Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 231 The Great Migration of Animals

Chapter 231 The Great Migration of Animals

Caesar looked at these advanced technologies and felt that he wanted to stay and learn even more. It quickly learned to read topographical maps according to Artis's method.

Caesar pointed out that place, and they took a look. This place is rocky and there are many caves. It is not afraid of rain, and it is not prone to flash floods and mudslides.And with dense forests and rich fruits and vegetables, it is indeed a good place to live.

This area is also not within their planning area, and it can completely be used by apes. Ji Zhixi is thinking that it is time to build some protected areas. Although Blue Star needs to develop, there are still protected areas.

Wild animals still need to be protected. Tomorrow, let them do statistics on the distribution of creatures, and plan the development map of Blue Star well.

Artis and Ji Zhixi looked at each other, and said to Caesar: "No problem, this place will be reserved for you orangutans to live in, and we will turn this place into a nature reserve."

"I suddenly thought of a job suitable for you. The Blue Star is so big, we will definitely build nature reserves everywhere in the future. You can communicate with animals and humans, so you can act as a middleman to coordinate."

"This can reduce the conflict between humans and animals, and it can also promote the construction of our Blue Star, what do you think?"

Caesar thought for a while, "What kind of nature reserve are you talking about?"

"Natural reserves refer to land, land waters or sea areas where representative natural ecosystems, natural concentrated distribution of rare and endangered wild animal and plant species, and natural relics with special significance are located. Specially protected and managed area.”

"But we are not only rare and endangered wild animals and plants here, as long as they are classified into nature reserves, we will protect them and will not kill or destroy the environment at will."

"Give animals and plants a relatively safe, comfortable and undisturbed environment to survive. Of course, this is also to protect humans. After all, the animals and plants on our blue star are still very powerful."

"Our management is not imprisoned or captive. You are free in the protected area, and we will protect you. Just like today's flash flood, we will rescue you. But if you go out of the protected area, what happens to us? I won't be responsible." Ji Zhixi explained.

After hearing this, Caesar felt that this is actually a good thing for animals and plants. After all, now that Blue Star has been ruled by humans again, every corner of Blue Star will be occupied by humans soon. The sooner they divide their own territory, the better they will survive in the future.

"Okay, I agree, I can help you communicate and coordinate in the middle, but the protected area you give us cannot be too small." Caesar said.

"It's so quick to know how to bargain, okay, the specific size depends on the situation of this area, but you have to understand one thing, even if it is a protected area, but we occasionally go in to collect herbs and plants, you can't stop it. "

"The resources in the protected area are still very rich, and everyone should share them, understand?" Ji Zhixi said.

Caesar nodded, "Okay, I'll talk to the tribe about the relocation first, and I'll follow your arrangements after they're settled."

Ji Zhixi nodded, "Go!"

At this time, Jiang Yuxuan came over and said, "Marshal, the surveillance has discovered a great migration of animals."

Artis and Ji Zhixi approached and looked at the surveillance screen opened by Jiang Yuxuan, and found that many animals were passing through the forest, crossing the river, and migrating to the east.

On the screen, all kinds of animals gathered together to form a huge team, running fast. The scene was quite shocking, especially when they crossed the river, some small animals stayed behind these sheep, horses, cows, etc. and they did not drive them away.

Some rivers are so deep that they even use the trees as buoyancy to float across the river, rushing forward as if they don't want to stop safely.

Everyone seemed to be working together very well, which made Ji Zhixi sigh once again that the animals and plants of Blue Star are indeed smarter.

"Why is there a sudden large migration of animals? Did they all sense any danger? Where did these animals come from?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"These animals all live at the foot of the mountain where the flash flood just happened. It is estimated that the flash flood this time is too severe, so they all choose to migrate." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"They are smart. If we want to turn that area into a waterfall, they will also migrate. Where are they going to move now?" Artis asked.

"According to the direction they are going and considering the future living environment, they may go to the grassland you went to last time."

"The grassland, after being greened by Ms. Zhixi last time, is now full of grass and abundant water. There is a forest next to it, and the supplies are also abundant. In addition, the place is large enough to attract many animals." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"It's a coincidence. I didn't expect to do it like that last time, but it gave them a place to migrate. But they went to so many animals at once, and they seemed to be robbing the territory. I guess there will be another fierce battle at that time. It may not be possible to stay.”

"Pay attention to their movements first. If there is no major problem, then don't worry about it. Let's find a way to solve the mountain torrent first." Ji Zhixi said.

"The experts have surveyed the geology and designed a plan. Now we are going to split the mountain and let the flood directly fall on the river." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"We need to see if there are any animals and some more precious plants in that area first, and if there are any, remove them first." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, let's go there now." Jiang Yuxuan turned and went out after speaking.

"Shall we go over to help too?" Ji Zhixi said.

Artis nodded helplessly, his Xixi really couldn't afford not to worry for a moment, so the two drove out in the mecha again.

Coming to the top of the mountain, Artis listened to the analysis and guidance of the experts, and he planned to use his ability to split the mountain.

Ji Zhixi asked Yueya to scan the surroundings to see if there were any missing animals. The plants had all been washed away by the flood, and the more valuable plants on the mountain had also been transplanted. Now you can do it when you are ready.

When all directions were ready, the water-type supernatural beings controlled the flood, and the earth-type supernatural powers strengthened the mountain, and then Artis started. He started accumulating power with his hands facing the sky, and soon a large cloud and cloud gathered above his head. Thunderbolt looks very scary, everyone stay away for fear of being accidentally injured.

When the scale was large enough, Artis cut the entire mountain with a thunderbolt. Everyone was shocked when they saw it. The strength of the marshal became more and more terrifying. Cutting the mountain was like cutting tofu.

The cut mountain began to tilt and collapse, Jiang Yuxuan lightened the weight of the cut mountain, the sand-type supernatural person deserted the mountain, and then the wind-type supernatural person transported the sand to other places.

As soon as the mountain was cut open, the floodwaters fell vertically and turned into waterfalls. When the waterfalls fell, they sounded like thunder, and there was also fog, which looked very spectacular.Eventually the waterfall converges into the river, causing the river to flow rapidly towards the ocean.

In the surrounding flooded forests, because there was no flooding, the water level slowly dropped, slowly exposing the original vegetation.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief looking at the waterfall and the surrounding environment. Great, it was a success. Next, the earth-type supernatural beings will strengthen the mountain to avoid landslides and mudslides from happening again.

(End of this chapter)

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