Chapter 222 Rainy Day

Everyone trampled Wu Lian hard, let him beg for mercy before letting him go, and then walked to Ji Zhixi.

"Miss Zhixi, did the recovery operation for Lian affect you? You must be very tired after the operation, you should go to rest quickly!" Jiang Yuxuan said.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that my mental strength is exhausted, but I'm really tired." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"The marshal, hurry up and take Miss Zhixi back to rest! I'll send someone to deliver dinner." John said.

"Alright, Jiang Yuxuan, leave the rest to you," Artis said.

"Understood." Jiang Yuxuan said at attention.

Artis picked up the man and walked out, Ji Zhixi was too lazy to stop him, now everyone knew that she hung on Artis like a pendant all day long, and yawned in his arms.

"Tired? Go to bed when you're tired! Get to the room soon." Artis said with quicker pace.

So Ji Zhixi rubbed his chest, closed her eyes and fell asleep, so she didn't see the worried eyes of Artis.

She looked tired now, just like she did after using wood power. Although she kept saying that there was no problem, he was still worried, where is there a free lunch in this world? 3S mental power is improved if it is improved?
It seems that he still has to find other ways to restore the experimental subject. He doesn't want his baby to have any problems.

After Artis and the others left, everyone immediately asked the military doctor about the detailed process, and when they learned that the brothers who were made into dead soldiers were not rescued, everyone fell silent.

The military doctor comforted: "Don't be like this, aren't we soldiers ready to sacrifice long ago? And we can't put pressure on Miss Zhixi just because we don't want our teammates to sacrifice."

"You know Miss Zhixi's character, if she can, she will definitely want to save everyone more than us, but think about it, let's not talk about returning to life, it's as simple as restoring Wu Lian and improving her spiritual power ?"

"Although Miss Zhixi said that it will not affect her body, I can see that the marshal is very worried. If this damages Miss Zhixi's body, that would be the worst."

"Actually, Miss Zhixi has absolutely no responsibility to restore these people! So we can't behave like this, it will bring a lot of pressure to Miss Zhixi."

When everyone heard the military doctor's words, they immediately felt that it made sense. Miss Zhixi had already sacrificed for everyone once, and she couldn't be hurt for everyone again.

Such a heaven-defying ability cannot be used all the time, just like resources, if they are not properly protected, they will be exhausted one day.

"We still need to continue to study other recovery methods. No matter how difficult it is, we can't give up. We can't rely on Miss Zhixi just because of her abilities. With so many experimental subjects, her body may really not be able to bear it if they have to recover one by one." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Yes, the marshal also meant the same thing, so we still need to continue researching. We can use Miss Zhixi's ability as a reference. As long as we find a way to accelerate cell growth, we can still recover through science and technology." The military doctor said.

After Wu Lian listened to everyone's words silently, he made a decision in his heart. He wanted to study medicine in the future, specializing in the research of gene cells, and he also wanted to do his part.

He walked towards the military doctor: "Uncle Potter, can I learn medical skills from you?"

Potter froze for a moment, "Xiao Lian wants to study medicine?" Everyone stopped discussing when they heard that.

Wu Lian nodded, "I want to study medicine, and I also want to study research. I hope to join the research on the recovery of experimental subjects in the future."

Everyone understands when they hear this, and Potter nodded: "I understand, but Xiao Lian, you want to participate in research, not just as simple as studying medicine, but more in favor of human cell research, biomedical engineering, etc. This The learning process is long and complicated, can you persevere?"

Wu Lian nodded, and Potter saw this and asked, "What about the special move? Are you not going to participate?"

Wu Lian was stunned, yes!If he wants to take the path of research, he will definitely not be able to take care of the legion.

Jiang Yuxuan saw his contradiction and patted him on the shoulder, "What's the matter! You get admitted first, and the position can be adjusted later. If you are really talented in this area, you can continue to study with Dr. Porter. Come back and fight with us."

"Yes, anyway, our Iron Blood Legion has all kinds of positions. As long as you work hard, you can develop in both aspects, and you will not fall behind in combat and research." John said.

Guo Yiming patted him on the head, "You think it's so simple! You're exhausted by concentrating on studying, and you want to take care of both sides. You won't be able to learn any of them later. Pity, I suggest you focus on one thing after you decide. it is good."

"It doesn't matter, let's try it first! Isn't it! Lian is so smart!" Jack said.

Wu Ai is very happy to see that her brother has found her goal, and she has to think about what she wants to do.

"Brother, you should finish the course first, pass the special examination first, and then study with Uncle Potter." Wu Ai said.

"Xiao Ai is right, Xiao Lian, you are still young, and it will take a long time! Don't worry, lay a solid foundation first, so that learning later will not be so difficult." Potter said.

So Wu Lian nodded, "Okay, I'm busy, everyone is hungry all afternoon, let's go eat quickly!" John said.

"What are you busy with? Doctor Potter is busy!" Jack said mercilessly.

"Haha!" Everyone's fights gradually faded away.


Ji Zhixi was awakened by the sound, and opened her eyes to find the four little ones sleeping soundly beside her.

She looked at them amusedly, she hadn't seen anyone every day recently, and went to the forest all day, what kind of treasure did she find, and she made herself so tired.

She didn't intend to wake them up, so she built a soundproof shield for them to let them sleep soundly.

Looking at the time, it turned out that it was past nine o'clock in the morning, and it seemed that she had slept for a long time.

Turning to look at the window, it was raining!Blue Star has not rained for a long time!It was eroded by the mutated virus before, and the climate of Blue Star was out of balance. It will only rain partially after repairs later, and the rain in the hopeless area is still relatively sufficient.

But the rainwater that fell before was unusable. I don’t know how it is now?Because Blue Star no longer has mutated viruses, all the plants have regenerated, and the water and soil have all been restored. It is estimated that the climate will gradually return to normal.

Seeing that the rain is getting heavier and heavier, I don't know if the crops outside have been affected.

At this moment, the door opened slightly, and Ji Zhixi found that Tang Xin was actually in the shape of a beast. She hadn't seen her in the shape of a beast for a long time, and she felt a little nostalgic.

It may be because her body problem has been solved, and her animal shape has also begun to grow, a circle bigger than before, but still very cute.

Seeing that Ji Zhixi was awake, Tang Xin ran over and jumped into her arms, "Sister-in-law, are you awake? Didn't Xinxin wake you up?"

"No, I just woke up by myself, why did Xinxin change back to the animal shape? Is there something uncomfortable?" Ji Zhixi said while checking her body.

"It's okay, it's just that it's raining, and I feel lazy, like sleeping, so it's more comfortable to change back to the animal shape." Tang Xin stretched her waist as she said.

(End of this chapter)

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