Chapter 242
"What's the matter?" Ji Yulei asked, looking at the two with tears streaming down their faces.

Looking at the injury on Ji Xueqing's face, Ji Chenghai frowned and said, "Even if there is something, you can't do it, right?"

Ji Zhixi said: "If someone poisons my aunt, and my uncle can still deal with it indifferently, it may be that my uncle's affection for my aunt is not deep enough! I'm sorry, but I'm very defensive. If anyone touches me, I will definitely not Will let her go."

Artis can be said to be her reverse scale, whoever touches it, she will fight desperately, and she will never let the person who took the drug go.

"Also, Artis is the marshal. Grandpa, you don't like that the entire Ji family is affected by the behavior of the cousin alone, right? Prescribing drugs to the marshal is only a personal problem if it is minor, but it is treason and collaborating with the enemy if it is serious."

Ji Zhixi's words directly choked Ji Yulei's life, yes, nothing is more important than Ji's family, if she really committed a crime, he would definitely not take sides.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The more you talk, the more outrageous you are! You want to charge Xueqing with any crime now, don't you?" Xu Qingqing suddenly became grim.

"Ji Xueqing has been in Blue Star all this time, where did you get the medicine? And if the medicine can't be detected, it must be given by someone outside. Who can make such a powerful medicine? If there are not many in the Federation Empire, then It might be the enemy."

"Besides, I don't know what side effects the medicine will have. Do you think it's a trivial matter? Once you find out, you will know how serious the consequences are."

"If you don't want to lose face here, just follow me! Everything will be investigated naturally." As Ji Zhixi said, she pulled Xu Qingqing away and asked Ji Xueqing to be taken away.

"Ah! Xueqing, my daughter, husband, how could you let your daughter be taken away!" Xu Qingqing said while grabbing Ji Chenghai's hand.

"That's enough! Let's talk about it later. Don't make a fool of yourself here. I believe the Jagged Legion will find out the truth." Ji Yulei said angrily, then turned and left.

Ji Chenghan and Xia Jinxuan looked at each other, followed Ji Zhixi's back, and they wanted to find out what happened.

And Ji Chengxuan planned to go to Artis to find out what kind of poison was poisoned and to what extent. He seemed to have seen that he was doing well just now, so why did he get poisoned.

Artis on the other side didn't know what happened here, and was preparing to transfer back to the Federal Empire in his office. At this time, Weir, who had heard the news, hurried to his office.

He rushed in and looked Artis up and down, "I heard you were drugged? How do you feel physically?"

"Who did you listen to? I did feel strange after drinking alcohol, but the test results were fine." Artis said.

"The test can't detect it. It seems to be a very powerful drug. Your fiancée has arrested people in public. It seems that this drug is very powerful. Come, let me see what's wrong." Weier walked away I wanted to take a closer look, but was pushed away by Artis.

"You said that Ji Zhixi has arrested someone? Who has she arrested? She has already found out who drugged her?" Artis said with a frown.

"Ji Zhixi?" Weier looked at him incredulously, "You, you don't know what she does? Don't you always know her movements best? You have to cling to people in everything you do."

Artis's face suddenly became more gloomy. "Maybe I was out of my mind before. You are just right here. I am going to transfer back to the Federal Empire. The defense over there needs to be re-arranged." Artis said and took out the topographic map.

"Wait, you said you were going to be transferred back to the Federal Empire! God, I finally know what's wrong with you, no wonder your fiancée wants to kill someone like that." Weir said, patting his forehead.

"Kill! She can't kill innocent people without investigating clearly. It seems that I still need to talk to her first, and break the engagement by the way." Artis said as he was about to go out.

"What! Disengagement?" Weier immediately pulled him back and pressed him on the chair.

"Brother, listen, you can't do anything now, you believe me, you're just being drugged, it's fine when we find the antidote, don't be impulsive, I'm afraid you will regret it when you wake up." Weil kindly persuaded .

"Do you think I'm like this because I was drugged? But I think this is the normal me." Artis said puzzled.

"That's right, this is the normal you before. Falling in love can make people stupid and crazy, but you are normal when you have feelings. You told me before that with Ji Zhixi, your life will be complete."

"So, Artis, no matter what you want to do now, stop, think about the past, and think about it, you can't erase everything in the past just because of the medicine?"

"You have experienced so many things together, and you have also experienced life and death. You must not let go of this inexplicable medicine. Think about the pain of almost losing her before. Do you want to try again?" Weil asked earnestly road.

Artis recalled that when Ji Zhixi turned into a vegetable, the piercing pain really made him almost go crazy, but now, he didn't feel anything, and there seemed to be no waves in his heart.

"I think I know what's wrong with my heart. I don't seem to have any emotions for her now. I feel like a stranger. I can't control it. In other words, my heart seems to be controlled." Artis Covering his chest, he said.

Weir rubbed his temples and said, "So the problem is serious. I don't know if the drug has any other side effects, so if the matter is not investigated clearly, you can't go anywhere until you find the antidote."

"Also, Artis, as a man, even if you have no feelings for her now, as a man in charge, you shouldn't abandon her at this time. You just proposed to her, do you understand? "

Artis nodded with a heavy face, "I understand, thank you, Will, I think I should find out the truth by myself, I can't be calculated for nothing like this, and hurt the person I love the most."

Weier breathed a sigh of relief, "You're right to think so, go to Zhixi's side to see how the investigation is going first!"

So the two came to the interrogation room. At this time, Wu Lian was controlling Ji Xueqing with mental power, and asked the matter clearly. It turned out that a woman gave her the medicine, but she didn't know who that person was.

"Bring out the monitoring at that time and place, Ji Xueqing, who was given by someone she doesn't know, can't dare to use it casually, and her condition is not right." Ji Zhixi said.

Then the soldiers quickly found the surveillance video of that time period, and found that there was no recording of that period of time, which seemed to be deliberately erased.

"Let Minister Li come over to see if it can be repaired." Artis said.

"Yes." The soldier left immediately after receiving the order, glanced at Artis and was frightened by his indifferent eyes, and felt that the former marshal had returned.

Ji Zhixi looked at Artis who was covered in cold air, and threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly.

Artis froze for a moment. Although he didn't feel her now, his body didn't seem to resist her at all, and he wouldn't just run away like other women approaching.

Everyone was sprinkled with dog food, and they all avoided, wanting to give them some space, Wu Lian also asked someone to take the unconscious Ji Xueqing out, and suddenly there were only the two of them left in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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