Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 248 Cao Lian's Position

Chapter 248 Cao Lian's Position

Artis squeezed her hand, which hurt her a little, but she dared not make a sound, because he looked a little scary now.

"I said that you should put yourself first at all times, and you also promised me that you would never put yourself in danger again," Artis said.

Well, she suddenly felt a little guilty. She did promise, but because it was about Artis, she forgot everything when she got angry.

"I'm sorry." She coquettishly shook the two holding hands, "I promise, there will be no next time, and I'm not alone this time, I brought Xiao Hei and Crescent Moon specially, but I promise, I swear, there really is no next time."

Artis sighed when she saw her swearing, in fact, she knew her character very well, and this time it was mainly because of him, so she couldn't blame her too much, but he couldn't accept seeing her in crisis Yes, so let her reflect on it.

"Next time you commit another crime, I'll lock you up in a confinement room for a week," Artis said.

Ji Zhixi's eyes widened, "Confinement room! Artis, you really don't love me anymore."

The corner of Artis's mouth twitched, he didn't speak, let go of her hand, and was about to give her a physical examination.

Seeing his unresponsive look made her a little sad, yeah!He really doesn't love her now, thinking of the medicine, immediately a fire arose in her heart.

"Have you questioned Sheyin? Has the antidote been developed?" Ji Zhixi got up anxiously and asked.

Artis turned his head and said seriously: "Lie down, I will examine you."

Ji Zhixi was startled by him, so she could only lie down obediently.He muttered in his heart, good you Artis, you treated me like a treasure before, but now you treat me like this, I will torture you after you recover.

Artis didn't know what was going on behind her, so she turned on the device and carefully checked her body to make sure she was fully recovered without any side effects.

Seeing his serious look, she couldn't bear to criticize him, after all, it was all because of the medicine, and he was also very kind to herself now, and he was still very caring, thinking about it, she sighed again.

Artis noticed her emotion, "What's wrong?"

Ji Zhixi shook her head, "You haven't told me how the antidote is?"

"No relevant prescriptions and experimental data have been found," Artis said.

When Ji Zhixi heard it, her face immediately fell down. If there is no antidote, it would be very difficult to study the antidote. However, I talked to Sheyin before, and she said that she used it for Cao Lian, but Cao Lian was fine, which proves that Cao Lian must have the antidote. medicine!
That's right!As long as Cao Lian is caught, it will be easy!
Seeing her listless look, Artis said, "Don't worry, we have found Cao Lian's whereabouts. As long as we find him, the antidote will be developed soon."

"Did you find it? Where is it?" Ji Zhixi immediately regained her spirits.

"He is very cunning and has many different communication locations, but Xinxin found out that he has a fixed contact place every time, called Cepheus." Artis said.

"The Cepheus? Where is it?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"This is a remote and mysterious planet. It is said that people who have been there say that it is as beautiful as fairyland, so it is called Cepheus." Artis said.

"Really? You haven't been there either?" Ji Zhixi asked curiously.

Artis shook his head, "I have been in the army for many years, usually on missions or in wars. Cepheus generally does not accept outsiders to enter, nor does it have diplomacy with other planets, so it is very mysterious."

"Don't communicate with others? Then they are self-sufficient in everything? How come no one has made any plans for a beautiful and rich planet?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Of course there are, but the planets that wanted to attack Cepheus were defeated, and they were defeated miserably. The people there are very strong, but we have never fought against each other. We don't know how strong they are. We only know that those who attacked Cepheus The planets are all destroyed, so no one dares to take their ideas." Artis said.

"So strong! But didn't you say that you don't accept outsiders? Then why did you let Cao Lian in? Could it be that they have something for him to catch?" Ji Zhixi said puzzled.

"This is also a place where we have doubts. We are afraid of scaring the snake. Let's see how to contact the Cepheus first. If we can't get in, it will be difficult to catch Cao Lian." Artis said.

"The question is, if they want to protect Cao Lian, what will they do then? You say they are strong, and then they will be in trouble." Ji Zhixi said with a frown.

"I believe they are not those who do not distinguish between right and wrong, and Cao Lian's actions have angered the entire interstellar. Even if Cepheus wants to cover Cao Lian and fight against the entire interstellar, it will not be an easy task."

"I believe that Cao Lian's value is not enough to make them pay so much, and they are so powerful, they can't be easily blackmailed by Cao Lian, so we still have to find a way to investigate the situation first." Artis said.

"Well, that's right. Let's investigate the situation first. We can't let him run away this time. This scourge must be eradicated as soon as possible." Ji Zhixi clenched her fists and said.

"Okay, your body is fine now, you haven't eaten for so long, let's go back to the base and eat something!" Artis said.

The little ones dared to come over when they saw that the two of them finally had a good talk. The cold-faced Artis was really scary.

Ji Zhixi hugged them and comforted them one by one, "I'm sorry, sorry, I scared you again, I'm fine, let's go home now! Go back and eat something delicious."

"Ah! By the way, how was the dance?" Ji Zhixi only remembered at this moment.

"The dance is over that day, and people from various countries have already arranged to go back. They are all very busy." Artis said.

"Ah? Already went back? Didn't you stay for a few days? Will they feel that the hospitality is not good?" Ji Zhixi scratched her head and said.

For her, everyone has been on their backs for the past two days. If there is no time to entertain the distinguished guests, they can only be sent away by their father after the end, and they will be invited to come and play next time after the Blue Star is built. Everything is free.

Not wanting to make Ji Zhixi feel guilty, he didn't say it. "We didn't prepare any entertainment at all, so wait until the Blue Star is built before entertaining them."

"That's right. Now Blue Star is being built and planted everywhere. It's really not much fun. When it's built, we'll hold an open day. There must be a lot of people trying to come over." Ji Zhixi was thinking.

"We'll talk about these things later, let's go! Silver Wing!" Artis said, holding her hand.

Silver Wing quickly appeared, stopped in front of them, and opened the hatch, "Master, mistress, please."

Ji Zhixi only thought of Yueya when she saw Yinyi, "Where is Yueya?"

"Chen Yue helped analyze the data, and it's at the base! Thanks to her this time," Artis said.

Ji Zhixi nodded, "It's really thanks to her, thanks to her arriving in time and helping me a lot, Yueya is really great, I have to reward her well when I go back."

"Mistress, I also helped." Silver Wing said hastily to take credit.

She laughed out loud, "Yes, our Silver Wing is also great, thank you."

"You're welcome, mistress, this is all my responsibility." Silver Wing said immediately.

Then, amidst laughter, everyone got on the mechs and went back to the base.

(End of this chapter)

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