Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 245 New hatred and old hatred

Chapter 245 New hatred and old hatred
Ji Zhixi came to the laboratory and quietly entered through another passage, which was only known to the important personnel of the laboratory.

This passage is used for escaping, so even if the laboratory is blocked, that's why Sheyin can still come in.

"Yueya, hold on here, someone is coming out to catch him." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, sister, you must pay attention to safety when you go in by yourself, and call me immediately if you are in danger," Yueya said.

"Understood, with Xiao Hei accompanying me, nothing will happen." Ji Zhixi said.

Then turn around and enter the laboratory, the passage is dark and damp, because of the long history, there are spots of rust everywhere.

Ji Zhixi opened the defensive cover, and there was an unpleasant smell in the passage, and she knew someone had been there by looking at the traces on the ground.

She quickly walked out of the passage, and soon came to another door of the laboratory. After passing the identification, the door opened immediately.

After she entered the laboratory, she first came to the monitoring room to see where Sheyin was in the laboratory.

She turned on the monitor and searched, and found Sheyin's figure. She found that she looked up at the monitor, as if she knew she was looking for her, but the look in her eyes looked creepy.

She was in the room where she soaked the nutrient solution before, Ji Zhixi thought for a while and then walked towards the room.

When she entered the room, she found that She Yin was sitting on a chair, looking at her with a gloomy expression, as if she had been waiting for her for a long time.

Ji Zhixi walked in front of her, stretched out her hand, "The antidote."

Sheyin sneered, "Why do you think I developed the medicine? How do you think I will develop the antidote? Even if there is an antidote, why should I give it to you?"

Ji Zhixi knew from her appearance that she would not compromise, so she directly found a chair and sat down.

"During the last days, you arranged for them to abandon me?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Not stupid!" Sheyin laughed.

"You are so good at developing medicines that people don't love, why don't you research medicines that people love, then Cao Lian will only love you." Ji Zhixi mocked.

Sheyin clenched her hands tightly, her eyes sharp, "How do you know I didn't develop it? Why are you so sure I developed it?"

"Because I know that Cao Lian will not be so boring to develop this kind of thing." Ji Zhixi said.

Sheyin slammed his hands on the table, "You always act like you know the doctor very well, which makes the doctor appreciate you very much. In fact, I am the only one who knows the doctor best and loves the doctor the most. Why can't he see it. "

"Oh, you love her very much, otherwise you wouldn't be following him until now, being so crazy about him. But why don't you understand that he knows exactly what's on your mind? He's just using you all the time." Ji Zhixi Said.

Sheyin said loudly, "So what! I love him, so I am willing."

"Then you love so humblely. Now that you have developed the medicine, why don't you let him take it? Don't tell me you are not willing? Do you love him and don't want to have him? Are you willing to stay by his side in obscurity?" Ji Zhixi prodded her.

"Of course I want to have him, but who do you think he is! He is the greatest doctor. My little medicine is completely insignificant to him. He found the antidote in no time. I drove him away, if I hadn't begged hard, I wouldn't even be able to see him." The roommate said sadly.

Ji Zhixi's eyes lit up when she heard the antidote, "But he still abandoned you, he ran away by himself and didn't take you with him, otherwise why would you be here by yourself?"

"The doctor didn't abandon me. He just hid temporarily. When the time comes, he will definitely find me when he makes a comeback. Then we will do research together." The roommate shouted angrily, banging on the table.

"Then why are you willing to expose yourself for drugging? You still want to be with Cao Lian in the future? You know that once exposed, you will definitely not be able to escape." Ji Zhixi asked.

"If it wasn't for you, would I have exposed myself? For so many years, no matter what kind of research, he has been crazy about you. You don't know how uncomfortable it is for me to watch him marry your clone!"

"If it wasn't for you, we would be able to be together happily without having to go through so many years of pain, how uncomfortable it is to transfer our bodies every time, do you understand? Do you know how terrifying it is to be an experimental subject? Everything is because of you, Without you, nothing would happen!" She Yin shouted resentfully.

"Sure enough, it's the perpetrator's theory! Cao Lian's own madness, he is the instigator, I'm just a victim, treated like this by you, but I will be hated by you."

"You just love but can't, so you can only make excuses for yourself, you can't bear to hate your lover, so you find other people to vent, but this doesn't mean you are right, and you have no reason to demean my body like this, you guys All lunatics will be punished!" Ji Zhixi said coldly.

"Hehe, punishment? Yes! It's punishment for me to become like this ghost now. After all these years, I have understood that as long as you exist, all this will not end. Only when you disappear can all this stop." She Yin ruthlessly He looked at her fiercely and said.

"So you gave the medicine to lure me out?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"That's right, in addition to giving you the feeling of being in love, the most important thing is to lure you out. I can't bear it for a moment when I see you happy." The roommate said while grabbing the table, leaving a deep impression on the table. Deep scratches.

"Where is Cao Lian?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Do you think I'll tell you? Don't try to procrastinate, today is your death day." Sheyin said.

"You want to die with me? It doesn't matter if you never see Cao Lian again?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Sheyin's eyes were a little confused, "After all these years, I'm also tired, and I've done my best to persevere until today, so even if I want to leave, I'll take you with me."

Then the door was closed suddenly and quickly, the laboratory began to release gas, and Sheyin attacked directly.

Ji Zhixi took out a dagger to block Sheyin's attack, her moves were deadly, very ruthless, leaving no room for them.

Ji Zhixi's defensive cover couldn't stop the gas, she asked Xiao Hei to destroy the door, and she continued to resist Sheyin's attack.

She found that she seemed to have a very poisonous body, which was probably the gene of a poisonous snake. Once she was scratched, it would probably be choking.

While attacking, Sheyin said, "Do you know what kind of gas it is? It's a gas that kills cells quickly. If you open the door and the gas leaks out, then the people outside will be finished."

"You have a strong vitality, you can recover, can others recover?" Sheyin said with a smile.

As soon as she heard that the potion in her hand was spilled on Xiao Hei, she immediately shouted: "Xiao Hei, stop, get out of the vent quickly, and keep everyone away."

Xiao Hei hesitated for a moment, and immediately drilled out towards the vent, and found that its vines had also started to wither, which showed how powerful the gas was.

Fortunately, after improving its strength, its vitality is also considered strong. It can still absorb the power of wood, so it has to go out to replenish it.

With Ji Zhixi's potion, it also buffered it. It cut off the infected vines, grew rapidly, and then ran outside, but it was also very worried about the master. No matter how powerful the master's vitality was, she would find it difficult to hold on to the gas down.

(End of this chapter)

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