Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 220 Wu Lian Returns to Normal

Chapter 220 Wu Lian Returns to Normal

"Take a rest first, and then proceed in the afternoon. You are tired after practicing all morning." Artis said.

"I'm not in a hurry, Miss Zhixi, you can have the recovery operation whenever you have time." Wu Lian said hastily.

"It's okay, I'm free, I still have some time, but I really need to take a good rest, after all, this operation will consume a lot of energy, for your own sake, let's do it in the afternoon!" Ji Zhixi said.

Wu Lian nodded, John patted him on the shoulder, "Great, go back and tell Xiao Ai! We will be with you this afternoon."

"Okay." Wu Lian showed a happy smile. John was like discovering a new world. This kid has always been cold. He only smiled occasionally when facing Wu Ai. Now he actually smiled.

John quickly turned on the camera, clicked, and recorded this rare side.

Wu Lian frowned when she heard the sound of taking pictures, and said, "Delete."

"Hey, pity, this is the first time I see you laughing, let's record it! And I took a good picture!" John said.

Wu Lian directly used mental power to control John and deleted the photo. He didn't want to see him now. After the afternoon, he returned to normal. If he wanted to take pictures, he had to take pictures of him after he returned to normal.

John looked at Wu Lian helplessly, "You kid is too much, and you still use mind control on me, can't you speak well?"

Wu Lian ignored him. After saluting Artis and the others, he turned around and went out. John also quickly saluted and then went out.

"Okay, let's go to eat, then go back and have a rest." Artis said.

After Ji Zhixi and the others finished their meal and took a nice nap, they came to the military doctor's office. Wu Lian, Wu Ai and John had been waiting here for a long time. The others also came over when they heard the news. Being able to recover proves that those experimental subjects are still saved.

Artis watched a bunch of people huddled there, and directly asked the military doctor to drive out, leaving only Wu Lian and the military doctor here to prepare for the recovery operation.

Ji Zhixi let him lie on the operating table, smiled and said, "Are you ready?"

Wu Lian took a deep breath and nodded, "Ready."

The military doctor fixed Wu Lian with surgical instruments to prevent him from struggling during the recovery process.

"Next, my mental power will invade every corner of your body, remember not to resist, you must relax, you know?" Ji Zhixi said.

Wu Lian nodded nervously. He thought for a while, "How about anesthesia? Then I won't resist."

Ji Zhixi smiled and said: "In this recovery process, you need to stay awake, and then cooperate with my mental power to restore the cells in your body. This will get twice the result with half the effort. You just need to remember to cooperate with me, and you don't need to think about anything else."

"Okay, I understand." Wu Lian nodded and said, Ji Zhixi stuffed a piece of cloth into his mouth.

Then Ji Zhixi slowly infiltrated Wu Lian's spiritual power into Wu Lian's body. She was rejected at first, but under the comfort of the power of wood, she slowly accepted her spiritual power. Protect up.

Then he started to use the power of wood to restore the gene cells. Wu Lian felt as if his whole body was being pricked by needles. The cells in his body seemed to be divided and swallowed one by one. If it hadn't been fixed, he probably couldn't help but struggle.

"Woo~" Wu Lian clenched the piece of cloth tightly, using all her strength to concentrate her mental strength, and coordinated with Ji Zhixi's mental strength, the severe pain on her body was no less than the feeling during the previous experiment.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help sweating on her forehead. No matter what, Wu Lian is a level 6 supernatural power user, so she has to spend more mental energy to maintain his supernatural power. Seeing his painful appearance, she recovered more carefully. with every cell.

Ji Zhixi carefully restored the cells in Wu Lian's body one by one. Wu Lian also felt that the cells in his body grew rapidly while being swallowed up. The new cells were healed by the power of wood, and the pain was no longer so painful.

Wu Lian also slowly relaxed, and Artis watched his skin slowly return to normal, and the tentacles on his forehead also disappeared, which indicated success.

The military doctor next to him was amazed when he saw it. It was really amazing. It took a long time to undergo cell transformation surgery before. First, kill the Zerg cells in the body, then implant normal cells, and then put the person in the medical cabin for cell fusion.

This may not be completely eliminated, and I worry about whether the Zerg will come back again at any time, because the genes of the Zerg are too strong, their reproductive ability is particularly strong, and they know how to lurk and control.

Like Wu Lian, most of the cells were occupied by Zerg cells. They were helpless, they cleared some of them, and quickly reproduced. The growth rate of the original cells was not fast enough for the Zerg cells to multiply.

Now Miss Zhixi can restore these cells only through supernatural powers. Although the process is a bit painful, it is really powerful, so that those who have been transformed have hope.

The military doctor carefully recorded the process of cell changes on the screen. This historic moment should be recorded and studied well.

Ji Zhixi didn't miss any corner. After recovering Wu Lian's body, she checked it again, and thoughtfully used wood force to cycle for a few more weeks, bringing his body back to life. The severe pain just now seemed like Nanke is like a dream.

After Ji Zhixi stopped, Wu Lian had already fallen asleep in a relaxed state. Because all his mental power was consumed, and the cell regeneration needed a certain amount of time to stabilize and fuse, coupled with the healing power of wood, he fell into a deep sleep. .

Ji Zhixi also fell into Artis's arms with exhaustion, and took a long breath, "Huh, my God! As expected of a level 6 ability, it's really difficult. My mental strength is exhausted. I'm exhausted." gone."

Artis immediately carried him to the chair, and then handed him the spirit recovery potion. Fortunately, this potion was produced by Blue Star and had no side effects. Otherwise, the previous potion would have produced a lot of side effects if he drank it like Ji Zhixi did.

The military doctor quickly took over, took the cloth out of Wu Lian's mouth, and then quickly checked Wu Lian's body, and found that the cells in Wu Lian's body were all normal, and there were no Zerg cells, and the cells in the body seemed to have changed blood, full of vitality .

It's really amazing. It can't be explained by science. It can only be said that this ability is too powerful. It would be great if everyone could have this ability. It's a pity that Ji Zhixi is the only one.

By the way, if she and the marshal get married and have children, maybe she can also inherit this ability. It would be great if she had more children and inherited more. When will they get married?

Ji Zhixi suddenly felt that the military doctor looked at her strangely, what's wrong?Artis also noticed that something was wrong with the military doctor's eyes. When he glanced over, the military doctor immediately put away his salivating eyes and carefully collected Wu Lian's body data.

In addition to the body cells returning to normal, even the supernatural powers are still there. Didn't you say that the supernatural powers will disappear?Everyone is lamenting how sad it is that this level 6 ability is gone. Could it be that this is deliberately said to test Wu Lian?
Maybe this is also part of the special move?Sure enough, he couldn't relax at the critical moment, but seeing Wu Lian's appearance now, the special move was appropriate.

The military doctor released Wu Lian's retainer, then put him into the medical cabin, continued to monitor his body data, and let him take a good rest. He will be very happy when he wakes up.

(End of this chapter)

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