Chapter 229
"Wow! Why are they all sad stories? Are there any good ones? I don't want to hear these anymore. It makes me so sad." Tang Xin pouted.

"That's right, sister Zhixi, what you said cast a shadow on everyone's love. Why is it so difficult for lovers to get married in the end?" Ji Yuan said.

"You little girls, you can't just think about one side of things. After listening to the story, I thought, cherish the people in front of you, cherish the time we have together, and try not to separate." Xia Jinxuan said.

Ji Chenghan immediately grabbed Madam's hand, "Yes, Madam is right."

"Oh! I'm full from dog food." Ji Yuan said.

Ji Zhixi covered her mouth and laughed, watching Tang Xin turn on the system to check, only to hear an alarm sound.

"What's going on?" Ji Zhixi heard the voice and immediately walked over to check.

Tang Xin turned on the monitoring system in the warning area, "I'll see what's going on, my God! There's a flash flood warning in this area, and the flood water is starting to rush down the mountain."

"Huh! Brother, they seem to be rushing over! What are they doing there? There are no people from us in that area!" Tang Xin wondered.

"Xinxin, open the previous surveillance video of this area and take a look." Ji Zhixi said.

"Well, wait a minute, let me look for it, then, here." Tang Xin said to open the video after a pause, and saw many apes' activity tracks in the video.

"This is the village of Caesar, the level 5 orangutan! It said before that it would cooperate with us, and Artis left it with a communicator. It probably knows that it is in danger, so ask Artis for help!" Ji Chengxuan said.

"No, I'm going to help too. Yueya, come here immediately." Ji Zhixi opened Yueya's communication and said.

"Xixi, you just learned how to drive a mech, so it's better not to go." Xia Jinxuan quickly pulled her back and said.

"That's right, there are Artis and the others here, don't worry, they are all experienced soldiers, so don't go." Ji Chenghan said.

"Look at the scale of this flash flood, it will definitely spread widely. Driving a mech is more convenient for rescue, so I still have to help. Don't worry, my mecha is now very proficient in driving, and I don't need to fight, don't worry. I'll go first." Ji Zhixi patted Xia Jinxuan's hand, and walked out after speaking.

Everyone can't persuade her, so they can only pay attention to the situation in the surveillance, and hope that everyone can come back safely.

On the other side, Artis drove the mech to Caesar's village and saw that the village had been flooded. Caesar had organized all the apes and waited for rescue in a relatively safe place.Seeing Artis and the others coming, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yuxuan and the others drove the starship over, landed slowly, and then lowered the lifeline, allowing the apes to climb onto the starship one by one.

Caesar let the old little orangutan go first, and he was in the back. Suddenly, a female orangutan rushed over and said something anxiously. It turned out that two little orangutans had gone to play somewhere, and they haven't come back yet.

Caesar decided to look for the two little apes by himself after hearing this, and Artis stretched out his mecha arm and said to him, "Come up, I'll go find it with you, time is running out."

Caesar hesitated for a moment, but jumped on the arm of the mech and searched with Artis.

"Silver Wing, turn on the scanning system and track the traces of the apes," Artis said.

"Yes!" Silver Wing immediately turned on the system scan, Caesar kept looking down, and at the same time uttered a cry, calling the names of the two apes, hoping to get a response from them.

"Master, after scanning, we found that there are two ape-like images at the foot of the mountain, but the mountain torrent has rushed down and is about to submerge the foot of the mountain." Silver Wing said.

"Speed ​​up! Quick!" Artis said.

Then Silver Wing flew over at the fastest speed, and Caesar grabbed hold of the mecha, hoping to catch up in time.

The closer to the foot of the mountain, the sound of the flood was already heard. All the way down the mountain, the landslide, mixed with mudslides, was so large that the entire mountain was washed away.

When he was approaching the foot of the mountain, he finally found two little apes. They were trembling in the tree. Caesar wanted to fly over immediately when he saw it, but there was still a certain distance, if it wasn't because he estimated that the mecha could fly faster.

Seeing that the mountain torrent was about to submerge the little ape, Artis activated his ability to surround the orangutan with a wind net. When he wanted to bring them up, the mountain torrent instantly submerged the foot of the mountain, and the little ape was also submerged.

Caesar shouted anxiously: "Xiaojie, Xiaoyong!"

Artis knew that the wind net was protecting the little apes, so it was fine for the time being. Artis wanted to pull the orangutans up, but the impact of the torrent was too strong and kept hitting, so there was no way to pull them out.

Caesar looked at the raging flood below in despair, when Ji Zhixi arrived, looked at another mecha that was flying over, and stretched out its arms in the direction of the little ape.

In an instant, many big trees began to grow in the place where the little ape was, getting taller and denser, enclosing the surrounding area and temporarily blocking the mountain torrent.

Artis seized the opportunity, pulled the little ape up, and sent it to Caesar's arms.

Caesar wanted to beat them up, but seeing them speechless in fright, his heart softened, and he glanced at Ji Zhixi gratefully.

After the little ape was pulled up, the trees that grew out were quickly washed down. This time the flash flood was too fierce.

"Hee Hee, why are you here?" Artis said.

"I'm here to help. I think the torrents are too severe this time, and the area affected is very wide. I plan to go up the mountain to see if I can do some remedial measures." Ji Zhixi said.

"I've already sent people with soil abilities to stop landslides and mudslides, and people with water abilities to stop floods may take a little longer," Artis said.

"You send the orangutan back first! Don't get sick from the rain. I'll see what I can do along the way. After this flash flood, the forest will probably be destroyed and it needs to be restored." Ji Zhixi Said.

Artis looked at the shivering little ape in Caesar's arms, and said, "Okay, I'll send them back first, don't go too far, be careful, I'll be right back."

Caesar said "Thank you!" to Ji Zhixi, and Artis quickly flew towards the location of the starship.

While flying, Ji Zhixi observed, and when she saw animals in need of rescue, she would help them, and found that the flood was gradually weakening. It seemed that everyone's abilities were working.

It's just that if the rain continues to fall, there is still the possibility of flooding again, so it is temporarily uninhabitable here.

It seems that the orangutans want to continue to live here, and this area needs to be re-governed, at least to avoid such disasters from happening again.

But natural disasters and man-made disasters are hard to avoid, especially in the mountains, these are more likely to happen, so it is necessary to take a set of control and preventive measures, and ask experts to study it when you go back!

"Yueya, record the damage caused by this flash flood, and scan the surrounding geological conditions." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes!" Crescent Moon said, and began scanning the records.

When Ji Zhixi came to the mountain, she found that there was a ditch where the river was swollen, so it kept rushing down. People with water system abilities were mobilizing the river water, trying not to let too much water rush down in one go.

But this is not a solution, because the rain keeps falling, and the abilities of the supernatural being will always be exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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