Chapter 223 Surprise
"Heh, this kind of weather really makes people drowsy! Look at these ones, how soundly they are sleeping." Ji Zhixi pointed to the ones next to them.

"They've been acting mysterious lately, and they won't tell me when I ask them what they're doing. They're forming a gang and excluding me, hmph," Tang Xin said.

"Haha, I was also excluded, and I don't know what they are doing recently." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"Ah? Even my sister-in-law doesn't know, that's fine! How about I follow them secretly next time to see what secrets they have." Tang Xin said.

"That's fine. I'm also very curious about what they are doing." Ji Zhixi said to Tang Xinshun.

Tang Xin was so comfortable that the whole animal relaxed, spread out into a tiger skin, squinted her eyes and said, "It's so comfortable, my sister-in-law hasn't massaged me for a long time, if my brother sees it, he will throw me out again."

"Where did Artis go?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It's raining heavily outside. I'm afraid that the rain will get heavier and heavier, and I don't know how long it will last, so my brother ordered everyone to cover the crops. Some places should be protected from floods, and some places should be protected from rain with defensive covers." Tang Xin said.

"Then you throw the work to Xiao Huai and dodge it by yourself?" Ji Zhixi pinched her ear and said.

"Oh, I don't need to do anything about such a trivial matter. Besides, I'm exhausted from practicing dance every day these days. I need to take a good rest." Tang Xin said.

"Who will practice dancing with you? To what extent?" Ji Zhixi has also practiced dancing every day recently, and has already achieved some results.

"Li Huai! We are about the same height, and we know each other better, and he knows how to do it, let him teach me! Although Grandpa Chris said he would teach me, but I can't bear to step on him, so it's better to dance with Li Huai. "

"Don't tell me, he's pretty good. He didn't say anything after being stepped on by me so many feet, and he taught me patiently. For the sake of his hard work, I will give him my first dance at the prom." It's gone." Tang Xin said, wagging her tail.

Ji Zhixi looked at her amusedly, "Then what if he didn't come to invite you to dance?"

"What? If he's so ignorant, I'll ignore him in the future. No, that wood may be really embarrassed. It seems that I have to remind him." Tang Xin said.

Pooh!Ji Zhixi couldn't help laughing out loud, she was so cute, then hugged Tang Xin and ruaed wildly again.

Feeling the long-lost technique, Tang Xin froze for a moment in the mess, then shook her head, "Sister-in-law, my hair is all messed up."

"Cough, don't worry, I will comb it for you." She took out a comb and helped her comb it.

Tang Xin obediently turned into a tiger-skin blanket again, and asked Ji Zhixi to comb her hair well.

Suddenly the door was opened, Tang Xin's body froze, she looked at the door, it was indeed her brother!

Artis walked over and looked down at her coldly. She immediately jumped up with interest and ran to the door, "Sister-in-law, I'm back to work! I'll play with you next time."

Then he slipped away all at once, and closed the door with a bang, which made people anxious.

Ji Zhixi tapped his chest with a comb, "Why do you always scare her? No one will let me hug, and won't you let me hug after the baby is born?"

Artis grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms, "Xixi, is this reminding me to put the marriage on the agenda as soon as possible?"

"Don't misinterpret my meaning!" Ji Zhixi said, clapping his hand.

"Although I really want to marry Xixi as soon as possible, I still have to prepare well, and after getting married, I don't want cubs to disturb our two-person world so soon. Anyway, we still have a long life span, so we shouldn't get married so early. Cubs," Artis said.

"That's right, we are still young anyway, and there are already many children here to raise, so let's not be in a hurry." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

At this time, Xiao Shen and the others also woke up, watching Ji Zhixi and the others speak but couldn't hear the sound, thinking that there was something wrong with their body.

Seeing this, Ji Zhixi opened the defensive cover, "Are you awake?"

They were relieved when they heard Ji Zhixi's voice, it turned out that it was this thing that prevented them from hearing.

Ji Zhixi watched the four little ones wake up, and told them to sit in a row, "Come on, tell me, what have you been doing without telling me all this time? Be honest and be lenient!"

The four little ones look at me, I look at you, Xiao Jin scratched his head, and finally thought about it, anyway, sooner or later, he will give it away, since you asked, let's give it away now!So they took out their small backpacks one after another.

Ji Zhixi looked at the four cute little backpacks in front of her, "What are these? So cute, who gave them to you?"

"This is made by my aunt. I saw Xiao Hei running to the forest every day to collect crystal nuclei, but I didn't have anything to put it in, so I made a small backpack for it, which is a nano-space." Artis said.

"Really? Mom's hands are so skillful. They look so good. I'll ask her to make one for me some other day." Ji Zhixi said.

"I've done it. My aunt said that everyone has a share. When the family goes out together, they can recite it. It's very beautiful." Artis said.

"Mom is really thoughtful. I will ask her later. Then, have you gone to collect crystal nuclei these days? There is no need to be so mysterious, and you can call other people!" Ji Zhixi said.

Judging by the way they squeaked, it seemed that there were more than just crystal nuclei, and Artis motioned her to open it.

So she opened the nanospace and took out the contents, and in an instant the whole room was flooded with flowers.

They seem to be sitting in a sea of ​​flowers, surrounded by all kinds of flowers, very beautiful, it can be seen that these flowers are carefully picked, each is different, and it seems that they have used a special ability to preserve them very good.

The four little ones got out, Xiao Hei rolled up a white rose with a vine, Xiao Shen rolled up a daisy with its tentacles, Xiao Jin grabbed a peony, Yinyin carefully picked up a lily, and they all took the flower Give it to Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help the tears in her eyes. It turned out that they went out early and returned late every day, just to find flowers for her and to surprise her.Knowing that she likes flowers, she also found all kinds of flowers, how could she have such a caring baby.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help holding them all in her arms, "Thank you, I really love you, my little ones."

The little ones were also very happy to see Ji Zhixi being so happy and being praised.

Artis was unhappy, feeling that before the child was born, there were already many people, no, many beasts competing with him.

Although he was jealous, he didn't stop him, and silently picked up the bracelet to record everything. In the sea of ​​flowers, Ji Zhixi hugged the little guys and smiled happily. Artis couldn't help but also hugged Ji Zhixi into his arms, and then left Photos of the next family of 6.

Ji Zhixi looked at these flowers and thought it was amazing, "Where did you pick the flowers from? You didn't run all over the forest, did you? Next time you bring me, I will pick them too and bring them back to plant."

Xiao Shen took out another nano-space from the sea of ​​flowers, and pointed to the inside.

It was only then that Ji Zhixi realized that in addition to picking the flowers, they also collected the whole plants for planting in the base.Because Ji Zhixi had said before that she liked flowers and wanted to plant flowers in the base, so under the guidance of Xiao Shen, they transplanted every kind of flower they encountered into the nano space.

Ji Zhixi couldn't help but kissed one by one, "You guys are really amazing! It's all thanks to you that our base is beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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