Chapter 234 Well Dressed Up
As the days passed, it finally came to the day of the ball. For this ball, President Pan specially built a castle on the mountain. The castle is surrounded by mountains and lakes. The scenery is beautiful. The exterior of the castle has been carefully carved and gorgeous embellishment.

Outside the castle, there are various marble statues, which are graceful and lifelike.

Originally, Chairman Pan wanted to ask someone to carve a statue of Ji Zhixi, but was rejected by Artis. Thinking about it, I knew how this possessive person would be willing to let his lover's statue be placed outside for people to watch and take pictures.

There is also a large garden in the castle. Inspired by the flower room that day, President Pan specially asked a landscaper to design it. The trees and flowers in the castle are planted with ingenuity and the scenery is beautiful, making people feel very comfortable.

The interior of the castle is very luxuriously and beautifully decorated. It is divided into many parts, including halls, concert halls, living rooms, meeting rooms, exhibition rooms, wine cellars, kitchens, restaurants, guard rooms, etc., as well as the armory. After all, it is very safe. important.

The furniture and decorations inside are all carefully selected and very expensive. Lisa also transferred her collection of paintings, antiques, porcelain and so on here, so everyone took their collections come out.

Now that exhibition room can be said to be precious treasures, worth more than [-] billion, so the security system is very important.

It can be said that now everyone regards Blue Star as their base camp, the center of gravity of the Federation Empire has shifted here, and talents are constantly pouring into Blue Star. The royal family is worried that if this continues, the Federation Empire will be hollowed out. Will he return to Blue Star again?

However, after so many years of development, it is impossible to give up on building the federal empire better. Therefore, it is necessary for the two parties to coordinate and let the two planets develop together.

So the Federal Empire also began to recruit people continuously, and at the same time encouraged everyone to have more children and cultivate more talents as much as possible. After all, the development of Blue Star is now in need of manpower, so the population has suddenly surged again, and the medical institutions are extremely busy every day. .

At the same time, the expansion of Blue Star's enrollment requires some hard-working people to engage in infrastructure construction, breeding, planting, etc. Usually these are the poor people at the bottom who are very active, which also reduces the pressure on the federal empire, and at the same time increases the income of these bottom people , is also a good thing.

People from various guilds who stayed in the Federation Empire were clamoring to go to Blue Star. If it wasn’t for the need for someone to stay behind, everyone would have gone to Blue Star, so they all proposed to take turns to change guards. They couldn’t be allowed to stay in the Federation Empire forever. They also want to study at Blue Star.

All the presidents were quarreled and had a headache, so they had to agree that they would be rotated once a year, so that everyone could come to Blue Star. Some people have been secretly inquiring about when Blue Star's autonomy will come down, so that they can prepare for immigration in advance.

Of course, these are things for later. After all, development takes time. As long as everyone works together to develop Blue Star well, everything will be in place, so everyone will work harder and hope that Blue Star can be built as soon as possible.

Early this morning, Chris led people to decorate the castle. Blue Star's first ball must be beautiful. He also matched suits and dresses for each waiter. Everyone must be well-dressed.

At the same time, today's airport is also very lively, because this ball, important leaders of many planets have come to participate, originally did not intend to invite outsiders, but I don't know why the royal family leaked the news, it is still the king in the tree, people from many planets Knowing that, they all said they would participate and sent blessings to Ji Zhixi.

Tang Haotian took Lisa to receive distinguished guests from various countries, while the members of the Ji family were preparing for the ball, and everyone was very busy.

Dai Lao also came to Blue Star quietly, preparing food for today's dance, and preparing to surprise Ji Zhixi.

As for Artis, who is nervously looking at himself in the mirror, he dressed up specially today, with all his hair combed up to reveal a handsome face, and he put on a high-end custom-made black dark pattern suit and leather shoes, and the close-fitting suit showed his figure More tall and slender.

Around his neck was the blue Haipo necklace given by Ji Zhixi, and he was also formally tied with a bow tie. The white shirt was embroidered with dark patterns, which further highlighted his elegant and extravagant air.

There are delicate sapphire cufflinks pinned to the sleeves of the white shirt. He held a delicate box in his hand. He squeezed it vigorously and exhaled slowly. The rare tension made him feel a little uncomfortable, but he was very happy. It will be adjusted soon.

When he thought that after tonight, he would be with his beloved soon, he felt very happy.

Xia Jinxuan arranged for a team of stylists, make-up artists, and costume artists to give Ji Zhixi a look early in the morning. Ji Zhixi was manipulated like a robot, looking a little unlovable.

God!I'm really tired, how long will it take?Ji Zhixi yawned and fell asleep.

The stylist saw that Ji Zhixi was sleepy, and said, "Miss Zhixi, you can sleep for a while, and we will call you when you put on makeup."

"Will it take a long time to do this? Actually, it doesn't need to be so grand, just simple." Ji Zhixi said with some distress.

"It's not too long. Miss Zhixi's skin is very good in all aspects, and she doesn't need to spend too much time on makeup. The main thing is about the clothing. We need to make some adjustments. The hairstyle can be done soon. When the time comes and Check the outfits to see if there is anything that needs to be adjusted.”

"Ms. Ji explained that it must be perfect from beginning to end, so we need to prepare a little more time for adjustments." The stylist said.

"Okay! But, it really doesn't have to be so grand, just keep it as simple as possible, understand?" Ji Zhixi emphasized.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, Ms. Zhixi, we have designed several plans according to your temperament, and I will show them to you now, we will use whichever plan you like." The stylist hurriedly called out the plan show her.

Looking at these plans, Ji Zhixi felt dizzy. Finally, after looking at them for a long time, she chose the simplest look. The stylists hurriedly took out the things needed for this look, and put away the others.

They first cleaned and beautified Ji Zhixi from head to toe, even the toes were spared, then they tried on the dress, and then made adjustments, and then they did the hairstyle, after the hairstyle was done, they put on makeup, and then put on the dress and shoes.

After some dressing up, Ji Zhixi looked at herself in the mirror, but she couldn't recognize her.The person in the mirror painted exquisite makeup, looked very noble and elegant, with a head of black curly hair, and sparkling blue diamond earrings on his ears.

She was wearing a long white dress with half suspenders and half tube top, revealing her delicate collarbone and fragrant shoulders, and she still wore Artis's animal teeth around her neck.

There are all kinds of exquisite diamonds and precious stones embellished on the waist, showing a slender waist. The irregular skirt moves very beautifully, and she wears a pair of crystal diamond dancing shoes on her feet.

The stylist has been carefully checking every place by the side, trying to ensure that all aspects are perfect. Ji Zhixi feels that her hair is already perfect, and she doesn't want to toss about it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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