Chapter 226
"Fortunately, my yard is big enough, otherwise I wouldn't be able to build it. You can take back the flowers that are planted in the flower pots and the ones that have been placed. It must be very nice to arrange." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's for sure, I've already grabbed several pots." Wen Yan said with a smile.

"Pfft, with so many of you, is there enough?" Ji Zhixi said.

"It's okay, I just made an agreement with the little ginseng, take me to the forest tomorrow, and then pick more flowers to cultivate, and then there will be a lot of flowers, no need to grab, everyone will have a share." Xiang Nange said.

"Oh, it's different when there are flowers. You see, it becomes exquisite and beautiful immediately." Zhan Bei said.

"Hey, I think of my garden. It's a pity that it disappeared after taking care of it for decades," Lisa said.

"It's okay, I'll pick all kinds of flowers and bring them back to you tomorrow, and I promise to plant a garden for you again." Tang Haotian said.

He has already built another house on the base, and he still wants to have his and his wife's private space, and to surprise her with a garden when the time comes.

"Hey, I'm here! I'm here! Let me see!" President Pan hurried over with someone, "Oh! It's so beautiful! It's the first time I've seen so many flowers. The species seem to be different from the flowers on Planet Hemla."

President Pan walked around while talking, and then began to measure the size. Everyone went up to give him suggestions, and he drew the design while thinking.

"Xixi, everyone has been busy all morning, let's go eat first! Let's do it after dinner." Xia Jinxuan said.

"Oh! It's already so late, that's right, let's go eat first!" Ji Zhixi said.

"I've already asked the people in the cooking class to bring food over, let's eat here!" Artis said.

At this time, the cooking team had already delivered the food, and Jiang Yuxuan and the others directly set up tables and chairs in the yard, so it was more convenient to eat in the yard.

"I'll go see what there is to eat." Ji Zhixi said and walked over.

Looking at the table full of food, Ji Zhixi wanted to drool, and her stomach started to feel hungry, "Xiao Li, your cooking skills are getting better and better! Not bad!"

"It's all taught by Ms. Zhixi, and I'm learning from Mr. Dai recently." Xiao Li said with a smile.

"Mr. Dai? Have you worshiped Grandpa Dai as your teacher? Then you have to study hard! He has real skills." Ji Zhixi said.

"It's not about apprenticeship, it's about learning online. There are Dai Lao's courses online, but they are the most advanced. You can only learn after completing the previous courses." Xiao Li said.

"Yeah, yeah! We're all short of lessons, but Xiao Li is the fastest. He can already learn Mr. Dai's lessons. We have to hurry up." The others said.

"How about the online courses now? Are there many people studying?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"A lot, especially the introductory courses. Basically, everyone has gone to study. Especially after the sales of Blue Star products, I heard that the number of people who signed up for the chef qualification certification has increased a lot. Dai Lao is in charge of the interviewer, so he has no time to come. , otherwise he would have said that he would come to Blue Star." Xiao Li said.

"That's a good thing. Your family and friends can also dig more to see if there are any good cooks, and let them be chefs when opening restaurants in the future." Ji Zhixi said.

"Open a restaurant? Is Miss Zhixi planning to open a restaurant?" Xiao Li asked.

"That's right! When our Blue Star opens up, more and more people will be able to eat and drink! All the supporting facilities will be built, so those who have passed the chef qualification certificate will have the opportunity to come to our Blue Star. Xing has become a chef." Ji Zhixi said.

"My cousin's cooking skills are also good, so I quickly asked her to sign up!" Xiao Li said excitedly.

"My brother can do it too! Don't miss such a good opportunity." Others said one after another.

"Miss Zhixi, my mother is also good at cooking, I was taught by her, but can I be older?" one of the soldiers asked.

"As long as you are in good health and can withstand the intensity of the work, anyone who meets the requirements is fine. But your mother is getting old, shouldn't you let her rest?" Ji Zhixi said.

"My mother is healthier than me, but she often doesn't see me and keeps talking about it. If she can come to Blue Star, she will be very happy." The soldier said with a smile.

"No problem, your family members can take over. As long as everyone abides by the law and doesn't break our rules, I welcome them all. I hope everyone can find a job they like in Blue Star." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's great, thank you Miss Zhixi!" Everyone happily thanked her.

"Okay, just go to Wen Yan to discuss these matters, let's eat first." Artis said coldly beside him.

That cold look seemed to be saying, if you say one more word, my wife will kill you if you become hungry.

Everyone shivered immediately, set the table and chopsticks, and called others to come over for dinner.

"When I saw these roses, I thought of flower cakes. Xiao Li, let's make some flower cakes in the afternoon! It's also good to eat flower cakes while enjoying the flowers, but you need to make rose sauce first." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, Miss Zhixi, don't worry leave it to me! I'll make the preparations first, and you guys eat slowly." Xiao Li said.

"Oh, I've been busy all morning, and my old back hurts. I need to lie down later." Xiang Nange walked over and said, beating his waist.

Seeing this, Ji Zhixi walked over and helped him heal his waist, and then he immediately came alive, "Haha, girl, don't waste your energy, I'll just go to the medical cabin and lie down for a while, this old man is like this."

"That's right, why are you so hypocritical!" Zhan Bei walked over and said.

"Oh, it seems that this farm work is not easy! It's not easier than fighting." John and the others said.

"Looking at those beautiful flowers, I feel that the whole morning's hard work is worth it." Wen Yan said.

Leng Ran directly wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hands, and Wen Yan hurriedly took the tissue next to him to wipe his hands, and then wiped his own sweat.

"Xiao Yuan, Xin Xin, Xiao Ai, Xiao Jin, Yin Yin, Xiao Shen, Xiao Hei, stop busy, wash your hands and come over to eat!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

Ji Zhixi walked to Lisa and the others, "My gentlemen and ladies, don't be too busy, come and eat quickly!"

"Okay, let's wash our hands first," Lisa said.

"That's right, hurry up and wash your hands, don't keep everyone waiting." Tang Haotian said.

"President Pan, let's finish the meal before we start the flower room!" Ji Zhixi shouted.

"Hey! Okay, right now, I'll call someone to deliver the materials for me first." Peter said.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, washed their hands, and sat down to eat. After a busy morning, the food tasted delicious, and they all wanted to eat quickly and make the rest.

Seeing that everyone likes flowers so much, she feels that when the time comes to start flower cultivation, she must choose a place and build a secret garden or garden castle, which will definitely attract many people to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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