Chapter 228 Little Story

"By the way, uncle, will this rainy day affect our product sales? With such heavy rain, we can't go out to pick. Will some of them be damaged by the rain?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"When it started to rain, Xueqing was worried that this would happen, so she hurriedly organized all of us and the machines to pick the vegetables and fruits that could be picked first, and the goods were enough for us to pre-sell, just looking at the rain, The next batch of pre-sales will have to be suspended for a while.”

"Xueqing also caught a cold because of the rain, and she is resting now." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Oh, it's really hard for my cousin, so I have to send some flower cakes to see her." Ji Zhixi said.

"Later! She is resting now, and I will go over with you to have a look at it in the evening." Xia Jinxuan said.

Ji Zhixi nodded, then sat down with everyone to eat flower cakes and drink tea, and asked, "Where are Artis and the others?"

"I'm probably busy. I think John and the others were also called away just now. Huh! This flower cake is delicious. I didn't expect flowers to be eaten too. I'll bring some for him later." Wen Yan said.

"Brother Leng is busy too? Wasn't he still there just now?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Yes, they were called away together just now." Wen Yan said.

"Is something wrong?" Ji Zhixi said worriedly.

"What big things can happen, we have so many people, we can solve things, don't worry." Ji Chenghan said while drinking tea.

"Yes, Xixi, don't worry, just leave it to Artis and the others to solve the problem. By the way, what kind of flower is this? I haven't seen it before." Lisa pointed to one of the flowers that looked like a five-pointed star. asked.

"This is Platycodon grandiflora, aliased as burden flower, bell flower, and mitral flower. Its roots can be used as medicine, which has the functions of relieving cough and phlegm, clearing the lungs, and draining pus. At the same time, it also has a sad story." Ji Zhixi said.

"What story?" Everyone asked curiously.

"It is said that there is a girl named Jijiao in a certain village who has no parents and lives alone. There is a young boy in the village who comes to play with Jikyo every day and tells her that he will marry her when he grows up. So they made an appointment. Well, I'm going to get married when I grow up."

"A few years later, Kikyo has grown into a beautiful lady, and the boy has grown into a handsome young man, and the two have become lovers. But the young man has to go to sea to fish, so he has to go far away."

"Although Kikyo is very reluctant, she can only wait for the young man to come back. She kept saying, I'm so sad, I can't live without you."

"The young man can only comfort her, don't worry, I will definitely come back, and you must wait for me."

"As a result, he went like this for decades and never came back. Kikyo waited by the sea every day, ignoring other people's obstructions, and changed from a young girl to an old man."

"Looking at the sea, Kikyo kept thinking about her lover, shed tears, and prayed to God to let her lover come back. At this moment, the god appeared and said, Kikyo, haven't you endured it until now?"

"Kido said, God, I want to forget him, but I can't forget him, no matter what, my heart will not change! After speaking, I slowly closed my eyes, and my body turned into a flower."

"Later, people called that flower Bellflower, and the flower language of Bellflower became: eternal love." Ji Zhixi said.

"Oh, what a sad story!" said Lisa, covering her mouth.

"There is another story. It is said that there is a big family named Liu, who is a well-known local family and is very rich. This family has a daughter named Lan, who is very beautiful, and her hair often falls on her shoulders."

"At that time, women had to tie their hair up according to customs. However, this girl's strange behavior attracted countless girls of the same age to follow suit, and it became a fashion."

"In a blink of an eye, Lan turned 18. The family began to look for a husband for her, and there was an endless stream of people who came to "apply" to be her son-in-law. Many of them were princes and nobles. She loves her so much, so, for the sake of her precious daughter's marriage happiness, she publicly set up a red platform on the street to recruit a husband, and let Lan choose a suitable husband from among them."

"Lan, who is beautiful, knowledgeable in books and etiquette, and proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, asked three questions: one is to grow a lilac flower that can bloom five petals! The other is to answer three questions: (1) Why marry Lan? (2) Who is the most important in your heart? (3) What is happiness? Third, after one year, submit the above answers, and you will know who is Lan's husband."

"So those who came to apply for the job took the lilac seedlings that were distributed, and went home with the three questions. There was only one poor scholar named Zhang, who refused to leave for a long time with the lilac seedlings. The servants rushed forward He, he still doesn't want to go!"

"Lan saw all of this. She disguised herself as a maid and went up to answer Zhang Xiucai."

"Lan asked, this son, why are you still wandering here?"

"The young man said, hello girl, please tell your lady that the lilac flower that can bloom five petals has been planted in Wansheng, and the three questions have already been answered. Can I meet the lady?"

"Lan intentionally went back to the back hall and drank a cup of tea before coming out. My lady said, please tell me the answer first, let her have a look. If there is a destiny, the lady will meet you."

"The scholar had no choice but to write the answer he had thought on on his fan and let this "girl" send it in. Lan took the fan and went back to the back hall calmly. She opened the fan and saw it See the words on the fan, soft and strong."

"It is written correctly on it: five petals of lilac flowers, two flowers bloom, and each blossoms depend on each other, one petal has two parents, raising heaven's grace and filial piety; Petal happiness is created with both hands."

"Lan smiled happily when she saw it! There are still two petals, one for the king and one for the orchid. Love and love will be shared forever. The characters on the fan come from the heart, and they will be with those who are destined."

"Lan finished reading these words, drank another cup of tea, and wrote on the fan: The one-year period expires, goodbye to those who are destined, under the lilac flowers, double habitat and two nights. She returned the fan to the scholar, and then affectionately She looked into his eyes, and when the scholar noticed, she smiled and walked away. Looking back on that smile, the scholar understood."

"After the one-year agreement is over, there are still many people who come here, but there are very few people who can grow lilacs with five petals. However, among these few people, Lan can no longer find that scholar. A sudden flood took away the returning scholars."

"Lan, who didn't know the truth, insisted on waiting for three years and three years until all her black hair turned white. Before she died, she used her last strength to tell her family that after death, she would be buried in the Under the lilac tree, let her wait for her scholar forever, and when she waits for that scholar, she can be reincarnated and marry the person who understands her and can give her happiness."

"Later, the flower tree really grew two lilac flowers with five petals at the same time every year. Therefore, there is a folk legend: Only those who really love each other will find two lilac flowers on the same lilac tree. Lilacs with five petals that depend on each other. Five-petal lilacs represent the arrival of happiness, and if you find five-petal lilacs, you will find true love!" Ji Zhixi finished the story slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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