Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 250 Cao Lian Was Discovered

Chapter 250 Cao Lian Was Discovered

[Bai: Brother Hei, it's important, can I trust you? 】

[Hei: Xiaobai, how long have we known each other?You can't believe me, you know who I am, I swear, I will never lie to you. 】

【Bai: I believe in you. This matter is related to the safety of the entire interstellar, so I must be cautious. I hope you can understand. 】

[Hei: So serious?No wonder you're so serious, I'm getting nervous, I have a say in Cepheus, let's talk!What's up? 】

[Bai: If you read the news, you should know that Cao Lian was wanted by the whole network some time ago. 】

[Hei: Cao Lian, we pay less attention to the affairs of other planets, wait a moment, I will check. 】

After a while, Hei understood everything clearly.

【Hei: I understand. You suspect that Cao Lian is hiding in the Cepheus. No, it should be said that you have confirmed that he is in the Cepheus, so you want to arrest him? 】

[Bai: Yes, little black brother, he is really a scourge, and can even destroy the entire interstellar, so this kind of person cannot continue to get away with it. 】

【Hei: I understand. However, outsiders here are not allowed to come in casually. Let me first help you confirm whether this person is in our Cepheus. 】

[Hei: If it is confirmed, I will drive people out, and then you can directly arrest people. I still don’t want to fight on our planet. 】

【Bai: Okay, we understand, but I hope you will tell me in advance when you drive the man out, he is very cunning, we are afraid that the next man will slip away again. 】

[Hei: Don't worry!I'll take care of it, wait for my message. 】

【Bai: Okay, thank you little black brother. 】

[Hei: I want to thank me, let me eat next time!I can go to Blue Star to find you. 】

[Bai: No problem, I welcome you anytime. 】

[Hei: Every time I asked you to meet, I refused to meet with life and death, but this time I was so straightforward, it seems that Cao Lian has some value.It's settled, looking forward to seeing you. 】

【Bai: Hmm, little black brother, please. 】

[Hei: Don't worry, touch your head and blow a kiss. 】

Seeing this person's frivolous tone and seeming to care about Tang Xin, Li Huai suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

"Great, let's just wait for the news." Tang Xin clapped her hands happily and said.

Li Huai said with a complicated expression, "Is that why you trust him?"

"Although he is very mysterious, I have also investigated him. Although he was not found out, a person with such strength should be an important person in Cepheus."

"Actually, I learned a lot of hacking techniques from him secretly." Tang Xin said.

"Why don't I know this person? Why did he hide himself so deeply, but expose it to you?" Li Huai asked suspiciously.

"I met him on the black network by chance. He was very powerful. He defeated me in one fell swoop and confirmed my position in one fell swoop."

"In the future, he may think that I am more fun, and then he will get acquainted with me after going back and forth, and then we will get along like this for several years without knowing it."

"He doesn't like others to disturb him, and he doesn't like to show off, so few people know him on the Internet. I met him by accident."

"Maybe I'm too likable. Anyway, he treats me very well, and we get along very happily." Tang Xin said.

"It can be seen that it is very happy, brother is called." Li Huai whispered.

"What are you talking about? I want to tell my brother the news first, and then we'll see how to deal with it." Tang Xin said and jumped out.

Li Huai looked at the computer with complicated emotions, always feeling that this person was a dangerous existence.

On the other side, after turning off the computer, Hei asked the people around him, "What is Dr. Cao busy with recently?"

The guard said: "I heard that there is a new research recently, but it has not come out in the laboratory. Every time there is a new research, he always forgets to eat and sleep like this."

"Then I'll go see him tomorrow! Don't let him ruin his body like before."

"Yes, Your Highness, you really care about Dr. Cao. The last time he was doing research and forgot to eat and sleep until he fainted. Fortunately, you discovered it in time."

"Of course, Dr. Cao is an important person, and many of our researches here are thanks to him."

"Yes, there are very few people as powerful as Dr. Cao. Although he is just an ordinary person, he is much more powerful than many people."

"Ordinary people? Indeed." Hei knocked on the table.

"Okay, Your Highness, it's getting late, you'd better go to bed early!" said the guard.

"Okay, back down too!"

"Yes." The guard retreated in response.

This person is the prince of Cepheus - Li Ke, "Black" is his name on the Internet.

He had always known that Cao Lian was a clone, but he didn't expect that another clone would hide on his own planet, and it would be a big trouble. It seemed that he had to think about how to deal with it.

On the other side, Ji Zhixi and Dai Dongguan had already cooked a lot of dim sum and Cantonese dishes, and she directed the cooking team to move the dishes to the dining hall one by one.

When everyone woke up and went to the dining hall, they were shocked to see all kinds of exquisite dim sum.

Looking at the steamer baskets piled high, steaming and fragrant, everyone couldn't help swallowing.

Ji Zhixi saw everyone coming, and hurriedly greeted everyone.

"Thank you for your hard work these two days. I prepared Cantonese food for you today. I hope you like it."

"These are dim sum. You can try them first, and then try other dishes. There are various types, and you can choose by yourself." Ji Zhixi said as she pushed the cart.

"Thank you, Miss Zhixi." Everyone sat down happily, waiting to eat, each of them was eager to eat, wanting to eat quickly.

Each table has a set of tools for making tea. Many people don't know how to make tea, and the people in the cooking class demonstrate one by one.

The people in the cooking class shuttled around with carts, delivering snacks to each table.

Ji Zhixi pushed the cart to Ji Chenghan's table, and the elders sat together.

"Hee Hee, are you okay? Don't be too tired after cooking so much food." Lisa said.

"It's okay, most of them are made by the cooking team, mainly Grandpa Dai's chef, so I'll help out." Ji Zhixi said.

Dai Dongguan brewed tea and said: "Everyone should try it carefully, today's food is really good, and this tea is also very fragrant, come here."

Everyone took a sip of the tea made by Dai Dongguan, and they were all full of praise, "Well, Lanxing's tea really leaves a fragrance on the lips and teeth, and it's very delicious."

"Come, try these dim sum." Ji Zhixi put the dim sum on the table one by one.

Looking at these exquisite dim sum, Xia Jinxuan immediately whetted her appetite. She sandwiched a crystal clear shrimp dumpling and bit into it. It was full of shrimp meat, paired with slightly elastic dough, and fresh and sweet soup. It was very delicious.

"Well, it's really delicious, Xixi, please introduce these dim sum to us!" Lisa said.

"This is shrimp dumplings, dry steamed siu mai, chicken feet, beef louver, money belly, taro ribs, glutinous rice chicken, pink fruit, water chestnut cake, barbecued pork buns, crab roe buns, quicksand buns."

"Here are rice rolls, fried rice noodles, boat noodles, Jidi congee, pork red soup, Lunjiao cake, radish cake, salted water horn, stewed beef offal, thin crisps, white sugar sauce, salty pancake, and Bengsha. "Ji Zhixi introduced them one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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