pushed away by Guo Yiming in disgust.

Seeing the two fighting, Wu Lian felt very happy, and said, "Do you know where the marshal is? I want to talk to him about something."

The two stopped fighting, and Yiming said: "Marshal should be training the mecha with Miss Zhixi at this time, in the mecha training room."

Wu Lian nodded, then turned around and went out to the mech training room, John also followed, let's stay with this kid!In case of anything, he can also help.

When they came to the mecha training room and saw the crescent moon spinning and jumping in the air, they were all stunned.

I heard that Miss Zhixi only started to learn how to drive the mecha a few days ago, but now she is already so slick?It's too bad!Sure enough, they are all mortals!

Wu Lian looked at the handsome posture in the mecha, and couldn't help showing envy in his eyes. John saw his shoulder and said: "Miss Zhixi has asked Dr. Mu to manufacture a large number of mechas. In the future, we will have If you have the opportunity to drive a mecha, you can learn how to drive a mecha when you have time!"

Wu Lian nodded. It would be great if she could really drive a mecha. The mecha is really handsome. Even the female mecha driven by Ji Zhixi is very handsome and beautiful, which is really exciting.

After Ji Zhixi finished her training, everyone gathered around to look at her results, and found that she was already ranked second in the first three stages she passed, second only to Artis, and her results were already very close. This progress is too fast. Let those soldiers who have been training hard for several years lose face.

Artis carried the man off the mech, wiped his sweat, and fed him water. Everyone was used to such dogleg behavior. If there was such a beautiful and powerful fiancée, they would be willing to be loyal dogs.

Ji Zhixi took a rest, saw Wu Lian standing beside her, walked over and asked, "What's the matter? Have you considered it?"

"After thinking about it, I want to restore my normal body." Wu Lian said firmly.

"Even if you can only be an ordinary person?" Ji Zhixi asked back.

"Even if I can only be an ordinary person, I will try my best to make myself better. Here, with everyone, there is nothing to be afraid of. Even ordinary people can live happily here." Wu Lian said.

"Okay, since you have decided, let's have the recovery surgery today!" Ji Zhixi said.

Wu Lian's heart tightened, and finally he was about to return to normal. He looked at his Zerg skin tremblingly. He no longer had to face this ugly body, but faced other people's strange eyes. It was great.

Although he no longer cares about other people's eyes and is used to this body, if he can choose to return to a normal person, he will still choose to be a normal person.

The Zerg genes kept reminding him of the torture he experienced in the laboratory, and those dark days, and he didn't want to think about it at all, so it was best to get rid of these.

(End of this chapter)

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