Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 221 Another 1S Mental Power

Chapter 221 Another 3S Mental Power

The military doctor turned his head and looked at the two people who had been showing their affection, hesitant to speak, fearing that if they disturbed them, they would be hammered to death by the marshal.

Seeing his appearance, Ji Zhixi said directly: "Ask whatever you want!"

"Cough, Miss Zhixi, I just want to ask, can this recovery operation be used on those dead soldiers?" The military doctor asked cautiously.

Ji Zhixi thought for a moment, and replied: "If there are still dead men with life characteristics, it should be possible, but I can't help those who are already dead and made into dead men. After all, I don't have the ability to bring the dead back to life."

Hearing this, the military doctor's eyes darkened. It seemed that those teammates could not be saved. They all died and their bodies were used to make dead soldiers.

Ji Zhixi felt helpless looking at his disappointed eyes, she asked Artis: "What are you going to do with those dead men?"

"Let them rest in peace!" Artis said with a serious face.

The military doctor couldn't help but his eyes turned red when he heard that, he quickly turned around, wiped away his tears quietly, and Ji Zhixi also sighed.

What followed was a long silence, only the sound of the equipment operating. Just as Ji Zhixi was thinking about how to break the silence, Wu Lian made a movement, so everyone came forward to watch.

The military doctor also quickly calmed down and recorded Wu Lian's situation. He shouldn't be like this. The dead are dead. Although they are very sad, just like the marshal said, let them rest in peace!We can't put all these pressures and responsibilities on Miss Zhixi, it's already amazing that she can help everyone get back to normal, he really shouldn't do this, he silently reflects on himself.

Wu Lian slowly opened his eyes at this time, he was startled when he saw three pairs of eyes staring at him, looked at himself in the medical cabin and immediately remembered that he had undergone recovery surgery, and immediately raised his hands to check.

Seeing the restored skin, he couldn't help being excited, and touched his head again with trembling hands, but he couldn't help but get red eyes when he didn't touch the tentacles before. It's great, he's back to normal.

Seeing Wu Lian cover his face with both hands excitedly, everyone turned around silently, let him have some time!
After Wu Lian calmed down, everything was normal after the test, and it was found that his mental strength had increased, from 2S to 3S, what a blessing in disguise!
There was another 3S superpower. It seems that their iron-blooded army is expected to continue to grow. The military doctor couldn't help being excited when he thought of this, and immediately reported to Artis after the inspection, "Marshal! Wu Lian's mental power has become 3S .”

Wu Lian, Artis and Ji Zhixi were all stunned, 3S?so smart?It seems that the power of wood is indeed powerful!
After checking with the military doctor, he let him out of the medical cabin, "Congratulations! Wu Lian! Your body has recovered, your powers have been preserved, and your mental power has improved. It's great! Thank you Miss Zhixi and Marshal! "The military doctor patted him on the shoulder and said.

Wu Lian recovered from the shock, felt the supernatural power, it was still there, didn't it mean that the supernatural power would disappear?Has also become a 3S ability user?Isn't that the same as Marshal and Miss Zhixi?It feels like a dream.

He looked at Ji Zhixi and Artis, and knelt down directly.

He was stopped by Artis in time, "The man has gold under his knees, so we don't need you to do such a big gift."

Regardless of Artis' obstruction, Wu Lian knelt down and kowtowed before getting up.

"Marshal, Miss Zhixi, this is a kindness for me to rebuild, Wu Lian can only kneel down to express my gratitude. I will definitely work hard to make myself better in the future and live up to your expectations." Wu Lian solemnly said Said.

Ji Zhixi stepped forward and patted his head, "Xiao Lian, you are only 15 years old! Don't be so old-fashioned. Although we have high expectations for you, you don't need to take all the pressure and responsibility on yourself."

"You are now in Blue Star, in Iron Blood Legion, you have family and friends, everyone will share with you, you just need to grow up happily, and you also hope that your sister can grow up happily, right? Then I hope you will do the same. "

Wu Lian felt a warm current flowing into his heart. This feeling was so good that he couldn't help but blushed again.

At this time, Wu Ai and the others couldn't help but ran in, the afternoon passed, and the time was too long, they rushed in when they saw the military doctor coming out, seeing Wu Lian's eyes were red, thinking that the supernatural power had really disappeared, one after another Step forward to comfort.

"Pity, it's okay, you can practice again after the ability disappears, and how handsome you are now!" John patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Brother, it's okay, Xiao Ai will work hard to become better in the future, don't worry." Wu Ai said.

"It's okay, I think you have studied well recently! Your writing style is also good. I just happen to be short of a civil servant who writes a report. You can definitely do it." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"That's right, don't think that civil servants are ordinary positions. Civil servants are more powerful than us military generals!" Guo Yiming said.

Just as everyone was talking in a hurry, a sudden mental force directly controlled them and made them shut up.

It took a while for everyone to realize that this is mind control. Except for Guo Yiming who knows how to control mind, Wu Lian is the only one present.
John was the first to strangle Wu Lian around his neck and rubbed his head wildly, "Good boy! You've made us worry for so long."

"Oh my God! That mental power was so strong just now! It feels stronger than before. Has your mental power improved?" Jack said.

Guo Yiming also directly stepped forward to tickle him, a group of people besieged him, Wu Lian couldn't help being scratched and couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the military doctor walked in and said in a showy tone: "Wu Lian's mental strength is 3S now!"

"What!" Everyone was stunned when they heard it, this is too heaven-defying!Can recovery surgery improve mental strength?
Everyone immediately looked at Wu Lian with envious and jealous eyes, and then started poking and scratching again, Wu Lian's hair exploded.

Wu Ai had never seen her brother so happy, it was so good, she turned around and walked in front of Ji Zhixi, knelt down again, and was directly pulled into her arms by Ji Zhixi.

Wu Ai was taken aback, Ji Zhixi patted her head and said: "Okay, your brother has already thanked you, there is no need to salute, who taught you, you will kneel if you disagree."

Wu Ai blushed so shyly that she said, "My mother used to say that to express my gratitude to my benefactor, we had to kneel and kowtow to express our gratitude."

Ji Zhixi shook her head helplessly, pinched her small face and said, "It's not necessary here with us, if you want to thank us, just live a good life and grow up happily."

Except for her mother and brother, Wu Ai has never been so close to anyone else. She really likes Miss Zhixi. She is so beautiful, so strong, and so kind. Her embrace is so warm, she is reluctant to leave.

Suddenly, she felt a terrifying gaze, and when she looked up, Marshal Artis looked at her expressionlessly, which made her quickly withdraw from Ji Zhixi's arms in fright.

"Anyway, thank you Miss Zhixi, we will definitely repay you in the future." Wu Ai said with a bow, and then ran back to her brother.

Ji Zhixi cast a glance at Artis, "Why are you scaring this little girl, you can't even hug her."

Artis hugged her into his arms, "You can only hug me." Ji Zhixi gave him a blank stare.

"Marshal, you haven't tested your mental strength for a long time. Even Wu Lian's mental strength has increased. I don't know if yours has also increased." The military doctor asked.

"I'll find a time to do the test." Artis said, and the military doctor nodded in satisfaction after listening.

(End of this chapter)

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