Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 247 Developing the Antidote

Chapter 247 Developing the Antidote
Artis looked at Ji Zhixi, who was pale in front of him, and felt a feeling in his heart that he wanted to break out of the ground, but he was firmly suppressed. This feeling almost drove him crazy.

He felt that his spiritual power was a little bit weak, so he immediately asked Silver Wing to send the medical cabin over for cell repair, so it was not an option to use the power of wood all the time.

Silver Wing flew back to the base immediately, while Yueya continued to analyze Ji Zhixi's body, hoping to help, because Ji Zhixi was sleeping here before, and the equipment hadn't been moved yet, so it happened to be ready for use.

She started the medical examination procedure, then took Ji Zhixi's blood and put it into the instrument for testing.In fact, it is better to put the person into the medical cabin to check the cell condition, but now she dare not touch Ji Zhixi rashly, so she can only check the basic condition first.

Xiao Shen and Xiao Jin immediately ran to the Tree of Life when they heard the news, and the four little ones circled around Ji Zhixi anxiously.

Xiao Hei took out the crystal nucleus he had collected before and wanted Ji Zhixi to use it, but was stopped by Artis.

"Xiao Hei, it's useless. We are trying to find an antidote now. Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to her." Artis said with difficulty.

Xiao Hei looked at Artis, who was not the same as usual, but looked the same, so he could only obediently stand by.

Artis drank plate after bottle of medicine, maintaining his mental power output, and soon Silver Wing came back with the medical cabin, which was a tested liquid medicine specially designed to inhibit cell destruction.

Artis slowly withdrew his mental power, and said softly: "Hee Hee, I'm going to put you in the medical cabin now, don't worry, we will develop an antidote soon, you must hold on."

Then Ji Zhixi was picked up and put into the medical cabin, those branches, leaves and vines soon wrapped around the medical cabin, continuing to deliver the power of wood.

Xia Jinxuan and the others also hurried over, watching Ji Zhixi in the medical cabin burst into tears again.

"My poor child, I just woke up for a few days, why is it like this again, I should keep an eye on you and not let you go anywhere." Xia Jinxuan said heartbroken.

"I'm sorry, auntie, it's all my fault." Artis said with blank eyes.

"No, it's all my fault. I should insist on going with Miss Zhixi." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Now is not the time to say who is at fault, but to find a way to develop an antidote." Ji Chengxuan said.

"The scientific research side and Mr. Ji are already doing research, and Minister Li is also working hard to decipher the data, hoping to find relevant information on gas production." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"The previous experimental data in Ji's should be checked again." Artis said.

"Yes, I'll ask them to send the data over immediately." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"How is Zhixi's situation now?" Ji Chengxuan asked.

Artis looked at the data in the medical cabin, "The cells are still being destroyed, Xixi's body is constantly healing itself, temporarily protecting the main parts of the body, temporarily suppressing the virus, but it may not last for a long time. "

"Now these liquid medicines can temporarily repair cells, but they still can't keep up with the speed of cell destruction. We still need to develop an antidote as soon as possible." Ji Chengxuan looked at the data and said with a frown.

"Did you get anything out of Sheyin's mouth?" Artis asked with cold eyes.

"Before she returned to the base, she wanted to commit suicide. She didn't expect to die because she was an experimental subject. Her self-healing ability is also very strong. Wu Lian has already used her mental power to question her. She said that the virus She made it, but the data has already been destroyed."

"But she has antibodies in her body, and an antidote can definitely be developed. And we also found traces of Cao Lian. When the antidote is developed, we can check his location." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Artis clenched his fists, he would not let any of these people go, and these troublemakers must not stay.

After two days and two nights of sleepless research, everyone finally developed the antidote.

Seeing the military doctor inject the antidote into Ji Zhixi's arm, and her body data finally slowly returned to normal, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone was exhausted, Artis thanked everyone one by one, and then let everyone go to rest first, looking at Ji Zhixi who was still sleeping, he was still worried.

Xia Jinxuan patted him, "Artis, go to rest! Xixi is fine, you haven't rested for the past two days, and you have been sending spiritual power, look how ugly your face is, go to rest now!"

"I'll go to rest when Xixi wakes up, Auntie, you go to rest too, and I'll notify you when Xixi wakes up." Artis said.

Seeing her like this, Xia Jinxuan felt that he seemed to have changed back to the way he hadn't been drugged before, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. It's really a long journey, and I hope the two of them can go smoothly in the future.

Everyone left, only he and a few little ones were left by Ji Zhixi's side.

He looked at her, and their previous memories slowly flashed in his mind. Although those sweet memories at the beginning, although he didn't feel it in his heart, he knew how important these were.

After this time, he felt even more that nothing can stop the two of them, even if there is no love in his heart, but he regards her as his responsibility, which is more important than all other responsibilities, so he will treat her wholeheartedly.

Only by constantly reminding himself like this, he felt that he would not make her sad. Before he recovered, he didn't want her to be hurt again, especially because of himself.

He carefully picked her up, put her in another medical cabin, washed her clean, and then carried her out to the bed, all of this was so familiar.

He had endless regrets in his heart. She didn't want her to lie here lifeless like a doll at all. She should hold his hand with a smile like that day.

Thinking about it, he took her hand unconsciously. He held her slender hand, and then slowly clasped his fingers together. He always felt that this gesture was the right one.

Suddenly she felt her hand gently hold his hand, and he immediately looked at her, and found that she had opened those bright eyes and was looking at him with a smile.

"Sorry, I made you worry again." Ji Zhixi said softly.

The body cells have basically been regenerated for several rounds, so her body is still relatively weak, and with the excessive consumption of wood power, she now feels weak all over, so she can only lie down and talk like this, otherwise she will definitely get up and hug the person in front of her.

Artis' clenched hand froze for a moment, and then wanted to let go, but she grabbed it tightly and refused to let go.

Artis had no choice but to continue to hold it, and Ji Zhixi looked at him with satisfaction.

"I won't let you act alone in the future." Artis said seriously.

Ji Zhixi looked at him helplessly, "No one thought that Sheyin would do this, and even if someone was with me, this virus is so severe, no matter how many people there are, it's just a meaningless sacrifice. Fortunately, I was the only one who got caught."

Before Ji Zhixi finished speaking, she saw Artis looking at her with serious eyes, and she quickly changed her words: "I know, I know, I promise I won't act alone in the future, I will be more careful."

(End of this chapter)

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