Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 232 Regional Governance

Chapter 232 Regional Governance
After solving the mountain torrent problem, Artis came to Ji Zhixi's side, and she asked, "My lord marshal, you really want to test your ability, I think it must have improved compared to before."

Artis nodded. In fact, he felt that his strength had improved a long time ago, but he was busy all the time so he didn't have time to check it. Everyone should check it again, and there will probably be surprises.

"By the way, I plan to use some of the crystal nuclei collected by Xiao Hei and the others as assessment rewards. Aren't you going to recruit people and carry out special moves? In the future, whenever there are assessments or competitions, the top ten will get corresponding rewards , What do you think?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Xixi wants to train newcomers?" Artis asked.

"Forget it! Because the crystal nucleus will basically disappear slowly now. If we want to improve our strength, we can only cultivate by ourselves. It's a bit difficult here, so we can only improve the strength of others."

"I can improve a little bit. Focus on those outstanding talents. I will also think of other ways to improve my strength. At that time, I will see if I can ask people from the higher plane to take a look." Ji Zhixi said.

"Xixi is still in contact with that person?" Artis frowned and asked.

"No, I haven't contacted him since I came back, but because he gave me my strength, so I feel that we still have a certain relationship. Maybe I can still contact him in the future, but let's talk about these things later!"

"We are now positioned as a technological powerhouse, and our strength is only for self-protection. Let's take it step by step! Anyway, we still have a lot of time." Ji Zhixi looked at Artis and said.

If it weren't for the fact that he was driving the mecha now, Artis would definitely pull him into his arms. Silver Wing seemed to understand what the master meant, and directly took Yueya's hand.

"Hey! Why are you so confused!" Silver Wing said angrily.

Yueya ignored him directly, Ji Zhixi was almost laughed to death by these two babies, and Artis looked at Yinyi speechlessly, what kind of flair?It seems that we need to find an opportunity to educate him, and this disagreement is just playing hooligans.

Next, according to the actual situation of Blue Star, experts from all walks of life divided the various regions and formulated various governance plans, but these required time and manpower, so manpower must be sent to each region.

Attis, Ji Zhixi, Wen Yan, Leng Ran, Jiang Yuxuan, Ji Chengxuan, Zhan Bei, Xiang Nange, Peter Pan and others gathered together and held a meeting to address Blue Star's follow-up regional development issues.

"We plan to carry out regional governance and development simultaneously, so we need to establish bases in various regions and send personnel to manage and build them. What do you think?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"This is for sure. Blue Star is so big. We must establish different strongholds and develop them area by area. This is the most effective way. We have also recruited a lot of people during this period. After training, I think they can Competent for the job." Wen Yan said.

"Our guild has recently recruited a lot of people, and it just so happens that we have the opportunity to let them exercise. It's no problem to send them all out," Zhan Bei said.

"As long as there are people leading the team and the equipment is well equipped, we will have no problem." Xiang Nange said.

"Oh, our guild is short of manpower, we have to build houses everywhere, Wen Yan, you need to recruit more people for me." President Pan said.

"Yes, I have been recruiting people here, and a new batch of people will be in place soon, and I will arrange them for you immediately." Wen Yan said.

"That's good, that's good. Also, Lieutenant General Jiang, the equipment must be purchased in large quantities, because every region needs it!" President Pan said.

"No problem, we have purchased a large amount of equipment in advance to ensure that the supporting equipment of the base in each area is the same as our base, whether it is a laboratory, medical room, canteen, etc., will be fully equipped." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"In this way, everyone won't feel that going to other places is not as good as the base. How are you preparing for the special moves of your legion? Now you still need people in all aspects of security." Ji Chengxuan asked.

"It's ready, the special recruitment will start in 10 days, and the school enrollment will start in half a month." Artis said.

"After these people are recruited, they need to be thrown to the hopeless area for training before they can be sent to other bases. The Federation Empire has already sent people from other legions to support them," Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Other legions? Then you can figure it out, and don't cause any conflicts then." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Don't worry, with the Marshal here, there will be no chaos." Jiang Yuxuan said with a smile.

"Before I heard Xiao Li say that many people have taken the chef qualification certificate through online cooking courses, and many relatives in our base are also good cooks. We can recruit them. Now all bases need cooking. Class." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, I will collect everyone's information, recruit them together and distribute them." Wen Yan said.

Everyone discussed the various plans in detail, and the work was carried out smoothly.

Ji Zhixi didn't come back to the house until the evening. At this moment, she remembered that she said she would go to see Ji Xueqing during the day, so she made some ginger tea and flower cakes, and went to visit her with Xia Jinxuan.

When they came to Ji Xueqing's room, she was sitting on the bed, looking weak and pale.

Ji Zhixi looked at it, "Cousin, are you feeling better?"

Ji Xueqing coughed, "Sister, I'm fine, just a little cold." She was disappointed not to see Artis, she thought she worked so hard, he should at least come and see her.

"Hey, Xueqing is too conscientious. She was not in good health. After a hard day and rain, she fell ill." Xu Qingqing kept emphasizing Ji Xueqing's credit.

"My cousin has worked hard, but logically speaking, a small cold can be cured immediately, but my cousin's complexion is not very good, is there something wrong with her body? Why don't I help my cousin to take a look!"

"Cousin, don't resist my mental strength, just let me relax." Ji Zhixi said as she grabbed her hand and checked her body.

Xu Qingqing just wanted to stop her, but of course the little cold had already healed up, Ji Xueqing was just pretending.

"Let Xixi take a look! Xixi is amazing, even my illness has been cured, if there is any problem, I still need to be treated in time." Xia Jinxuan said.

Xu Qingqing had no choice but to keep silent when she heard it, anyway, it would be good to fool around when the time comes.

Ji Zhixi checked it, and then frowned, Xu Qingqing felt a little puzzled when she saw it, there must be something wrong, right?

"Xixi, what's the matter?" Xia Jinxuan couldn't help asking after seeing her.

"Cousin is not a big problem, but just like my aunt said, she is a little weak, but this weak place is a bit worrying." Ji Zhixi said worriedly.

"What? What happened to Xueqing's body? Zhixi, just tell me straight!" Xu Qingqing became anxious now.

(End of this chapter)

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