Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 241 Find out the truth

Chapter 241 Find out the truth
"How could it be okay? He looked like that just now!" Lisa said.

"There must be a problem, but we need to continue to investigate where the problem is. Before that, we can only let Artis behave like this. After all, we can't force him." Ji Zhixi said.

"What? Sister-in-law, do you really want to have a marriage contract with brother? I don't agree!" Tang Xin said anxiously.

"I'm different too! No!" Lisa also said, and Tang Haotian also nodded.

"Hee Hee, I know I'll wrong you, but let's not be impulsive and investigate what kind of medicine it is first." Lisa said.

"I'm not impulsive, but you should understand Artis' character, and no one can change what he decides." Ji Zhixi said.

They were all silent when they heard it, yes!They know the character of Artis best.

"Besides, now that he wants to get married, he will be the one who begs me in the future. I have nothing to lose, so I'll let him chase after his wife and crematorium." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

Lisa looked at Ji Zhixi with a strong smile, even if she knew that Artis was affected by drugs, she would still be sad. They knew how hurtful the indifferent Attis was, and how sweet she was before. How sad it is now.

"However, I won't let the person who drugged me go so easily. Anyone who dares to touch me will have to bear the consequences." Ji Zhixi said with a cold face, "I already have a way to investigate, you guys just wait."

"Okay, Xixi, don't be brave, there are us, you know?" Lisa said, holding her hand.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm going out first, the next dance will be missing our two protagonists, so we have to rely on you to continue." Ji Zhixi said.

"Leave it to us!" Lisa nodded.

Then Ji Zhixi walked out of the door, and after knowing the location of the target, she walked directly towards the target.

Soon after she came to the women's room, Karitan was fixing her makeup in the mirror, when she suddenly saw Ji Zhixi who was exuding a hostile look behind her, she was startled.

Thinking of something in a blink of an eye, he turned around triumphantly, and was about to say something, but was knocked unconscious by Ji Zhixi's hand knife.

When Karitan woke up, she found that she was tied to a chair, and sitting in front of her was Ji Zhixi with a gloomy face, and a child.

She looked around and saw a closed room, and said arrogantly: "Hey, what do you want to do? Do you know who I am? If you dare to touch me, my uncle will not let you go."

Seeing that Ji Zhixi was not moved at all, she was a little scared, after all, she knew how scary it is when a woman goes crazy.

"Uncle Kata loves me very much. You don't want conflicts between the two countries to lead to war, do you? Our Star Brad is very strong, so I advise you to let me go." Carita continued.

Ji Zhixi looked at her as if she was looking at a dead person, and then gestured to Wu Lian who was next to her. Wu Lian stepped forward and put her hand on Carita's head.

Karitan wanted to escape and found that she couldn't move at all. She was just about to speak, but suddenly her body and mind seemed to be out of control, and her eyes began to slacken.

Then Wu Lian turned to look at Ji Zhixi, and Ji Zhixi said, "What medicine did you give Artis?"

"I don't know what it is." Carita replied blankly, like a puppet doll.

"What will happen after taking this medicine?" Ji Zhixi continued to ask.

"After eating it, you will lose your love for the one you love, and you will no longer have love in your heart."

Ji Zhixi clenched her hands tightly at this moment, no wonder Artis was so indifferent to her, she wished she could slap this woman and tear this woman apart.

"Who gave you the medicine?"

"Ji Xueqing."

Ji Zhixi's eyes widened and she clenched her teeth tightly, but she didn't expect it to be her.

Ji Zhixi got up, "Clear this part of her memory, and then I will find another person."

So Wu Lian erased her memory, and the soldiers carried her back to the room. After Karita woke up, she would not know what happened.

Then Ji Zhixi found Ji Xueqing at the ball, she was surrounded by a group of young rich and noble sons, with a confident smile on her face.

Seeing Ji Zhixi approaching angrily, her smile froze, wondering if she was discovered so soon?
When she approached Karitan, she originally wanted to pretend, but if it was an ordinary person, Karitan would definitely not believe her, so she could only use her real identity to find her. She also thought about the consequences of being discovered, but then Anyway, Ji Shi will definitely protect her.

And Artis didn't suffer any harm, but he no longer loves Ji Zhixi, which is nothing.

For a moment of ecstasy, Ji Zhixi had already walked in front of her. She was just about to speak, but she didn't expect Ji Zhixi to slap her with such great force that she fell to the ground directly. The corners of her mouth were bleeding, her cheeks were suddenly swollen, and her ears were swollen. buzzing.

The others were stunned by this scene, and they came back to their senses after a while, and hurriedly stopped Ji Zhixi, and the others hurriedly went to see if Ji Xueqing was okay.

"Miss Ji, you have gone too far, how could you suddenly hit someone!" The person around said angrily.

"Ji Xueqing poisoned and murdered the marshal, come and arrest her immediately for inspection." Ji Zhixi said coldly.

The others were stunned when they heard that, poisoning and murdering the marshal?impossible!Everyone looked at Ji Xueqing with disbelief.

Ji Xueqing said innocently with tears, "Sister, what are you talking about? How could I do such a thing?"

"The evidence is convincing. The surveillance has already captured it. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it in the interrogation room. We will announce it after the investigation is clear." Ji Zhixi said.

Then the soldiers behind him stepped forward and pulled Ji Xueqing up, ready to take her away. At this moment, Xu Qingqing rushed over and held Ji Xueqing back.

Xu Qingqing looked at her daughter's red and swollen face with distress, turned her head and said, "Zhixi, what are you doing? Xueqing is your sister! How could you do it! She definitely wouldn't do such a thing."

"She drugged Artis. It's fine if I didn't kill her directly. Don't you know how important Artis is to me? Don't you know how important he is to the entire Federal Empire? Just poisoning and murdering The crime of Marshal of the Empire is enough to kill her a thousand times." Ji Zhixi said coldly.

Ji Xueqing couldn't help but shuddered when she heard that, and burst into tears, "No, I don't, mother, I really don't, you have to save me."

yes!That's Lord Marshal, if the medicine that is administered affects Lord Marshal's body, it will be terrible, and they will lose a pillar!At this time, everyone looked at Ji Xueqing less pitifully and more dissatisfied.

"If you didn't do it, then you should go with us. The investigation is clear. If you have been wronged, I will naturally apologize. If you did, then you should be sentenced as you like." Ji Zhixi said.

"No, what if you beat him up!" Xu Qingqing said.

Ji Zhixi sneered, "Being tortured, Auntie, you are already in ancient times! The Jagged Legion has never had such a thing, we are all based on evidence, and if you refuse to accept the investigation, it is a guilty conscience. If you don't get out of the way, don't blame me You're welcome."

"Oh, my poor daughter! She has always liked the marshal, so how could she hurt him! There must be some misunderstanding!" Xu Qingqing began to cry.

Ji Zhixi was about to pull people away, when Ji Yulei, Ji Chenghai, Ji Chenghan, Ji Chengxuan, Xia Jinxuan, Ji Mingyang and others all came over.

(End of this chapter)

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