Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 230 Caesar's Choice

Chapter 230 Caesar's Choice

"Yueya, find out if there is a suitable place nearby to divert the river water." Ji Zhixi said.

"Sister, there is a big lake facing east and down, and the river will eventually converge into the sea." Yueya said.

Ji Zhixi was thinking, since there will be floods when it rains, there will be landslides and mudslides, and it is not suitable for living, can it be directly faulted?

At this time Artis came back, "Xixi, how is the situation?"

"Artis, I watched the rain keep falling, and the situation here is still uncontrollable. The crescent moon said that there is a lake connecting to the sea in the east. I wonder if it is possible to directly fault this place and let the mountain torrent turn into a waterfall and flow directly into the lake. .”

"Anyway, this place has been washed away, and accidents may easily happen in the future, and there is no way to live in it. Just drain it, so that it won't spread to such a wide range, what do you think?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"It can be considered. I'll let geographers and geologists come over to investigate first, design a plan, and then we will act. Let's go back first!"

"The orangutans have all moved to the ranch. If it is transformed into a waterfall, we must first discuss it with Caesar, and then reconsider finding a place for the apes to settle." Artis said.

"Okay, then let's hurry up and design a plan first, otherwise I'm afraid the scope of the impact will become wider and wider." Ji Zhixi said.

After returning to the base, Jiang Yuxuan immediately took those experts to conduct field surveys and design plans, while Artis and Ji Zhixi went to the ranch to find Caesar.

When they came to the pasture, they found that it was crowded with small animals. It turned out that many small animals ran out because of the flash flood. Seeing that the pasture was safe, they all ran over.

Now it's as lively as a zoo. I saw Ji Yuan comforting the animals, and then asked the staff to put them in place.

As soon as Caesar arrived here, the noisy animals did not dare to make trouble, and obediently obeyed the command. Ji Yuan felt that Caesar was really powerful, and then communicated with him, and found that there was no obstacle at all, and he liked him even more.

"Caesar, come here, I have something to discuss with you." Artis shouted.

So Caesar came over, "What's the matter?"

"You just saw the situation of mountain torrents just now. The rain is still quite heavy now. The place where you live has been washed away. If there is a continuous heavy rain from time to time in the future, it is estimated that there will still be mountain torrents, so that place is no longer there. Suitable for living."

"The area being washed away is still increasing. In order to reduce the damage, we plan to transform it into a waterfall and divert the flood into the sea. We will find you another place to live, or if you have other ideal locations. Tell us, what do you think?" Artis said.

Caesar was silent, and understood that his own village was destroyed, and he would often face such dangers in the future, so it was best to find another place.

Although the animals on this side of the ranch live well and have no worries, they will not accept life in captivity, and they need freedom.

Animals and humans are always difficult to get along with, but looking at these beautiful houses and advanced weapons, it also wants to learn, but will humans teach it?

"Caesar, what kind of life do you want to live in the future?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Caesar was stunned, what kind of life?Leading the apes to continue living?Live in the mountains?
No, its inner world tells it that it wants to learn and evolve, but it also knows that its present self is different no matter whether it is among the apes or among humans. Even if it wants to develop the apes, the ordinary apes will not It's hard to keep up.

And humans may not be able to allow them to grow, after all, it will threaten their existence, but it is not reconciled to continuing to live a life like a beast. It already has a human IQ, a stronger body than humans, and even stronger than many The ability of human beings to be strong.

So what exactly does it want to do next?What kind of life do you want to live?Caesar was a little confused at this time.

Ji Zhixi saw the contradiction, "Caesar, do you believe that humans and animals can live in harmony?"

"Do you think we can get along in harmony? Don't you guys eat animals? Or is the so-called harmonious living in captivity? Or treat us like pets?" Caesar asked rhetorically.

"You have to understand that natural selection, survival of the fittest, and the law of the jungle are the rules of survival in this world. As long as you don't do things that threaten human beings, we will not suppress your development. How far you can evolve depends entirely on you Own."

"I think you also understand that most of your kind are not animals with high IQ, and they have never been able to think with human thinking like you. They also have their own living habits and nature, so you want to lead them to live like humans. Life is impossible."

"If you want to continue living with them, you can. We will help you find a good place. If you want to stay and study and integrate into the human world, it's not impossible. With us, you can give full play to your abilities. "Ji Zhixi said.

When Caesar heard this tempting statement, his heart moved, but looking at the orangutans who had been watching him helplessly, he felt that he could not leave them alone.

Ji Zhixi looked at it hesitantly and said, "Caesar, this world won't be unable to turn around just because someone is missing. In fact, they can also be independent because they are used to relying on you."

"Your departure doesn't necessarily make them worse, maybe they will be stronger after independence, it depends on how you make them stronger."

"When you leave, new leaders will naturally emerge. Now in Blue Star, I can't guarantee that there will be no casualties, but at least it is peaceful, and you can all survive and develop naturally."

"Without our help this time, you will definitely suffer heavy casualties. Although we have developed Blue Star and occupied many places, at least we will protect you and not disturb your survival."

"So you don't have to worry too much about them. Instead, you have to think about your own development and what you want."

Caesar was hit knowingly, yeah!What has it wanted for so long?
It has been leading the tribe, building houses, using weapons, eating cooked food, and constantly evolving. In fact, it hopes to become stronger. After learning the human language, it wants to get closer to humans.

It understands that it is no longer a simple ape, it can think and evolve, it hopes to become stronger, it is eager for new knowledge, and it has a thirst for knowledge.

"If I want to stay at the base to study, is that okay? Can I stay here like a human?" Caesar asked.

"Everyone here has their own position and job. Now you can think about what job you can do." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

Caesar also thought seriously, "I will arrange my people first, and then come here to study. After studying, I will find a job that suits me."

"Then do you have a suitable place for your people to live in now? No, we will help you find it." Artis asked.

Caesar shook his head, "I know there is a place that is more suitable for them, and they will also like it. On the mountain in the east, I will take you there."

"You don't need to go there, you can point it out on the map." Artis said as he opened the topographic map to show it.

(End of this chapter)

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