Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 233 Conditioning the Body

Chapter 233 Conditioning the Body
Ji Zhixi thought for a while and said, "Cousin's body usually looks fine, but inside she is a little weak. In traditional Chinese medicine, deficiency syndrome refers to weak righteousness, insufficient resistance, and disease caused by external evils."

"My cousin's body needs to be well adjusted, otherwise, it is easy to get sick accidentally. Although medical treatment is now developed, all kinds of diseases can be cured, but if my cousin's body is not careful, it is easy to cause serious illness, and the condition Haste is not easy to heal." Ji Zhixi said seriously.

Xu Qingqing and Ji Xueqing were dumbfounded when they heard this, and looked at each other, it's impossible!During the usual physical examination, her body is completely fine!

"Zhixi! Did you read it wrong? Here, Xueqing's body is in good health every year, and she didn't say that there is such a problem!" Xu Qingqing said incredulously.

"Does my cousin feel abdominal pain every time she has menstruation, general weakness, palpitations, shortness of breath, chills, and restlessness?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Ji Xueqing nodded, every time she had menstruation, she thought it was normal, and heard that many people would do this, even with the advanced medical treatment in Interstellar, it still can't cure this dysmenorrhea.

In fact, it is possible to change the cells through genetic modification, thereby repairing the problems in the body, but Ji does not like genetic modification, so she did not undergo genetic modification surgery, and took some medicine to go to the medical cabin to spend every dysmenorrhea .

"This is no longer a simple dysmenorrhea. Over time, it has turned into a more serious root cause, so it is still necessary to get rid of it in time, otherwise it may affect children in the future." Ji Zhixi said.

"What? Will it affect the child? How could it be? Even if I am weak, with the current technology, I only need to take out the eggs and put them in the incubation room for cultivation." Ji Xueqing said.

"When I say affecting children, I mean your genetic inheritance. Generally, if you are in this situation, the children you give birth will also inherit it. It is true that this situation is not suitable for you to conceive yourself, and it is easy to have a miscarriage." Ji Zhixi Said.

When Xu Qingqing heard this, it was serious, took her hand and said, "Zhixi! You must have a way to help your cousin, right? You must cure your cousin!"

"Don't worry, Auntie, there is a solution. It just requires my cousin to suffer a little bit, and she must persevere." Ji Zhixi said.

"What trouble?" Ji Xueqing asked with a frown.

"Your body needs to be recuperated slowly. You can't overdo it all at once, or your body won't be able to bear it, so you need to drink Chinese medicine every day. Chinese medicine must be bitter, so my cousin needs to suffer." Ji Zhixi said.

It turned out that it was just drinking medicine, which was nothing, "I'm not afraid of the bitterness of the medicine, as long as it can be cured." Ji Xueqing said.

"With acupuncture and moxibustion, it will be the fastest and most effective." Ji Zhixuan said.

Need a needle?This Ji Xueqing was a little reluctant.

"Xueqing! Think about it, acupuncture won't be very painful anymore, it's just an ant bite. If you get better soon after acupuncture, you don't need to take medicine for so long." Xu Qingqing persuaded.

Ji Xueqing could only nod reluctantly, "Can't that Chinese medicine be made into pills?"

"In fact, the practical method of brewing traditional Chinese medicine can bring out its medicinal effect the most. It is a good medicine, cousin, in order to recover your health as soon as possible, you should bear with it!"

"And during the treatment period, you must persist every day. If there is an interruption in the middle, the effect will be greatly reduced, and you need to avoid food. I will write down the precautions later and start the treatment tomorrow." Ji Zhixi said.

"Well, Zhixi, can't you use your supernatural power to help Xueqing? You also cured Jinxuan with your supernatural power before." Xu Qingqing asked.

"My ability is mainly for healing. My cousin's ability is inherent in the body's genes. My ability has no effect, or I can do a genetic modification operation." Ji Zhixi said solemnly.

"Forget it. Ever since the incident in the laboratory was exposed, your grandfather hated things related to genetic modification to the bone, so that all of us can no longer contact them. Let's treat them with traditional Chinese medicine!" Xu Qingqing said.

Ji Xueqing could only nod her head helplessly, she didn't expect that she was just pretending to be sick, but now she is really sick, which is really unlucky.

"Cousin sister should pay attention to rest during this period, and don't work too hard. I will tell my uncle about the work, so cousin sister should rest for a while!" Ji Zhixi said thoughtfully.

Ji Xueqing didn't want to now, she won the hearts of the people with great difficulty, she did a good job, she suddenly quit, and Blue Star has recruited so many talents, someone else will soon take her place.

Xu Qingqing felt it made sense after hearing this, "Zhixi is still thoughtful, Xueqing, you should stop working during this period of time and concentrate on curing your illness. You have a bearing on your future and your children, so you can't be careless!" Xu Qingqing Sign her with your eyes.

"Yes, Xueqing, work is not as important as your body, be obedient! When you are in good health, you can work however you want!" Xia Jinxuan also persuaded.

Now Ji Xueqing was not reconciled and had no choice but to follow her mother's arrangement, after all, she was also afraid of something really wrong with her body.

"Okay, then let's go back first, starting tomorrow, the cousin just needs to go to the military doctor's office for acupuncture on time, and I will let them cook the medicine." Ji Xueqing said.

"Okay, then thank you Zhixi, thanks to you." Xu Qingqing said.

"Auntie, you're welcome. We are all a family. Okay, don't disturb your rest. Mom and I will go back." Ji Zhixi said.

Xu Qingqing nodded, and then sent the two of them out the door.

Going back to the room to see Ji Xueqing threw everything on the bed when she was angry, Xu Qingqing looked at her daughter who lost her temper and felt helpless. After coming to Blue Star, her temper became more and more uncontrollable.

"Don't worry, I'll let the doctor check it for you later, if it's true, we'll treat it slowly, this matter can't be taken lightly, Xueqing, you are still young, you have a lot of time, you must stay calm Come down." Xu Qingqing said.

After venting, Ji Xueqing calmed down slowly, and then her personal doctor hurried over to help her check, and they believed it when they found that it was indeed what Ji Zhixi said.

But the private doctor is a little strange. The inspection has not found this problem all the time. Why did it suddenly appear?Is it true that as Miss Zhixi said, she was inspired by this cold over time?

In fact, what they don't know is that there is nothing wrong with Ji Xueqing at all, it's all Ji Zhixi's nonsense. During the examination just now, she used her mental strength to do something, just to make her suffer, and she has no other thoughts for the time being. West.

Does Ji Xueqing think she doesn't know?Please, she is also a woman, and she is the most sensitive about her own things. If a person wants to covet her things, he can tell at a glance.

It's just that we are all relatives, so it's not easy to tear your face apart. If she still doesn't know how to behave, she will let her know how to behave.

Artis is hers, and anyone who dares to think wrongly will make her regret it.

After that, Ji Xueqing lived a painful life of drinking traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture every day, which really made her lose her mind to think about Artis.

(End of this chapter)

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