Chapter 249 Contact Cepheus

After Ji Zhixi returned to the base, she was scolded by Xia Jinxuan. This was the first time her mother scolded her, and it felt quite strange.

Looking at Ji Zhixi who was still distracted after being scolded, Xia Jinxuan lost her anger and poked her forehead, "Did you listen to me carefully!"

Ji Zhixi came back to her senses and immediately hugged her and said coquettishly: "I heard mom, I promise there will be no next time. I'm really sorry for making everyone worry."

"You really scared us to death. The virus this time is very powerful and destroys cells so fast. If it weren't for everyone's concerted efforts, you! We can't even imagine it." Ji Chengxuan said with a frown.

"Sorry, I didn't know that Sheyin actually developed such a dangerous thing, but fortunately, I discovered it this time. If these viruses appear on a large scale in other places next time, it will be troublesome. Now that we have the antidote, we can rest assured." Ji Zhixi said.

"Yes, fortunately they didn't use this virus in the last war, otherwise it would be troublesome." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Why didn't you see anyone else?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"You have the nerve to say that everyone has been awake for two days because of you. Knowing that you are fine, they all went to bed, and so did your father." Xia Jinxuan said.

Ji Zhixi stuck out her tongue, "It's really hard work for everyone, so I'm going to cook a big meal for everyone now, and reward everyone."

Xia Jinxuan pulled her and said worriedly: "Are you really okay? Don't you need to take a rest?"

"I'm really fine. Artis checked everything for me. Mom, you guys also go to rest for a while. There will be a big meal later." After Ji Zhixi finished speaking, she walked towards the kitchen.

"Have you got in touch with Cepheus?" Artis asked.

"Not yet. They seldom communicate with the outside world, and they don't know their internal situation. If they contact them rashly, they are afraid that Cao Lian will find out and startle the snake." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"After Minister Li wakes up, let's see if we can sneak into their internal system to check." Artis said.

"Yes." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Ji Zhixi came to the kitchen and saw that Dai Dongguan was training those newcomers, everyone was shivering from being scolded.

"Grandpa Dai." Ji Zhixi shouted.

Everyone turned their heads and looked, as if seeing hope, she couldn't help laughing at everyone's pitiful appearance.

"Girl, how is your body? Why don't you take a break?" Dai Dongguan came over and stared at her.

"I'm fine, I've made you worry. I'm going to make something delicious to comfort everyone. After all, everyone has worked hard for me for two days." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"You are really worrying. Can't you just stay with a girl?" Dai Dongguan said angrily.

"Yes, I was wrong. I won't dare in the future. Grandpa Dai, I have to rely on you for my big meal today. You have to help me." Ji Zhixi begged.

"Hmph, what do you want to do?" Dai Dongguan's face looked better at this moment.

"How about we cook Cantonese cuisine today? Make more Cantonese-style dim sum, no one has tried it before!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Well, it's fine, just let them study hard." Dai Dongguan looked at the people behind him and said.

"Then it's hard work for Grandpa Dai, everyone!" Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"It's not hard work, it's our blessing to learn more cuisines." Xiao Li said.

"Then let's do it quickly! We need to get it done before everyone wakes up." Ji Zhixi said while rolling up her sleeves.

"Yes, I'll take out the ingredients first, what ingredients does Miss Zhixi need?" Xiao Li said.

"There are more ingredients needed, I'll go get them with you, Grandpa Dai, please prepare the tools first." Ji Zhixi said.

"Don't worry, leave it to me! You guys come over and follow me to the kitchen to carry things." Dai Dongguan said.

After a while, everyone got everything ready, and Dai Dongguan divided the work: "You are in charge of porridge, you are in charge of noodles, you are in charge of cakes and steamed buns, you are in charge of steaming vegetables, you are in charge of stir-frying vegetables, and you are in charge of soup."

"Girl, let me make shrimp dumplings, and you make rice rolls!" Dai Dongguan said.

"Okay, then I'll mix the syrup first." Ji Zhixi said.

The kitchen started to get busy. On the other side, Tang Xin fell asleep in the office because she was too tired. Li Huai had no choice but to carry her to the lounge inside to rest.

Then he fell asleep on the table for a while, and was soon woken up by Jiang Yuxuan's message. After reading it, he squeezed his arms and neck, and got up again to continue working.

When Tang Xin woke up, she saw the back of Li Huai working hard. She rubbed her eyes and shouted, "Li Huai."

Li Huai stopped his hands when he heard the voice, and then walked into the lounge, "Are you awake? Are you still sleepy?"

Tang Xin subconsciously stretched out her hand to hug her. She usually likes the lazy bed when she wakes up, and she would act like a baby by hugging the person who woke her up. It's just that her family used to wake her up. This time it was Li Huai.

He looked at her outstretched hand and didn't know how to react for a moment. He sighed, went to the bathroom to wash a towel, then grabbed her hand and wiped it for her, and then helped her wipe her face.

Only then did Tang Xin wake up, looked at Li Huai, who was being stared at unnaturally, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You," Tang Xin looked at him, he suddenly became a little nervous, "You look like a housekeeper!"

Li Huai was speechless immediately, picked up the towel and went back to the bathroom, then came out to continue working.

Tang Xin got up quickly and ran to his side, "What are you busy with? Didn't you sleep? Are you not sleepy?"

"I slept for a while, and the marshal asked me to contact the Cepheus, to make sure that Cao Lian was there, and if I could go there and arrest someone. But that place is more mysterious, I don't know anything, and I can't just go in and out, so We still have to find a way to get in touch," Li Huai said.

"Hey! It's easy. If you tell me earlier, I have a solution!" Tang Xin said happily.

Then she turned on the computer and froze for a while, only to see that she had contacted a person named Hei.

Li Huai frowned suddenly, this name?
Soon there was a reply, and they chatted happily with Tang Xin.

[Hei: Xiaobai, I haven't seen you for so long, I thought you were missing!What are you doing? 】

[Bai: Brother Hei, I traveled to another planet. I haven’t been online for a long time. I’m busy. 】

[Hei: Really?What is such a fun place, tell me, I will go next time. 】

【Bai: I'm in Blue Star, I believe you know it too! 】

[Black: Blue Star?Of course I know. Is it fun to be so famous recently?Isn't it closed to the outside world?how did you get in 】

【Bai: Let’s talk about this later, I remember you told me that you are from the planet Cepheus, right? 】

[Hei: Yes!What's wrong?Need help with something? 】

【Bai: Yes, I want to ask you for a favor. Do you know how to contact the person in charge of Cepheus?Our Federal Empire wants to pay a visit. 】

[Hei: The Federal Empire actually wants to visit us?You have to make things clear so I can help you. 】

Tang Xin hesitated to say what to say, Li Huai stopped her, "Is this person trustworthy? What if he leaks the news?"

"Probably not. I have known him for many years. I believe he is not that kind of person, and I feel that his status in the Cepheus should not be low." Tang Xin said.

(End of this chapter)

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