Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 225 Arranging Flowers

Chapter 225 Arranging Flowers
"Is the condition of Planet Hemla very bad now?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Yes, since the Gelaohui incident broke out, no one is willing to cooperate with them. All their flowers have been destroyed, and no one dares to take them even if they replant them. People on their planet basically only know how to grow flowers."

"Other planets are not willing to sell goods to them. Only some small planets are willing to sell them at high prices. If this goes on for a long time, it will definitely end soon." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"You can't kill a person on a boat with a stick. If possible, uncle, we can go to the field to investigate the current land situation on Hemla Star. If there is no problem, we can indeed discuss cooperation."

"We can rent their land and people to grow flowers, and we provide plants." Ji Zhixi said.

"But, their land is definitely not as good as our Blue Star's, right? The flowers they grow are certainly not as beautiful as our Blue Star's flowers." Xiang Nange said.

"So I want to go to investigate first. I think Hemla planet can mainly plant flowers. Their land is definitely not bad. And we can study hybridization. Maybe if we hybridize the words of the two planets, we will grow For more beautiful flowers, we can also find ways to increase the energy value of their land."

"If we're going to develop at that time, is Grandpa Xiang interested in leading the team?" Ji Zhixi asked with a smile.

"Hey, it's good to leave these things to young people. I'm about to retire, so I can see Xiaobai." Xiang Nange said while stroking his beard.

Bai Genghuai didn't know that he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and he didn't know that he was cheated by the president until he was sent to Hemla.

"By the way, uncle, I heard that after our products started selling, many nutrient solution companies are going to close down. You can consider whether to buy these companies and use them as our future distribution stores!" Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Chengxuan nodded, "It's also possible, or some people still like to drink nutrient solution. We can also use our ingredients to make it and continue to sell nutrient solution. This is also a way."

"There are many ways, so I will trouble you guys to investigate and discuss." Ji Zhixi said.

"It's easy for you girl, leave everything to us!" Ji Chengxuan said, poking her forehead.

"Hee hee! That's why there are so many capable people around me! I'm so happy." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"Hee Hee, the immortality potion is here, come on, put on your gloves first." Artis said as he handed over the gloves.

Ji Zhixi took the gloves and put them on, and then Artis demonstrated to her, "First dilute the immortality agent in water, then put the flowers in and soak for 5 minutes. Generally, a bottle of immortality agent can soak 100 flowers. "

"Then let's divide the work and cooperate! Some people make flowers, and some people are responsible for sticking flowers." Ji Zhixi said.

"Then my father and I will go clubbing!" Xia Jinxuan said.

"We're also here to help soak flowers," Lisa said.

"I'll be in charge of diluting the potion!" Wu Lian said.

"Then we'll be in charge of planting flowers! Xiao Shen, planting is your strong point, come and help us!" Xiang Nange said.

Xiao Shen nodded, and then Wen Yan, Leng Ran, the Pharmacists Guild, and the Purifiers Guild were in charge of planting.

So everyone quickly divided the labor and cooperated to dilute the immortality agent in a large basin, then soak the flowers in it, take it out after 5 minutes, and find that the flowers are more colorful and beautiful after being soaked in water. This state is really great!
Then John and others moved the soaked flowers to the wall, and then Ji Yuan, Tang Xin, and Wu Ai were in charge of gluing the flowers. Because the wall was relatively high, they brought a ladder and glued the upper part first.

Ji Yuan first coated the wall with special glue, and then glued the flowers on it. Liu Jianwei protected the wall from below, and then helped hand the flowers up.

Tang Xin and Wu Ai are in charge of the following parts, one is responsible for applying glue and the other is responsible for sticking. They cooperate very tacitly.

Bai Genghuai also brought many vases and flower pots here, and collected many branches and leaves, vines, sedges, etc., for matching.Take the soaked flowers and pick them slowly, then start to arrange the flowers in a decent way, and quickly insert a pot,
The flower arrangement shows the graceful lines and natural posture of the flower.

It can be seen that this flower arrangement technique is still very good. Jiang Chen took a transparent glass pot, spread some stones on the bottom, and then picked some brightly colored roses, carnations, stars, peacocks, chrysanthemums, sedges, etc. pile up.

It looked disorganized, but the final product was also very beautiful. Jiang Hong ran over to take a look and liked it very much. She asked Jiang Chen if she could give this potted flower to her. She wanted to put it in the dormitory.

Bai Genghuai immediately pushed him away, "Look at my pot, how pretty I am! Why do you want him?"

Jiang Hong looked at the flowers he had inserted, "It's good-looking, but it's not suitable for a small place like a dormitory."

"Then I'll put in another pot for you, I guarantee you will like it, it looks better than this." Bai Genghuai said.

Jiang Hong looked at Jiang Chen, he didn't seem to have any objection, so he had no choice but to say: "That's all right!"

Then Bai Genghuai quietly put away the flowers that Jiang Chen inserted, and said to him: "Don't be ashamed of your work, just help me trim the flowers."

Jiang Chen has long been used to Bai Genghuai's unreasonable troubles, without saying a word, he passed the flowers in silently, Bai Genghuai was taken aback for a moment, took the flowers, and then began to mutter again, "I am doing this for your own good, flower arrangement is a skill, If you don’t insert it well, you will be laughed at.”

"Since you want to arrange flowers so much, let me teach you, come on, watch!" Bai Genghuai began to demonstrate to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen listened silently, and then nodded from time to time. Chris quietly found a corner and arranged flowers. Flower arrangement is also his strong point. As an excellent housekeeper, how can he not know how to arrange flowers?When the time comes, put it in the ladies' rooms after plugging it in. It must look good.

Unknowingly, a morning passed, looking at the flower wall that was almost paved, Ji Zhixi liked it more and more.

Xiaojin, Xiaohei and Yinyin were also watching by the side, helping to pass flowers from time to time, and other people who had finished their work also came to watch.

On both sides of the flower wall, Xiang Nange also planted two rows of flowers, like a flower road leading to this beautiful flower wall.

It looked so dreamy, and everyone who saw it felt amazing, and everyone turned on the camera to take pictures.

Ji Zhixi was considering whether to build something to surround her, worried that if she was exposed to wind, sun and rain outside, even her eternal life would be destroyed.

As if understanding what she was thinking, Wen Yan walked over and said, "Why don't you make this a glass room, a flower room, so that you can see the flowers inside from the outside. Make a passage leading to here, and then you can Enjoy the flowers and drink tea here."

Ji Zhixi's eyes lit up, and she said with a smile: "That's a good idea, Wen Yan, you're so smart!"

Artis understood, and immediately sent a message to Chairman Pan, asking him to prepare to build a flower room.

(End of this chapter)

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