Chapter 246 coma
While dodging the attack, Ji Zhixi covered her entire body with mental power to protect her body, and at the same time took out a gas mask in the space to avoid inhaling more gas.

She saw that Sheyin was breathing like this without any protection, which proved that she was not afraid of the gas, and it seemed that there was medicine to resist it.

Sheyin attacked desperately, and the tables and chairs in the room were all broken. She spit out venom, but Ji Zhixi dodged, and the venom directly corroded the ground.

The defensive cover was accidentally splashed, and a hole was directly corroded, proving how terrifying the corrosion ability is.

The surrounding environment is very unfavorable to her, and Xiao Hei is not around, it seems that this time she is in trouble.

So she also took out the potion and sprayed it at Sheyin, don't think she was the only one who would do the trick.

She Yin never expected that Ji Zhixi would also use medicine, and accidentally inhaled a little. She wanted to get to know Ji Zhixi before the medicine took effect.

Sheyin began to swell with mental power, and rushed in front of Ji Zhixi in an instant, with a flick of her tail, Ji Zhixi was directly sent flying and hit the wall, the force was so huge and fast, the defensive shield on her body was directly broken, and the mask flew off.

Before Ji Zhixi could get up, he wrapped her tail around her, the scales on the tail cut her skin, and blood flowed immediately.

Sheyin wanted to wrap her around her so hard, but she didn't expect the medicine to take effect, and she couldn't exert all her strength.

Ji Zhixi took the opportunity to break free, but the snake venom began to seep into her body, and the gas was also sucked into her body, and she felt bad.

At this moment, Sheyin fell to the ground powerlessly, staring at her fiercely, "Haha, Ji Zhixi, you are finished, follow me to hell!"

At this time, the door of the room was slammed open. It turned out that it was Crescent Moon. After seeing Xiao Hei coming out, she immediately knew that the owner was in danger, so she rushed in immediately.

Yueya is a mech, so she doesn't have to worry about the gas problem. Seeing Ji Zhixi's blood dripping all over her body, she immediately checked her body.

"Yueya, take her with you. I was poisoned by her snake venom and inhaled the cell-destroying gas, but she is not afraid. Antibodies will definitely be found in her body, so they can develop the medicine as soon as possible."

"Let the people of the Jagged Legion seal the laboratory to avoid gas leakage before the medicine is developed. Just now I recorded the conversation with Sheyin with a wristband. The laboratory may still have Sheyin's research. Check carefully, maybe There is an antidote to Artis."

"Take me to the tree of life, I need to replenish the power of the tree." Ji Zhixi fell down after finishing speaking.

Her cells began to die, and she had been relying on spiritual power to heal her. With the addition of snake venom, her body began to be unbearable.

Crescent Moon immediately picked her up, and at the same time dragged Sheyin and flew out of the laboratory.

The members of the Jagged Legion were stopped by Xiao Hei outside, so they couldn't get in. They were very anxious outside, but unfortunately they couldn't communicate with Xiao Hei.

Fortunately, Yinyin brought Caesar here at this time. After some communication, she found out that there was cell-destroying gas in it, and Miss Zhixi was in danger, so she immediately sent for a military doctor.

Jiang Yuxuan was anxiously at the door trying to persuade Xiao Hei to let them in.

"Xiao Hei, we have anti-virus equipment, let's go in! Otherwise, Miss Zhixi will be very dangerous, and you don't want her to have an accident, right? Caesar, you can also help me persuade me." Jiang Yuxuan said anxiously.

"Xiao Hei said that the gas is very strong, and these equipment may not be able to prevent it. It promised its master that it will not let you in." Caesar said.

Jiang Yuxuan's head was getting bigger. At this time, Yueya brought people out and saw Ji Zhixi who was covered in blood and unconscious. He knew it was over.

Xiao Hei immediately shrank and jumped onto Ji Zhixi, looked at her worriedly, kept wiping the blood off her body, Yinyin also flew anxiously to Yueya and looked at her.

Crescent Moon threw the man to the ground, and then relayed what Ji Zhixi had said. After sending the recording of the bracelet to Jiang Yuxuan, she led the man and quickly flew towards the Tree of Life.

"Hehe, it's useless. When you develop the potion, Ji Zhixi will be dead long ago. I don't believe that she really has eternal life." Sheyin said with a grim face.

Jiang Yuxuan directly knocked her out, he didn't want to hear her speak at all.

Jiang Yuxuan didn't dare to delay, and asked the robot to extract part of the gas first, and then made a detailed copy of the laboratory data, then immediately sealed the laboratory, and then took the people back to the base.

Yueya soon came to the tree of life, and she put Ji Zhixi under the tree.

Ji Zhixi closed her eyes and began to slowly absorb the power of wood. The power of wood circulated rapidly in her body, and the snake venom was swallowed up bit by bit.

But the cell destruction still hasn't stopped. It seems that the gas is really powerful. If it weren't for her super self-healing power and the power of wood, she would have died long ago.

She quickly infiltrated her body with the power of wood to fight against the cell-destroying virus. Many branches and vines began to grow around her, entwining her.

Xiaohei and Yueya guarded her, and Yueya kept scanning and monitoring her body.

When Artis heard the news, he immediately asked people to develop antibodies, and then drove Silver Wing to the Tree of Life.

I don't know why he always felt uneasy, when he saw Ji Zhixi lying on the ground, the discomfort in his heart was very strong.

He recalled the scene of Ji Zhixi's deep sleep before. His heart should be in great pain, but he was tightly suppressed, so he felt as if his heart was blocked, which was very uncomfortable.

He jumped off the mecha and came to Ji Zhixi's side, and asked anxiously, "How is Xixi?"

"My sister was poisoned by the snake venom and inhaled the cell-destroying gas. The cells in her body began to be destroyed. The snake venom should have been cured. She is now using the power of wood to fight the virus. I don't know how long it can last. We must develop it as soon as possible. Antibodies are the only way to do it," Yueya said.

Artis clenched his hands, feeling powerless again. He was the same way before, watching her helplessly, unable to do anything.

He had promised her before that he would protect her, but now he made the same mistake again, damn it.

Artis hit the ground hard with his fist, and he decided that whether he could find the antidote or not, he would follow her and never let her out of his sight.

Even if there is no love in his heart, his body seems to have been conditioned to reflex, deeply imprinted, it must be this person.

Artis calmed down, covered the vines with his hands, and began to transmit spiritual power, hoping to help her. He was worried that her mental power would not last.

Ji Zhixi's body fell into a coma, and her body fought against the virus with minimal wear and tear, and was repairing itself, and the tree of life was constantly sending her the power of wood.

At this time, the scientific research and the pharmacist's guild rushed to develop the antibody. They wanted to tear Sheyin into pieces and extract all the samples that could be extracted from her body.

While developing and testing, because the gas is very dangerous, they put the gas in a closed space and then tested it through the machine.

On the other hand, Li Huai and the others are also carefully analyzing the data in the laboratory to see if there is any information related to this gas and the medicine that Artis took.

Wu Lian is also mind-controlling Sheyin, hoping to get useful information from her.

(End of this chapter)

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