Chapter 235 Competitors

"It's so beautiful! Miss Zhixi, can we take a photo? Can I take a photo with you?" the makeup artist asked cautiously.

"Yes." Ji Zhixi said with a smile, so everyone took photos with her and took various beautiful photos of her.

Looking at herself in the photo, Ji Zhixi couldn't help sighing, it really depends on clothes!After dressing up, it has improved by N grades.

She tried to dance. She needs to get used to this pair of shoes. Although the shoes are made of the best material and are very comfortable to wear, she still needs to dance a little more, otherwise if she falls later, she will be trouble.

Just as she was seriously practicing her dance steps, a pair of big hands wrapped around her slender waist and pulled her into her arms, dancing slowly.

Ji Zhixi was a little surprised when she saw the ceremoniously dressed Artis. She couldn't help being distracted when she saw Artis' handsome face and charming figure. Those deep blue eyes seemed to be particularly dazzling today.

The people around couldn't help screaming in their hearts watching the dancing couple!what!What a perfect match!Quickly and quietly turned on the camera to take crazy candid shots.

Artis stopped, took her hand, and pressed a kiss on the back of her hand, "Hee Hee, you're back to your senses."

It was only now that Ji Zhixi came back to her senses, her cheeks were a little hot, she was fascinated by watching him again, it was so embarrassing.

"Cough, why are you here?" Ji Zhixi wanted to withdraw her hand, but when she found that someone was holding her tightly, she still had a smirk on her face.

"Come to meet my princess, my beautiful princess, are you ready?" Artis asked.

"Well, it's all right." Ji Zhixi nodded and said, for some reason, staying by his side made her feel very at ease, and her nervousness was gone.

"Then let's go! The guests are probably almost here." Artis said.

Ji Zhixi nodded, then took Artis's arm, and the two slowly walked out of the door.

They took the aircraft to the castle, and after getting off the car, they found that everyone was dressed very beautifully today, and it felt very grand and formal.

As soon as they got out of the car, they attracted the attention of countless people, some were envious, some were jealous, and some had malicious intentions. Ji Zhixi felt very keenly that there was some maliciousness mixed in.

How could there be so many monsters and ghosts at this ball?Didn't you say that you only called some of your own people?What about these women who were looking at her viciously, gnashing their teeth as if they wanted to eat her alive?

Artis also frowned and looked at those greedy eyes that rested on Ji Zhixi, some of them were even very obscene, staring at them nakedly, so he directly pressured them mentally, and all these malicious people turned pale and sweated coldly. DC, the body kept shaking, and the next moment it was about to fall.

Tang Haotian felt it when he greeted the guests, and immediately walked over, "Artis, enough is enough. Today, because many distinguished guests from other planets brought some people over, the crowd is a bit crowded, Zhixi, please be patient!"

It was only then that Artis lifted the mental pressure, and many people fell to the side with weak legs. Fortunately, there were people around them to support them, otherwise they would be ashamed. Now they dare not look at random anymore.

Ji Zhixi nodded, "Who are these people?"

Chris said next to him: "These are the families of the nobles and ministers in the palace. There are many ladies who have always liked Master Artis and want to marry him. There are also many ladies who have heard of Miss Zhixi's reputation and come here admiringly. gentlemen."

Ji Zhixi raised her brows, no wonder, heh, they want to make trouble with their relationship, don't you know that they are a fiancé couple?Although there was no formal engagement ceremony, everyone in the entire interstellar world knew that it seemed that they had to get married early so that these people could rest their minds.

Artis thought the same way, and couldn't help touching the gift box in his pocket. Tonight, he will let everyone know that Xixi can only belong to her alone.

Soon people from all planets gathered around, and Tang Haotian introduced people from each planet to them one by one.

"Artis, long time no see." Gray walked over with Elizabeth and said.

"Long time no see, Uncle Gray, Xixi, this is Uncle Gray and Aunt Elizabeth." Artis introduced.

"Hello, I'm Ji Zhixi." Ji Zhixi bowed and said.

"We, Artis, are really blessed to be able to marry such a beautiful and capable wife as Zhixi." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Mrs. Grey, they're not married yet!" said a shrill female voice.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a beautiful woman in a red dress with a sexy and hot body. This person was the niece of King Kata—Karitan.

Karitan walked over with a slender waist, looked at Artis with fiery eyes and said, "Artis, long time no see, why haven't you come to Brad star for so long?"

Artis frowned, as if thinking for a long time, before saying: "Sorry, I don't know who the lady is?"

Pfft, many people around couldn't help laughing, this Carritan had been familiar there for a long time, and the Marshal of Emotions didn't remember her at all.

Karitan's face was stiff, and he said with a little pride: "Don't you remember me? I'm Karitan. When you came to Brad Star to buy weapons, Uncle Kata and I received you. We also had a good chat.”

She specially emphasized King Kata, so that he shouldn't be so ignorant, and don't give her face in public!
"Sorry, I went to Star Brad just to purchase weapons. I left soon after completing the transaction and didn't have much contact with other people, so I don't remember talking to Miss Carritan." Artis said nothing. Said face to face.

Everyone else whispered, why is this person so thick-skinned, the marshal doesn't know her at all, and he has been trying to get in touch with her all the time, and Carita's face suddenly blushed.

She didn't expect Artis to be so shameless, and she must sue Uncle Kata when she goes back, so that Uncle Kata will not sell weapons to them.

"Sorry, Miss Carritan, Artis doesn't have a very good memory, and he can't remember things that are not very important, so I hope you don't get to know her like her." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

Carita almost had a heart attack when she heard that, she was saying that she was not an important person, so they didn't care about her at all!
She's so mad, good Ji Zhixi, she won't let her go.

"Artis is a rather dull person. Apart from the military, he is not sad about anything. Don't mind Miss Caritan. Since you have come to Blue Star, let's enjoy the food and scenery here!" Mrs. Lisa smoothed things over.

"That's right, I've missed the delicacies I ate at the last state banquet for a long time, and I hope I can eat more delicacies this time." Queen Youli said.

"The flowers here are so beautiful! Where did you get them? It can't be Hemla, right?" Princess Betty asked.

"Everyone, please rest assured that these are flowers native to Blue Star, without any viruses, and now Blue Star has no mutated viruses." Tang Haotian said.

"That's great. The planet Blue Star is really a rare and precious planet. It's amazing that Miss Zhixi can save this planet again." Prince Heller said.

"Where, the restoration of the earth depends on everyone's efforts. I can't do anything alone, and because Blue Star itself is a very valuable planet, it has today's rich resources." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's because Miss Zhixi can bring hope to Blue Star, otherwise it can only remain silent forever." King Harry said.

(End of this chapter)

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