Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 238 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 238 Memories
Outside the lively dance hall, Palia was hiding in the dark. Even at such a moment, she was used to hiding herself. At this time, footsteps came from behind her. She turned around and saw that it was Will.

Weier was looking at her with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Today he was wearing a white suit and simple jewelry accessories, looking much restrained than before.

Palia frowned, not understanding why Will appeared here, turned around to leave, and then was stopped.

"Palia." Weier called her name, she could only stop, turned around and saluted, "His Royal Highness."

"Palia, with our life-threatening friendship, you should call me by my name directly." Weier walked in front of her with a smile.

Palia lowered her head, "The subordinates dare not."

"In this case, my beautiful Miss Palia, can I invite you to dance?" Will's voice came from above.

Palia looked up in surprise, and saw Wil's outstretched hand. The handsome prince in front of him actually invited her to dance?

The breeze blew by, curling up her hair, and before she agreed, Weier directly took her hand, put his arms around her, and directly pulled her into his arms and danced.

Palia wanted to struggle, but Will gave an order: "This is an order, Palia." So she could only jump up with Will.

Although she is a soldier, Palia has also learned to dance, and those sisters in the legion forced her to learn it, but she has never danced with others. This is the first time, and she has forgotten it.

She danced stiffly with Will, moving away with her agility every time she was about to step on his feet. It was the first time that Will couldn't help laughing when he saw Palia in such a hurry.

Palia looked up at the man who was close at hand. Apart from being too glib, he was still very nice.

Although he is a prince, he doesn't have the arrogance of being superior, nor does he have the arrogance of a nobleman.

Palia remembered that she was only 5 years old when she first met Will. She was an orphan and was adopted by the Jagged Legion. At that time, she followed her adoptive father to the legion. Come down and wait.

Suddenly, I heard those passing soldiers whispering, "Hey, I heard that the prince is very powerful, and he has persisted in this kind of training."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that, I thought people in the royal family were spoiled and spoiled!"

"Let's go and have a look. I heard that the game is very exciting!"

Palia was a little curious, she had never seen the prince before, so she quietly got up and followed the soldiers.

When she came to the training room, she found that everyone was watching. She found a corner and squeezed in. Because she was so small, everyone was watching the game, so no one noticed her.

She saw a boy about 10 years old on the field, who was comparing with another soldier. That soldier looked very strong, much bigger than him, and he knew that the combat power was far different, but the boy didn't panic at all.

Facing the opponent's attack, he dodged swiftly. Even if he fought back, because his physical strength was too weak to do much to the opponent, he was still hit several times.

However, he continued to provoke and irritate the opponent. When the opponent rushed over angrily, he kicked the opponent's lower body. Chop on the opponent's neck.

It made the other party dizzy for a while, the other party covered his nose, and stared at the young man fiercely, the young man did not make any more moves, the training was over, and he had no strength, after all, his body was still too weak, so be prepared to be beaten pause.

Seeing that the boy was not moving, the opponent suddenly got up and punched him. He was stopped by a hand. It was a boy about 10 years old. He screamed fiercely and couldn't move.

Palia was shocked when she saw it, who is this boy?Amazing.

"Ignore the military regulations, fight in private, and expel people from the legion." The young man said coldly.

"Hey! What an old king! I told him not to be self-righteous, he kicked the iron plate! Look, even though Artis is so small, his strength is comparable to that of the head of the regiment."

"As expected of the marshal's son! How amazing!"

"Let's go, hurry up and leave, and you will be fined when you are caught."

The others dispersed as soon as they said that, and that person was taken away by the soldiers. There were only two teenagers left in the training room. Yes, those two people were Artis and Weir.

Weier was sent to the army by his father for training. Some people thought he was not pleasing to the eye, so he made an excuse to say that he wanted to have a competition. In fact, he wanted to teach him a lesson. If Artis hadn't stopped him in time, he probably wouldn't even be able to see his face.

Will sat down on the ground, and then lay on the ground, "Oh, no, I can't move."

Artis looked at him without saying a word, then threw a bottle of medicine to him. He took it and saw that it was medicine for bruises, "Hey, why did you give me this? Isn't there a medical cabin? I Just go and lie down."

"I want to go to the medical cabin for training! So every soldier has to go to the medical cabin. Does the Legion have so many medical cabins?" Artis said coldly.

"Damn! It seems that I need to ask my father to send me a medical cabin." Weier rubbed the bruise on his hand and said.

"If you want King Harry to let you stay here for a few more months, just go ahead and say it!" Artis said.

"Forget it then! How do you use this?" Weier asked while fiddling with the medicine in his hand.

"Just spray it directly on the wound." Artis turned and left after speaking.

"Hey, hey, do you have a conscience! You just left me like this!" Weier struggled to get up and shouted.

I still don't have much strength, and my whole body is covered with bruises, so let's take some medicine first!So he took off his shirt directly, and his body was covered with bruises, ranging from deep to shallow, which still looked scary. It seemed that the training here was still very hard.

He sprayed the medicine on his body, and after a while, the bruises slowly disappeared, "Hey, it's really a magic medicine, it doesn't hurt anymore, good guy, with this medicine, you don't have to be afraid of being beaten, you really are a good brother, haha .”

Looking at the boy's happy laughing face, which gradually overlaps with the smiling face in front of him now, this is the boy who has grown up, more sunny and handsome, but his personality doesn't seem to have changed much.

Weier looked at her distracted, leaned over and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Palia was startled by the sudden approaching face, and stepped on his shoe in a panic.

"Sorry." Palia apologized and wanted to stop, but Will still pulled her to continue dancing.

"Palia, pay attention, this is our first dance, relax and dance with me." Will said, staring at her.

Palia could only nod helplessly, forcing herself to concentrate on dancing. Following Weier's movements, she slowly remembered the dance steps, and the movements became more and more familiar, and she unknowingly relaxed.

It was the first time for Weier to see Palia like this. She looked more energetic and emotional than usual when she was dancing, and she was a little more cute when she was serious, making people want to tease her.

(End of this chapter)

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