Chapter 253 Arrest
Li Ke tapped his head, "Why are you so dazed while eating? What research are you doing recently?"

Cao Lian slowly swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Bio-reduction."

"Biological restoration? What do you mean?" Li Ke asked puzzled.

"I think there should be an end to everything. Since we made these things, we should end them."

"I have developed a medicine that can restore those experimental subjects, so it is called biological restoration." Cao Lian said.

Seeing him say such an important thing so easily, Li Ke was speechless, and it took him a while to react.

"No? You can actually restore the experimental subject? Isn't this too awesome? You can use medicine to restore the experimental subject that can only be recovered with our secret technique?"

"How did your brain grow? I'm so curious, I really want to open it and see what's special." Li Ke said while stroking his head.

Cao Lian pushed his hand away, "Nothing is impossible. As long as you persist in continuous research, many things are possible. Experiments are endless."

"You are only like that mad scientist at this time, but you are very rational and know what you are doing and what you should do, so I admire you so much." Li Ke patted him on the shoulder and said.

Cao Lian didn't say a word. To be honest, if it wasn't for Li Ke, he wouldn't have been able to concentrate on the experiment.

Whether he is still wandering outside or being harassed by Cao Lian, he is very happy to be able to live a stable life in one place and do his favorite research.

Now, as long as Cao Lian is handed over, everything will be over, and he doesn't need to be disturbed by him anymore. The restoration of the experimental body is also regarded as a kind of closure. Those people will definitely thank him, and naturally they will not trouble him again.

"Hey~ After handing over that lunatic, do you still plan to stay in Cepheus?" Li Ke asked.

"Do you want to drive me away?" Cao Lian asked back.

"How is it possible! I mean, do you want to go on a trip with me after the matter is over? People can't do experiments all day long, or they have to walk around and learn more, so that there will be more inspiration for experiments, isn't it great? ?”

Cao Lian didn't speak. Indeed, since he came to Cepheus, he hasn't gone anywhere. The outside world seems to have changed a lot, but he never cared about it.

"I made an appointment with someone to go to Blue Star, and I will take you there then! I heard that Blue Star is a very special planet. If you go there, there may be more research directions." Li Ke said enthusiastically.

"Are you sure I can still live when I go to Blue Star? And it's my home planet, don't I understand?" Cao Lian cast a glance at him and said.

"Well, you are you, not that lunatic, not to mention that you have the medicine now, they will definitely thank you, and maybe welcome you."

Cao Lian shook his head, "No, I'm not interested."

"You idiot, your brain will be bored sooner or later!" Li Ke said in a tone of hatred.

"Stop talking nonsense and eat quickly." Cao Lian said.

So the two had a pleasant dinner. When Li Ke sent someone to send Cao Lian back, he specifically told him, "Be careful when you do it, don't let people run away."

After Cao Lian returned to the laboratory, he was nowhere to be seen. He was a little puzzled, but he kept quiet so as not to make him suspicious, so he went back to his room to take a shower and prepare to sleep.

After Cao Lian tidied up, he went back to bed and fell asleep until midnight, feeling a strange feeling.

He opened his eyes suddenly and found an ugly face staring at him. Before he could react, he was strangled tightly by the neck.

He suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and immediately shot out the poisonous ring needle, and before he suffocated, the hands finally loosened, and then the experimental subject fell to the ground.

"Ahem~" He was so choked that he couldn't help coughing, and he looked up at Cao Lian who was beside him at some point.

He asked hoarsely, "What do you want to do?"

"Hehe, don't you know what I want to do?" Cao Lian said on the 1st.

Cao Lian stared at him without saying a word, his eyes were calm.

Seeing him like this, Cao Lian No. 1 was furious, "You always look like this, as if nothing has anything to do with you. I want to see if you can still be so calm in the face of death."

"You want to kill me? Why?" Cao Lian asked softly.

"What other reason can there be? Of course it is to replace you! And I found that the people here are all very good in physique and strong in ability. If they are transformed into experimental subjects, they will be even more powerful!" Cao Lian No. 1 said excitedly.

Cao Lian looked at the ugly experimental subject lying on the ground, disgusted.

"Don't be naive, even if you replace me, you won't be able to move the Cepheus, and once you do, you will regret it."

"Haha, I don't know if you don't regret it later, I only know that you may regret it, and now you are going to say goodbye to this world." Cao Lian No. 1 said with a smile.

"Why do you think you can kill me?" Cao Lian asked calmly.

"You have such a weak body, can you still resist? Your medicine doesn't work for me. My modified body can kill you with one hand." Cao Lian No. 1 said.

"Really?" Cao Lian looked up at him, as if looking at something dead.

Seeing that Cao Lian No. 1 was furious, he was about to step forward, but unexpectedly, his body suddenly became weak. He realized something was wrong, and immediately took out the potion from his bag and drank it.

But after drinking it, he still couldn't feel any relief, and he collapsed to the ground.

He stared at him with wide eyes, "You, what did you do?"

"It's nothing, just sprayed some medicine in the air, the medicine can knock anyone down, except myself of course." Cao Lian said coldly.

"Impossible! My medicine is immune to any medicine, how can you develop a more powerful medicine? I have read all the data in your laboratory, you can't have this kind of research!" Cao Lian 1 roared Said.

"My experimental data is all in my mind. Of course you don't know. You said it was impossible, but now you have fallen down. You don't believe it. You did it first, so you can't blame me."

Then he dialed the communication, "Take the person away!" Then he hung up without waiting for a reply.

"You? What do you want to do?" Cao Lian No. 1 panicked, "If you confess me, you will have no good fruit to eat, and I won't make it easier for you!"

"You don't have to worry about whether I'm doing well, you should worry about yourself!" Cao Lian said and tied the two of them with a special rope.

Cao Lian No. 1 never thought that he would fall into his hands, a clone he didn't care about.

When Li Ke arrived, Cao Lian was already sound asleep, and only Cao Lian No. 1 on the ground was cursing crazily. Unfortunately, he opened the defensive cover to isolate all sounds, and it was useless for Cao Lian No. 1 to scold.

Cao Lian No. 1 looked at Li Ke who brought someone in, and suddenly understood something, "So you have already discussed it, and you want to arrest me to make a deal with Blue Star?"

"I can do more research, better and more powerful than his research, we can have a good talk." Cao Lian 1 said calmly at the moment.

It's a pity that Li Ke didn't even look at him, and was pushed away by someone, then looked at the sleeping Cao Lian, and smiled helplessly, "Little heartless, call me over in the middle of the night, so I can sleep well."

(End of this chapter)

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