Chapter 244 Search
At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and it was Ji Chengxuan, Ji Chenghan and Xia Jinxuan who came in.

"Xixi, has the investigation been clear? What's going on?" Xia Jinxuan asked while holding her hand.

"Artis, how is your body?" Ji Chengxuan asked.

"It's fine for now, but now I have lost the ability to love." Artis said with a cold face.

The three of them were stunned for a moment when they heard it, and asked in puzzlement, "What do you mean?"

"Artis has no other physical problems for the time being, but he has no love for me anymore. I guess this medicine is similar to the Unfeeling Pill, which will make people stop loving others." Ji Zhixi said.

"What? Why did Xueqing do this?" Ji Chenghan said.

Xia Jinxuan thought about it for a while, and when she thought about her performance after coming here, she understood.

"I understand. She likes Artis, that's why she did this. She is so stupid. What I am most worried about now is whether there are other side effects of this medicine." Xia Jinxuan said.

"Artis, you don't have any feelings for Zhixi now?" Ji Chengxuan asked in disbelief.

Artis nodded, "I'm facing Ji, Xixi now, and I don't feel anything in my heart."

"This is really outrageous. Who made this medicine? It's impossible to do it with Xueqing's ability." Ji Chengxuan said.

"That's right, it wasn't her, it was given to her by someone else. To be precise, she was hypnotized, so she was given the drug." Ji Zhixi said.

"Hypnosis? It's not her intention to say that? Then can she handle it at her own discretion this time?" Ji Chengxuan asked, after all, it was still his relatives.

"If she doesn't have such thoughts, she won't be targeted by others. It depends on how the Iron Blood Legion will deal with it! What I am most worried about now is Artis' body, because the medicine is probably from the laboratory. Here are the medicines." Ji Zhixi said worriedly.

"What? Laboratory? Are the people in the laboratory still hiding in Blue Star?" Ji Chengxuan said in surprise.

"Yes, it's hidden deep enough. We have sent people to search it. Everyone should pay attention to safety recently, especially now that there are so many important personnel in Blue Star." Ji Zhixi said.

"After the ball, I asked people from various countries to leave immediately. I don't want something like the last state banquet to happen again. After all, Cao Lian hasn't been caught yet." Artis said.

"Indeed, who knows what they're planning. If they don't catch anyone, they can't take it lightly." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Artis, are you in this state now, you guys?" Ji Zhihan asked hesitantly.

"I will definitely find the antidote, and I will be responsible for Xixi, please rest assured," Artis said.

Xia Jinxuan took Raji Chenghan's hand, "I believe you, Xixi, then we will go back first, and let us know if we need help, and for your cousin, you just deal with it according to the regulations, don't worry about it What, with us here, you won't be wronged."

When Ji Zhixi heard her heart warm, she stepped forward and hugged Xia Jinxuan, "Mom, father, uncle, thank you all."

"Is that medicine still available? If there is any, we can help with research and see if we can make an antidote." Ji Zhihan said.

"I haven't found it yet, but I will give it to you if I find it." Ji Zhixi nodded and said.

Then they went out, and Ji Zhixi breathed a sigh of relief, at least her parents still supported her, and she had to find the medicine as soon as possible.

"Artis, hurry up and go to the infirmary, do a detailed physical examination, and leave it to me to find someone." Ji Zhixi said.

Artis wanted to say something, but Ji Zhixi stopped her mouth with her fingers.

"Your body may change at any time. You'd better monitor your body in the infirmary and leave the rest to me temporarily. Do you hear me?" Ji Zhixi said seriously.

Seeing her like this, Artis had no choice but to nod in agreement, then turned and went to the infirmary.

Ji Zhixi also walked out quickly, and then came to the pasture, and found Caesar.

Ji Zhixi handed Sheyin's photo to Caesar, "Caesar, please inform the friends in the forest. If you see this woman, please notify us immediately."

Caesar looked at the photo, "Understood, I'll go right away." After speaking, he quickly set off for the forest.

When Ji Zhixi was about to go to the forest to investigate, the communication rang.

After she connected, Tang Xin's excited voice came, "Sister-in-law, we have already found Sheyin's trace, and we also captured her previous communication wave."

"That's great, Xinxin, thank you." Ji Zhixi said with a rare smile.

"Master, just now Wu Lian questioned Carita and Ji Xueqing in detail. It turned out that Carita didn't finish all the medicine, and she was worried that there might be problems with the medicine, so she secretly hid half of it." Li Huai said.

"Really? What about the medicine?" Ji Zhixi asked in surprise.

"The medicine has been delivered to the pharmacy guild, and they will try their best to develop an antidote." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Please tell my parents, Lieutenant General Jiang, they also want to join the research. They are quite good at medicine." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, everyone knows the strength of the Ji family. With their help, the antidote will definitely be researched soon." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Then where is Sheyin now?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"As you said, she was hiding in the previous laboratory. We sealed the laboratory before, but I didn't expect her to be hiding in it." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"I'm going over now. You send people to encircle outside and send more earth-type supernatural beings. It is estimated that she will escape underground, and dig three feet to dig people out." Ji Zhixi said coldly.

"Yes, Miss Zhixi, you'd better wait for us to set off together. Sheyin and Marshal have fought against each other before, and their strength is not low." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Don't worry, I won't go alone. I will bring our little friend with me. I will find her first, so as to delay her escape." Ji Zhixi hung up the communication after finishing speaking.

Then she called Xiaohei and Yinyin over, "Yinyin, go tell Caesar, I've already found him, I don't need them to look for them anymore, thank them."

Yinyin nodded, and then quickly flew towards the forest.

Ji Zhixi touched Xiao Hei, "Xiao Hei, go, fight with me, you will help me catch him later, you can't let him run away."

Xiao Hei twisted the vine, it is now a level 5 mutant plant, it will definitely help the master catch people, I haven't gone out with the master for a long time, very excited.

Ji Zhixi summoned Yueya, then quickly flew to the laboratory, and turned on the stealth mode, so that no one could notice their figures.

Jiang Yuxuan hung up the communication, and immediately called the master to go to the laboratory, worried that if Miss Zhixi was injured, it would be over.

Tang Xin originally wanted to follow, but was held back by Li Huai.

"It's enough for so many people to go. Let's quickly track down the source of this signal and help everyone determine Cao Lian's location." Li Huai said.

"Okay, when I find Cao Lian, I will definitely beat him up. The signal is so hidden and scattered, it's still a bit difficult to find out." Tang Xin said angrily.

"It doesn't matter, we will check one by one, and we will always find out." Li Huai said.

Tang Xin nodded, then sat down, and quickly clicked her hands, she must help.

(End of this chapter)

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