Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 240 Found something strange

Chapter 240 Found something strange
Soon the tester handed the result to Artis, "Report to Marshal, there is no problem with the test, it's just ordinary wine, Marshal, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Why don't you do another physical examination?"

Looking at the test report with no problems, Artis felt that it was better to have a physical examination. He always felt that something was wrong, so he also went to the military doctor for a detailed physical examination.

It turned out that there was still no problem. At this time, Artis frowned, and the military doctor looked at Artis and teased: "Marshal, don't you have a premarital phobia? You just proposed today, and Miss Zhixi will soon be married." You're getting married, so are you too nervous?"

marry?Artis frowned even tighter. He had never thought of getting married before, and he was only focused on work, right!Why does he want to get married?He suddenly couldn't remember.

The military doctor saw that there was something wrong with Artis's expression, "Hey, Marshal, do you want to consult a psychological counselor? It's not a problem. Miss Zhixi is so nice, you will be very happy after marriage."

Artis threw the report to him directly with a cold face, "What's so good about getting married." Then he turned and left.

The military doctor caught the report in a hurry, and was stunned. What does the marshal mean?Obviously, after the successful marriage proposal, he was so happy that he was dying, and he even prepared a surprise for Miss Zhixi, but now he says it's not good to get married?

Should he report the marshal's situation to the marshal's parents?Or is there really something wrong?Otherwise, the marshal wouldn't be like this all of a sudden!
On the other side, Ji Zhixi came out again after eating and drinking, but she didn't see Artis anywhere, and was just about to find someone to ask, when it was Karitan who walked over, looking at her proudly.

"Looking for what? Are you looking for Artis? He just left." Carita said.

Ji Zhixi looked at her inexplicably, "Really? Thank you." She turned around and prepared to leave.

Carritan's voice came from behind, "Some people have to watch closely, or they will disappear when they turn around."

Ji Zhixi turned around in doubt, only to see her twisting her back and leaving, what's going on?Did something happen?

So she turned around to find someone, when Artis just walked in, and she hurried over.

"Artis, where have you been? Are you hungry? Grandpa Dai has cooked a lot of delicious food, I'll take you there to eat." Ji Zhixi smiled and wanted to hold his hand.

As a result, Artis dodged subconsciously, Ji Zhixi's smile froze, and she looked at him strangely.

"I'm not hungry. I still have things to do, so I can't accompany you." Artis said with a cold face.

Ji Zhixi stared at Artis. When he was stared at and was about to leave, he was held in her hands and rubbed wildly. He didn't react. When he did, he grabbed her hand and frowned. Said: "What are you doing?"

Ji Zhixi felt a little sad when she was treated like this by Artis for the first time, but her intuition told her that something might have happened.

"Don't do this kind of thing in public in the future." Then he shook her hand and left.

Liu Ji Zhixi was frozen in place, looking at the hand that was thrown away, feeling uncomfortable. It turned out that it was so uncomfortable to be treated like this by her lover. She just went to have a meal, and when she came back, Artis became like this?What the hell happened?

She remembered Carita's words, and she had an intuition that she had something to do with her, when Jiang Yuxuan came over.

"Miss Zhixi, where's the marshal?" Jiang Yuxuan asked.

"He just walked away and said he had something to deal with. What happened?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Just now he asked me to check the monitoring. He suspected that there was something wrong with the wine that Miss Caritan made him drink. I checked the monitor and found that the waiter secretly poured medicine into the wine glass. Miss Caritan had contact with that waiter before."

"I don't know how the marshal is doing now. He just took the wine glass for testing, so I don't know if there is anything wrong with his body." Jiang Yuxuan said anxiously.

"I think the body should be fine, but there seems to be something wrong with the brain." Ji Zhixi said.

"What? Miss Zhixi, have you found any problems? What should I do then? I'll go to the laboratory and the military doctor to find out the situation first." Jiang Yuxuan hurried away after finishing speaking.

On the other side, Artis found his parents. Tang Haotian was furious because of Artis' words. Lisa pulled the two of them into the room to talk. Tang Xin also noticed something was wrong and slipped into the room.

"Artis, are you out of your mind? You just proposed to Zhixi, and now you say you want to transfer back to the Federal Empire." Tang Haotian said angrily.

"Artis, what happened? Did you quarrel with Xixi?" Lisa asked, observing the expression of Artis.

"No, I just think that the matter of getting married is still slowing down for the time being. The previous affairs of the Ge Laohui made the army a mess. I still need to go back to strengthen the defense, rearrange the defense stations, and recruit new recruits. There are still many things to do .” Artis said indifferently.

"You have been doing these before, and you have arranged everything, why do you want to do it yourself now?" Tang Haotian asked.

Artis frowned and thought for a while, "Maybe I didn't think carefully before, I should do these things myself."

Both Tang Haotian and Lisa were stunned, something was wrong, something was wrong with Artis, what happened?

"Brother, why have you changed back to the way you used to be? You used to be like this. You only knew about work, and you didn't go home once a year. If you hadn't met your sister-in-law, you wouldn't look like a human being. What's wrong with you?" Tang Xin worried. asked.

yes!Artis' current situation seems to have changed back to before, and something must have happened.

"Why don't you call Xixi over and ask?" Lisa said.

"No need to call, if it wasn't because I just proposed, I would have proposed to contact the marriage contract, and now I leave just to buffer it." Artis said.

Tang Haotian slapped him directly, bang, Artis's face was crooked, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

"Husband! If you have something to say, speak up." Lisa pulled Tang Haotian and said.

Tang Xin also pulled Artis anxiously, "Brother, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Artis wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "I'm not talking nonsense. I just figured it out now. Marriage is not suitable for me. As for her side, I will have a good talk with her. I'm sorry."

After finishing speaking, Artis walked out of the room directly, leaving the three of them almost blown away.

At this time Ji Zhixi came in from the door, and the three of them were startled.

"Hee Hee, you, you heard everything? Don't be angry, and don't believe it, something must have happened to Artis." Lisa said anxiously.

"Yes, sister-in-law, my brother is not such a person. If it is him, we all have to sever ties with him." Tang Xin said while holding her hand.

"Don't worry. I believe in Artis. Something happened to him. He was drugged." Ji Zhixi said with an ugly face.

"Prescribe the medicine!" All three of them shouted in surprise.

"He just drank a glass of wine from Karitan and felt that there was something wrong. He went to someone for a test and checked the monitoring. It was found that the waiter was ordered by Karitan to prescribe the medicine, but the test results showed that there was no problem with his body and the wine." Ji Zhixi said.

(End of this chapter)

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