Chapter 237 Prom
"I announce that the dance has officially started now. Let our protagonist present us with the first dance!" Xia Jinxuan said.

Artis bent down and held out his hand, "My baby, can I invite you to the first dance? Of course, all your dances can only be danced with me."

what!what!what!There was another scream from the audience, these are the marshal's fans, such a domineering marshal is also very charming.

Ji Zhixi put her hand on it, and Artis held her hand tightly, and then the two slowly came to the center of the stage, the music began to sound slowly, and the two danced slowly.

Ji Zhixi's skirt shone under the light, and the hem of the skirt spun and danced, her posture was elegant and moving, she couldn't tell that she was just learning to dance, and everyone looked at this talented woman with envy.

When the song was over, the two stopped, and there was warm applause from around them. They bent down to thank him, and Artis hugged Ji Zhixi into his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and then the two slowly left the stage.

The music continued, and the others invited their female companions.

Tang Xin looked at Li Huai who was a little nervous in front of her, and she was secretly proud of herself. It was not in vain that she had been expressly hinting that he was the first to invite her. Tang Xin happily put her hand on his, and the two of them relaxed Slowly enter the dance floor.

Today, Tang Xin is very beautiful under Lisa's meticulous grooming. It is also rare for Li Huai to wear a formal suit. He is gentle and handsome. During this period of time, he has grown a lot taller. He is already 175, half a head taller than Tang Xin. The two of them Looks like a perfect fit.

Li Huai looked at Tang Xin's shining eyes, and couldn't help but look away, but Lisa kept staring at him, "Li Huai, I didn't expect you to look handsome when you dress up!"

Li Huai was very happy when he heard Tang Xin's praise, but he didn't want to show it, "Hey, I'm already handsome. Although I'm young, I'm also very popular."

"My mommy said that a good man doesn't care whether he is popular or not, he only cares about the person he likes, so don't you have someone you like?" Tang Xin said with narrowed eyes.

Looking at Tang Xin's eyes, Li Huai couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and said with a fever, "I'm still young, so I don't think about these things for now, I just want to make a serious career and improve my strength."

Tang Xin blinked at him, then said nothing, Li Huai suddenly felt that she had said something wrong, and felt a little annoyed.

Liu Jianwei walked up to Ji Yuan and stretched out his hand, "Xiao Yuan, can I invite you to dance?"

Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment, seeing everyone's surprised eyes, and then at the man in front of him who was looking at her firmly and straightly. If he refused, he would definitely lose face. Forget it, just jump!Anyway, she didn't think about dancing with others.

So she put her hand on Liu Jianwei's, and he immediately squeezed her hand with a smile. Ji Yuan was stunned seeing his sudden smile. This person doesn't smile very often, but he looks handsome when he smiles. .

She shook her head, don't think about it, dance seriously, and if you dance wrong later, you will be ashamed.

Liu Jianwei looked at her changing expression and smiled deeper. She is always full of energy, like a little sun, with various expressions on her face. She completely puts her emotions and moods on her face. She is a straightforward and cheerful people.

This kind of happiness in her is contagious. He is attracted by her personality, and he puts his eyes on her unconsciously, and then he can't move away.

Looking at his focused eyes, Ji Yuan was a little embarrassed, "Well, that, Commander Liu, can you stop looking at me all the time."

"Xiao Yuan doesn't have to be so polite, just call me by my name, or you can call me Brother Wei." Liu Jianwei said.

Cough, they haven't matured to this level yet!Ji Yuan said with some embarrassment: "Well, everyone calls it that, I'd better be like everyone else."

Liu Jianwei took her hand and made her spin into his arms, and then leaned into her ear and said, "It's okay, you can make a special one."

Ji Yuan's ears were stained red by the slightly hot breath, oh my god!Is he teasing me?what does he mean?She felt like she was going crazy.

Ji Yuan rolled out of his arms and kept a distance from him. Seeing his playful look, she couldn't help asking: "What do you mean?"

Liu Jianwei said seriously: "Don't Xiao Yuan understand? I like you, so you are special."

Faced with this sudden confession, Ji Yuan only felt that his brain shut down, and then he couldn't dance anymore, and accidentally stepped on Liu Jianwei's foot.

Only then did she realize, "I'm sorry, I stepped on you."

Liu Jianwei was completely fine, and continued to hold her and dance, "It's fine, even if you step on me to dance."

Ji Yuan didn't know how to respond at all. In fact, she didn't have much contact with him and didn't know this person at all. How could he like her?

Liu Jianwei saw her confusion, "Xiaoyuan, you don't know how attractive you are. In the crowd, I can always see you for the first time, hear your voice, and feel your enthusiasm and cheerfulness. You are very comfortable together, how can anyone not like such a girl?"

"The more you pay attention, the more you understand, the more you like it. I also hope that you can put your eyes on me and only look at me. That's why I want to pursue you from now on, whether you agree or not."

Ji Yuan was stunned when she heard that, pursue?Do you agree or not?Are all soldiers so domineering?
Seeing his enthusiastic eyes, Ji Yuan felt her cheeks were burning. Fortunately, the music stopped at this moment. She hurriedly made gestures of thanking her, turned around and wanted to leave, and then was pulled into her arms by Liu Jianwei.

Liu Jianwei leaned on her ear and said affectionately: "Xiao Yuan, don't try to escape, I will catch you."

Ji Yuan couldn't help trembling, then opened his hand forcefully, and ran away without looking back.

On the other side, Ji Chengxuan, who saw Ji Yuan running away in a panic, frowned, and then looked at Liu Jianwei. Under the sharp eyes, Liu Jianwei looked at each other calmly, nodded, and also withdrew from the crowd.

In the corner, Wen Yan and Leng Ran were drinking fine wine. The cold and terrifying aura on Leng Ran made others dare not approach her, but the gentle and handsome Wen Yan was different. Enthusiastic ladies kept coming to invite them to dance. , were politely rejected.

Being disturbed again and again, the gloomy aura on Leng Ran's body became more and more intense, so he put down his wine glass, pulled up Wen Yan and walked out of the ballroom.

At this moment some people in the corner were whispering, "Ah! Did you see that?"

"See, see, hold hands!"

"Ah! My God! It's knocked, it's knocked!"

"Ah! I really want to go out with you, but I'm afraid I'll freeze to death later."

"Yes, yes, you didn't see the look in his eyes just now, the way he was protecting the calf, it was too aggressive."

Leng Ran and Wen Yan didn't know that they had become the protagonists of the discussion. He dragged Wen Yan all the way to the garden. There was a gazebo here, which happened to be able to see the lake not far away. The scenery was beautiful.

He took out the wine and glasses from the nanospace and put them on the table, "No one will bother you now."

Then she pulled out the cork gracefully, poured out two glasses of wine, and handed them to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan took the wine glass with a smile and quietly enjoyed the wine and the beautiful scenery.

(End of this chapter)

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