Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 252 Cao Lian's Choice

Chapter 252 Cao Lian's Choice

In the distant Cepheus, Cao Lian was concentrating on his research in the laboratory. When the communication rang, he was a little unhappy to be interrupted suddenly. He glanced at the contact person, and his expression seemed to return to normal.

He turned on the communication and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"Can't I come to you if I have something to do? I heard that you locked yourself in the laboratory again recently. I'm afraid you'll starve yourself out again. Come out and have dinner with me tonight!"

"I have eaten on time, don't worry." Cao Lian said with a frown.

"That's not okay, I still have something to talk to you about, so it's settled, see you tonight." After saying that, he hung up the communication.

"Li Ke!" Cao Lian rubbed his head helplessly when the communication was cut off before he could speak.

Forget it, it's true that he hasn't gone out for a long time. Since Cao Lian came over, he has been in the laboratory, so he should go out for a walk.

He put away the specimen, and then went to the room and said to Cao Lian No. 1: "I'm going out tonight, please remember not to come out."

Cao Lian No. 1 frowned and said, "Understood, you don't mind being locked up in this crappy place all day long?"

"Don't you love experimental research? Why do you find it annoying?"

"You refuse to let me do my experiment, can I not bother you?"

"That's your problem. I have the final say here. Don't let your messy things contaminate my laboratory. If you can't stay longer, leave." Then he turned and left.

Cao Lian No. 1 scratched his head irritably. Since the last plan failed, he has been very impetuous, especially Cao Lian did not cooperate with him, so he can only stay here now.

He refused to let him carry out his experiment here, so he couldn't proceed with his plan at all.

Looking at the back of Cao Lian leaving, a hint of cruelty appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

As long as he snatches this place, he will no longer be restrained. As for him, if he does not fulfill his mission, there is no point in living.

In the evening, Cao Lian came to the private room of the restaurant and looked at Li Ke who was drinking tea.

He sat down slowly, and said straight to the point: "What's the matter?"

Li Ke paused while making tea, and then continued to make tea, "I can't find you if I have nothing to do? Do you have a conscience? If it weren't for me, you would have stayed here so coolly!"

"I have something to say." Cao Lian said expressionlessly.

Li Ke put the brewed tea in front of him, "Little heartless, you are very sensitive."

Cao Lian picked up the tea and took a sip, waiting for him to continue.

"What do the people in your lab plan to do?" Li Ke knocked on the table and said.

Cao Lian paused, "Did you come to the door?"

"Hmm!" Li Ke made a nasal sound while drinking tea.

Cao Lian thought for a moment, "Hand over the man!"

"So straightforward?" Li Ke asked jokingly.

"Well, he has hindered me for a long time, and I will be clean after he leaves." Cao Lian said.

"Pfft! If he knew that he was handed over for such a reason, would he be pissed off?" Li Ke couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, I said, are you genetically mutated? Have you checked yourself? Is there something wrong? Otherwise, you are also a clone. Why is there such a big gap between you?" Li Ke said.

"Even if it is a clone, it does not mean that it will be exactly the same. Every creature is an independent individual. There are no identical leaves in this world." Cao Lian said coldly.

"Well, I like your personality, that's why I kept you in the first place. Anyway, it's a trouble, so let's hand it over early! Otherwise, if something happens to me, I'm afraid I won't be able to control it. He won't be able to do business by then." Li Kela said as he pulled his sleeves.

"When will it be handed over?" Cao Lian asked.

"When did you control people, when will I hand them over." Li Ke said.

"Okay, I'll hand it over to you tomorrow." Cao Lian said.

"Really? You have little arms and legs, and you don't have any force value. How can you fight him? What should you do if you get killed later? Why don't you ask my brother for help?" Li Ke looked at him like watching a show.

"No, I'm a brain person." Cao Lian said.

"Cough!" Li Ke was choked on drinking tea, and felt connoted.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news. Be careful yourself. Come and serve the food. Eat enough tonight!" Li Ke said happily.

"You feel like you're filling me up and going on the road." Cao Lian complained.

"Haha~ Alright, come on, eat more, and nourish your brain." Li Ke said, patting him on the shoulder.

Cao Lian buried his head in his food helplessly and didn't want to talk to him.

He suddenly recalled the first time he met him, when he was wandering on another planet.

At that time, he was on a cheap starship, but he encountered interstellar pirates and the starship was hijacked.

At that time, the pirates pressed everyone into the hall, searched all the property, and prepared to kill.

Cao Lian was thinking about how to get away, but a girl next to her was pulled out. The pirates looked at her with obscene eyes, and wanted to rape the girl in full view.

The heart-piercing cries of the girl could be heard beside her ears. Her parents were killed because they stepped forward to stop her.

Cao Lian raised the ring on his hand. The ring has been modified to shoot poisonous needles. Those who are shot will surely die without antidote.

At this moment, Li Ke stood up. The pirates saw that he was well dressed and looked like a rich man. They were about to tie him up and blackmail his family.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, the neck of the pirate who was trying to tie him was broken, but strangely, no one saw him do it.

The pirates immediately surrounded him, he dodged strangely, and the laser gun couldn't hit him.

So the pirates began to shoot wildly, and the people in the hall were shot to death very quickly. Everyone ran wildly, and Cao Lian took the opportunity to pull the girl aside.

Then I saw the pirates took out some high-end weapons and surrounded him like a barrier. Although the laser gun shot out and missed the person, it was reflected off the barrier.

Seeing that this person was about to be beaten into a sieve, Cao Lian directly took a poisonous needle, knocked down several of them, and the barrier was also broken.

Li Ke turned around and glanced at him, then suddenly waved his hand, all the pirates fell to the ground, no one knew what happened.

Cao Lian was thinking, could it be someone with supernatural powers?But didn't see any supernatural powers?This person is powerful, and it's best not to get too involved.

Soon the crew regained control of the starship, and everyone gathered around Li Ke to thank him.Cao Lian took the opportunity to leave quietly. He has a special status, so it is better not to have too much contact with outsiders, and there will definitely be an army to investigate later, so he can't be exposed.

When he got off the starship and came to the restaurant in the small town, he wanted to fill his stomach first. As soon as he sat down, there was a person sitting opposite him.

When he frowned and was about to say that he would not share the table, he looked up and found that the smiling person opposite him was the one who saved everyone before.

"Hey, my savior, I'm here to repay the favor!" Li Ke said with a smile.

Cao Lian looked at this person speechlessly, where he needed his help, he could handle it with his strength, so he shouldn't have shot at that time.

Unexpectedly, because of this incident, Li Ke has been pestering him all the time, and he will go wherever he goes. Cao Lian regretted it to death at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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