Chapter 251
Under the introduction of Ji Zhixi, everyone tasted various delicacies, and sighed that the delicacies of Blue Star are really extensive and profound.

That's when Artis came up to her, took her stroller, pulled her into a chair and pressed her down.

Put the chopsticks into her hand, "Eat."

Ji Zhixi was taken aback for a moment, feeling sweet in her heart, "What about you?"

The soldier from the cooking class next to him came over and pushed the cart away with great insight, and then he sat down beside Ji Zhixi.

Ji Zhixi picked up a shrimp dumpling for him, "Come on, try it while it's hot."

Artis silently picked up a siu mai and put it in her bowl before eating.

Xia Jinxuan felt relieved when she saw the two of them. It seemed that even if Artis was drugged, it didn't affect them.

But when he thought of Ji Xueqing, he immediately lost his appetite. This happened just after Xixi came back, and he might not be able to stay in Ji's in the future.

What's more, the uncle's family is probably already resentful. Under their pleading, because Ji Xueqing was hypnotized, they handled it according to their discretion, but the slap at the banquet has already broken the relationship between the two families.

So many people saw that Ji Xueqing would not be able to clean up her crimes in the future, and would only be judged by others. My sister-in-law was gnashing her teeth with hatred.

Seeing Xia Jinxuan in a daze, Ji Chenghan held her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xia Jinxuan shook her head, said with a smile: "It's okay, this snack is delicious, eat more." She said and put a quicksand bag for him.

Ji Chenghan seemed to understand something, and shook my hand firmly to reassure her, now that this situation has come about, it seems that she has no choice but to make.

After they were full, they went to find Ji Yulei first. After the incident of drugging, they never showed up again and stayed in the house.

Right now they were sitting in the study, Ji Yulei, Ji Chenghai, Ji Chenghan and Ji Chengxuan.

Ji Chenghan opened his mouth and said: "Father, brother, I'm sorry about Xueqing's matter, but during the investigation, it was found that Xueqing had a different intention, so let's separate in the future! The laboratory will be handed over to the eldest brother. "

Ji Chenghai's face was gloomy. Although he said that he was humiliated by Ji Xueqing this time, after all, she was the daughter he loved since he was a child. If it wasn't for Ji Zhixi's slap and deal with it quietly, everyone would not know.

Now everyone knows that she will be able to marry in the future?I'm afraid that people will talk about her wherever she goes. Thinking about it this way, Ji Zhixi is really going too far. No matter what, they are all her sisters.

Sure enough, she was not raised since she was a child, and she has no affection at all. If she hadn't been in the limelight now, and would have an effect on the development of Ji's family in the future, he would have torn his face a long time ago.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Ji Yulei probably guessed what he was thinking, "Boss, we are all a family, just say what you have, don't become enemies because of this."

"Zhixi's slap, although it has ruined Xueqing's reputation, has given all of us a warning. If she does something more serious in the future, will we be able to bear it? Don't you think so? Boss!"

Ji Chenghai was stunned for a moment, then he came back to his senses, yes, the crime of murdering the Marshal of the Empire is not a trivial matter, if the second child didn't intercede this time, it probably wouldn't be settled like this.

Offended the Jagged Legion and Blue Star, it is estimated that they will have nothing good to eat in the future.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sighed.

"Father, second brother, it's because I didn't teach my daughter well. It doesn't matter if the family is separated. I will take them back to the Federal Empire tomorrow. My sister-in-law still needs time to buffer, but we are still a family." Ji Chenghai said.

"Of course, we will always be a family, brother, thank you for understanding." Ji Chenghan said.

"In this case, let's go back to the Federal Empire tomorrow!" Ji Yulei said.

"Father, don't you want to stay longer? Blue Star still has many places to go." Ji Chenghan said.

"No need, I'll go back to do the experiment. I've had enough time to play. I'll come back when Blue Star is fully developed! You and the fourth brother can stay here at ease. The boss will take care of me, so don't worry."

"Father, we usually go back to see you when we are free. Don't worry too much. Let the experiment be done by elder brother and Ming Yang!" Ji Chengxuan said.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of father." Ji Chenghai said.

So the father and son reached a consensus, and when Ji Chenghai returned to the room and told his wife the news of returning to the Federal Empire tomorrow, Xu Qingqing was so angry that he threw everything on the ground and lost his temper.

She hated the second child's family, especially Ji Zhixi, if it wasn't for her, Xueqing wouldn't have become like that.

Ever since that incident, she has become dazed. She didn't know what they did during the interrogation. After seeing the doctor, she said she was fine, and the hypnosis had been lifted.

But her overall mental state is not very good, and sometimes she talks to herself, and she dare not leave the room.

Looking at his mad wife, Ji Chenghai scolded angrily: "Enough!"

Xu Qingqing was frightened, she looked at him in disbelief, he had never spoken to her in such a tone before.

"Are you trying to ruin your daughter completely?" Ji Chenghai said.

Xu Qingqing burst into tears immediately, "Ji Chenghai, you bastard, that's my daughter!"

"That's our daughter, so why didn't you stop her when you knew she had such thoughts? Don't tell me you didn't know before!" Ji Chenghai said angrily, Xu Qingqing fell silent.

"The two of them are already a sure thing. No matter from which point of view, Xueqing should not get involved, even outsiders can't do this, let alone her own sister."

"Has she ever considered that she is her own sister? If she exposes Xueqing's affairs in full view, Xueqing will be finished." Xu Qingqing said bitterly.

"Then what would you do if something happened to you? You have to understand that Xueqing did something wrong in the first place. If she didn't have such thoughts, how could she be used by others?"

"Xueqing is our daughter, but we can't distinguish between right and wrong. She made a mistake first. As a mother, you didn't stop the correction in time, and she made a big mistake."

"Fortunately, the medicine this time is not a dangerous medicine. If it is more powerful, do you think it's just Zhixi? The entire White Tiger Clan and Iron Blood Legion will not let us go, have you thought about it?"

"We not only have a daughter, we also have a son, have you considered for Ming Yang?" Ji Chenghai said with a serious expression.

Xu Qingqing seemed to wake up, yes!He also has a son, and he only thought about his daughter before, so it would affect his son!

If their reputation is bad, his son's career will also be affected in the future, and it is even more likely that he will not be able to find a wife.

If they are targeted by the Iron Blood Legion and the White Tiger Clan because of this matter, they will really be finished.

She really did something wrong, she shouldn't pamper her daughter, it's okay, everything is over.

Xu Qingqing was suddenly discouraged and slumped on the chair, as if she had aged a few years all of a sudden.

Ji Chenghai looked at her thinking about it, and sighed, "Clean up, we'll go back to the Federal Empire tomorrow, and I'll take Xueqing over there from now on."

Xu Qingqing understood that the overall situation was settled, but she couldn't help but cover her face and burst into tears when she thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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