Chapter 224
Not to be outdone, Xiao Hei scooped up another nanoscale and gave it to her.

Only then did she realize that this space was full of crystal nuclei, "My God! Is it full? Have you collected all the crystal nuclei in the forest? It's really hard for you."

She touched their heads, "I like your surprise very much, but next time you can ask other people to go together, so that you won't be so tired."

The four little ones nodded. It was really tiring during this period. Fortunately, their abilities are relatively strong, otherwise they would not be able to collect so many in a short time.

However, the crystal nuclei must not be collected yet, but the space is full. After all these crystal nuclei are given to Ji Zhixi, they will continue to be collected.

"Artis, please help me process these flowers! I want to keep them in this beautiful state forever, and then put them at home to collect these gifts." Ji Zhixi said happily.

"Okay." Artis nodded.

"How's the rain outside?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It won't stop for a while, and the weather monitoring is estimated to be down for a few days, so we have already taken measures, and there is no problem for the time being, and we will always monitor the situation in various places." Yatis said.

"That's good, but we can't go out when it's raining, so what should we do?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Then let's deal with these flowers first! I'll ask the people in the laboratory to bring some immortality potions." Artis said.

This immortality agent has the function of keeping objects from decaying and maintaining their original state. This substance is also harmless to the human body. Many specimens are made and collected using this immortality agent.Of course, this kind of chemical agent is for collection and is not edible.

"Artis, post the photos you just took in the group, let everyone come over and help arrange the flowers!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay." Then Artis silently picked out a photo of him hugging Ji Zhixi intimately and posted it.

[Arrogant:? ? ? 】

[The fate is you: ah!These flowers are so beautiful! 】

[Invincible: I seriously suspect that this is a show of affection! 】

[Wen Yan: Wow!These flowers are so beautiful, are they sent by the marshal?Envy~]

[Mrs. Tang: Wow!so beautiful!Where did the flowers come from?It's even more beautiful than the flowers on Hemla before! 】

[Miss Tang: Did my brother drive me away just to send flowers to my sister-in-law?I'm really eccentric, I want it too! 】

[Jiang Yuxuan: Did you propose?Is this going to be a congratulatory gift? 】

[Xia Xia: This flower is so beautiful!But people are more delicate than flowers, we Xixi are so beautiful! 】

[Spirited and dignified: Yo!Sending flowers is so romantic!Rare! 】


While everyone was discussing, Artis' bracelet also received a lot of information.

[Mr. Tang: Hurry up and send me the location of the flower. 】

[Liu Jianwei: Marshal, where did you pick your flowers? 】

[Leng Ran: Marshal, where did you pick your flowers? 】

[Ji Chenghan: Artis, where did you pick the flowers? 】

Before Artis replied, Ji Zhixi told everyone the truth in the group.

[Hustle and bustle: Xiao Shen, Xiao Hei, Xiao Jin and Yinyin went to the forest to pick this for me. The little guys have been busy for several days!I plan to keep these flowers well, everyone can come and help when you have time, there are still many flowers that need to be planted! 】

[Hustle and bustle: first come, first served, those who come first can take the flowers back to plant~ It’s best to bring tools! 】

After Ji Zhixi finished sending, Artis' bracelet received many more messages.

Mr Tang retracted a message.

Liu Jianwei retracted a message.

Coldly withdrew a message.

Ji Chenghan retracted a message.

[President Pan: Oh!Am I missing something?These flowers are so beautiful! 】

[Wen Yan: Let's go there right away!Leave me some flowers! 】

[The fate is you: first come, first served, I have already arrived at the door!haha~]

[Tian Tian Xiang Xiang: I've prepared the tools, you don't even know how to plant them, leave them to us! 】

【John: So it wasn't a marriage proposal?I thought so! 】

[Ji Chenghan: It seems that Artis, you don't have a few little romances yet! 】


Artis looked at the messages silently, then turned off the bracelet.

After a while, a lot of people came to the room, some of them came to join in the fun, because it was raining and there was nothing to do.

We moved the flowers to the yard, because the yard was big enough, even if we opened the rain cover, we couldn't get out of the rain, so we sat on the ground and arranged the flowers.

"Hee Hee, what are you going to do with these flowers?" Lisa asked.

"I want to use immortality agent to preserve these flowers first, and then I can make some specimens, flower baskets, or flower arrangements." Ji Zhixi said.

"Sister Zhixi, why don't you turn some into paintings! Like roses, you can put them on the drawing board, but there are so many here, you can make them into a wall, it must look good." Ji Yuan said.

"That's right! It just so happens that the wall over there is big enough to be glued on. The finished product must look good." Xia Jinxuan said.

"It's a good idea, let's do it! These long-stemmed flowers are suitable for flower arrangement, who knows how to arrange flowers?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"I will, I will!" Bai Genghuai raised his hand and said.

Everyone was surprised to hear that?It is really rare for boys to be able to arrange flowers.

"How do you know how to arrange flowers? Does your family raise you as a girl? Although you look a bit like a girl when you are white and clean." John said.

"Fuck you, you're just like a girl! I was too naughty when I was young, and my mother loved flower arrangement, so my mother sent me to practice flower arrangement. It's a beautiful name, cultivating the mind and nature." Bai Geng said angrily.

"Haha, it seems that the flower arrangement didn't take your temper away!" Jack said.

"I guess I was lucky enough to arrange flowers, otherwise the chances would be even more escaped." Jiang Chen said.

Bai Genghuai punched Jiang Chen, "Let you talk nonsense!"

He was caught by Jiang Chen, "Okay, stop making trouble, we are here to help, arrange flowers, right? Let's go, find some vases first."

"Hey, let me tell you, I like to use pots for flower arrangement! The flowers are so domineering! I don't know if there are any good-looking pots, if not, I will order now." Bai Genghuai said.

"Fortunately, I left a lot of flower pots there, which can be used now," Zhan Bei said.

"There are so many flowers, it will probably take a lot of time to plant them. It's really embarrassing for these little guys to collect so many." Xiang Nange said.

"They are very powerful!" Wen Yan praised, and the four little ones couldn't help but raise their heads, looking very proud.

"There are so many flowers, why don't we find a place to put them, and hold a flower viewing conference in the future!" Ji Chengxuan said.

"Uncle, this is a good idea! In the future, our Blue Star can also plant flowers, and maybe even surpass Hemla Star. Anyway, no one dares to buy flowers from their planet now." Ji Yuan said.

Ji Chengxuan rubbed his chin and said: "Actually, they are quite pitiful. The conspiracy of the elders' association and the laboratory has caused them to almost have no source of income for the entire planet. If we really want to plant flowers and plants, we can actually consider working with the sea. Mula star cooperation."

"Anyway, they have ready-made land, manpower, tools, etc., and they have rich experience in planting flowers. Our cooperation with them now is equivalent to helping them, and we will definitely be able to get them at the lowest price."

"It really fell into the money bag, thinking about money in everything." Ji Chenghan said.

"What's the matter, Cheng Xuan is capable, can you save so much money?" Xia Jinxuan asked him with a blank look.

"Okay, Ma'am is right." Ji Chenghan said immediately.

Ji Chengxuan gave his second brother a blank look, really unprincipled.

(End of this chapter)

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