Chapter 239
Ji Zhixi, who had retired, wanted to take a break and find something to eat. She got up early this morning and drank some porridge and has been busy until now.

People have been coming to Artis all the time. Although she is the protagonist today, it is obvious that women hate her and don't want to talk to her. Men are afraid to come because of Artis' coercion.

So she asked Artis to socialize, and went to the kitchen to see what was delicious. Although there were many delicacies outside, she felt that eating here would affect her appetite.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the kitchen, she heard hearty laughter, and it seemed to be very lively inside.

"Haha~ Brother Mark, this wine is really good. I think I will spend every day in your winery in the next few days."

"Haha, no problem, I welcome Mr. Dai very much, and this wine glutinous rice ball is also very delicious."

"You have to drink good wine to make delicious wine balls."

"Haha, I hope Mr. Dai can use my wine to cook more in the future, so that my wine will have a different flavor!"

"No problem, no problem, many dishes need wine, I will definitely use it well, and your winery has so many wines, there will be many surprises."

"That's that, girl Zhixi gave me a lot of wine recipes, I can guarantee that my wine is the most complete in the whole star, there are all kinds of wine."

"Girl Zhixi is a good girl. I was very happy to study dishes with you before, but I was interrupted by the elders' meeting last time. Now that I come to Blue Star, I can study with her well, haha."

"What kind of cuisine does Grandpa Dai want to study?" Ji Zhixi walked in with a smile and said.

Dai Dongguan and Mark, who were sitting and drinking, turned their heads and saw that it was Ji Zhixi.

"Girl Zhixi, why did you come to the kitchen? You are the protagonist of today's dance 1" Mark said.

Ji Zhixi waved her hand, "The process that should be done has already gone. I am so hungry now, so I come to the kitchen to find something to eat. I feel uncomfortable being stared at outside all the time."

"Haha, girl, I'm hungry, come here, I've cooked a lot of delicious food for you." Dai Dongguan immediately asked his apprentice to bring the dishes.

Ji Zhixi was very happy looking at the table full of dishes, "Thank you, Grandpa Dai, I am blessed, let's eat together!"

So the two of them ate with Ji Zhixi, as the others had to cook, they couldn't sit down and eat.

"Well, this chicken soup boiled with dried shredded rice is so fresh, refreshing and appetizing. Look at this knife skill, Grandpa Dai is the best." Ji Zhixi said.

"Haha, that's right, no one can't practice this knife skill for more than ten years." Dai Lao said happily.

"Grandpa Dai, after you come to Blue Star, you have to teach us well. I plan to open gourmet restaurants in every place of Blue Star, and I need manpower right now!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Hey, Blue Star is so big, and there are gourmet restaurants everywhere, so how many people are needed!" Dai Dongguan said.

"It's okay. Anyway, let's take our time. Now that we have all the ingredients and teaching, more and more people will join this industry soon. There will definitely be no shortage of people in the future." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right, you can see that there are many more people in Blue Star now, and many people want to come to my winery. When the time comes to start selling, we need to recruit people." Mark said while eating the food.

"At that time, Mr. Mark and Grandpa Dai will have to work hard." Ji Zhixi said while holding up her wine glass.

"Haha, where is it?" Mark said with a smile and clinked glasses with her.

"Small, old man, I can still train many newcomers." Dai Dongguan said proudly.

The apprentice next to him remembered the painful days of being trained by the master, shivered, shook his head and continued to work.

"Well, this rice wine is really sweet, no wonder Mr. Mark said that the rice balls are delicious." Ji Zhixi said.

"That's right! The rice balls made with my rice wine are very delicious. I just ate two big bowls." Mr. Mark said.

"Grandpa Dai, this is Jiangsu cuisine today! Su cuisine is good at stewing, stewing, steaming, and frying. Without losing its shape, it is smooth, tender and crisp without losing its flavor." Ji Zhixi said.

"Haha, that's right, the girl also has research on cuisines?" Dai Dongguan said.

"I know a thing or two, Grandpa Dai, let's cook Cantonese cuisine another day! I want to eat Cantonese dim sum~" Ji Zhixi was drooling thinking about it.

"Snacks? That's fine. It's just a test for my apprentices to see if they have forgotten those skills." Dai Dongguan said.

The apprentices all trembled collectively. It seems that they have to stay up all night to make up for it, otherwise they will be scolded bloody by the master again.

"Grandpa Dai also teaches more people in the cooking class. They have been studying hard recently. Xiao Li has already finished all your courses." Ji Zhixi said.

"Well, Xiao Li is a good kid. He cooked many of the dishes just now, so he can be well trained." Dai Dongguan nodded and said.

Xiao Li heard Le Huahua beside him, and secretly decided in his heart that he must study hard and live up to Miss Zhixi's expectations.

When Ji Zhixi was eating happily here, Artis was also entangled.

Karitan has been pestering Artis to talk, and her good upbringing prevented Artis from leaving her face directly, so she could only listen to her with a cold face.

Caritan saw that Artis was not moved at all, so she smiled and beckoned to the waiter who had just passed by, then took two glasses of wine from the plate, and handed one to Artis.

"Artis, drink this glass of wine as if we have reconciled, and I won't bother you anymore." Carita said.

Hearing that it was finally time to leave, Artis took the wine glass, and the two clinked the glasses. Karitan finished the wine in one gulp, looked at him, so he also drank the wine in one gulp.

Karitan watched Artis drink down the wine, her eyes gleaming with calculations, haha, that's great.

The person hiding in the corner watched him drink it, his eyes gleaming with complacency, he gritted his teeth and thought, if I can't get it, no one else can get it.

Artis looked at Caritan's expression and knew that there was something wrong with the wine. He ran the mental power in his body, but he didn't find any problem, and a strange feeling slipped in his heart.

"Then, Miss Carritan, I will take my leave first." Artis nodded and left with a glass of wine.

He found Jiang Yuxuan immediately and asked him to control the waiter just now, and then went to investigate and monitor. Then he took the wine glass to the laboratory and asked the staff to test the wine stains left in it.

He leaned against the wall at the door of the laboratory waiting for the results. For some reason, he always felt something in his heart, a feeling of emptiness, unable to express it, as if he had forgotten some important person.

He touched his heart, feeling something was wrong, but he couldn't remember, important person?Who is the important person?Parents, sisters, brothers, friends, but I didn't think of a single person.

Artis's intuition was right. The wine he drank was indeed drugged. This drug did no harm to the body, but it had a function, which was to forget the love for his lover after drinking it.

Nothing else will change, except that there will be no love. What a cruel medicine, it is simply the ancient version of the unfeeling pill.

(End of this chapter)

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