Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 254 Departing Cepheus

Chapter 254 Departing Cepheus

Li Ke took the people back to the palace, intending to send a message to Xiaobai tomorrow and continue to sleep, when the soldiers ran over.

"Your Highness, that person has been clamoring to see you." The guard said.

Li Ke waved his hand, "No, don't disturb my sleep, if you make any noise, just block his mouth!"

"Yes!" The guard hurriedly left the room, if he hadn't seen the two Cao Lian with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

Judging by His Highness's attitude, you can tell that the one who was locked up must not be a good person, and he probably wanted to impersonate Dr. Cao.

Just now, I was still brazenly saying that I am better than Dr. Cao, and there are many amazing researches. If I am really that powerful, I won’t be locked up.

Everyone knows that His Highness attaches great importance to Dr. Cao, and he wants to replace Dr. Cao. It seems that this little life is in danger.

The guard told the soldier who reported the message to quickly shut up the man's mouth, so as not to disturb His Highness any more.

Poor Cao Lian No. 1 couldn't move his whole body, his mouth was still gagged, and he was so angry that he passed out.

The next day Li Ke sent Xiaobai a message. Tang Xin was overjoyed to receive it, and immediately ran to inform Artis.

After hearing this, Artis asked, "Xinxin, how much do you know about him? Is it reliable?"

"Brother, don't worry about my work. I will only do it if I am sure. I believe in Brother Hei."

"If you're still worried, you can contact him first, it's always right to be careful." Tang Xin said.

"Okay, if you send me his newsletter, you must contact him in advance, otherwise it will be bad if our warship is misunderstood as an enemy attack when we arrive," Artis said.

"Okay, then I'll talk to Brother Hei." Tang Xin quickly sent a message to Hei, and soon received his communication number.

Artis dialed the communication number and chatted with him. The two chatted very harmoniously, and the time was quickly set.

Tang Xin asked curiously: "How is it? Who is Little Heige? I have never contacted him through communication."

"He is the prince of the Cepheus. Cao Lian has been controlled. I plan to leave for the Cepheus in the afternoon." Artis said.

"Prince! Hehe, I didn't expect it! I thought he had a certain status, but I didn't expect it. It seems that the people of the Cepheus are really powerful. A prince has such strength." Tang Xin said.

"From his conversation, it can be seen that he is not bad, his strength is not clear, but I think it should not be bad, after all, people in Cepheus are very strong."

"Brother, didn't he make a condition with him? Did he hand him over to you so easily?"

"He said he wanted to come to Blue Star to play, and meet you by the way."

"Eh? That's it? Nothing else!" Tang Xin asked in surprise.

Artis nodded, "When the time comes, you have to entertain people well."

Tang Xin nodded, "No problem, I know Little Hei well, even the prince is not afraid, I want to go to the Immortal King's Throne, I haven't been there yet! Meet Little Hei by the way!"

"I'm going too." At this moment Ji Zhixi's voice came.

"Sister-in-law, you are in good health, so don't travel long distances, we will bring him back soon." Tang Xin said.

"I'm fine. I'm going too. I'm worried that there will be some changes, and the medicine on Artis's body depends on him. I'll be relieved when I see someone sooner."

Seeing her persisting, Artis could only nod.

"I'll go too." Li Huai said suddenly.

"Why are you going to join in the fun?" Tang Xin said.

"I haven't been to the Cepheus, so I'll see it." Li Huai said.

In fact, it was because Tang Xin said that she was going to find Hei, and she was a little worried.

"Okay, pack everything up and go out in the afternoon," Artis said.

When everyone is ready, come to the starship, set the route given by Li Ke, and set off soon.

Hesitation is far away, and it is already the second day to go to Cepheus.

Their starship came to the boundary of Cepheus, and after contacting Rick, they saw the starship of Cepheus appear.

Then they saw that there seemed to be a defensive cover in the air, and a hole was slowly opened. They entered and followed the starship, and finally landed at an airport.

After they got off the starship, they saw handsome men waiting for them with a troop of soldiers.

This person was Li Ke. When he saw Artis and the others get off the boat, he stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

Artis also reached out to shake his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Li Ke, I'm Artis Tang."

"Hello, Marshal Artis, I've heard of you for a long time! This beautiful lady should be the very famous Miss Ji Zhixi."

"Hello, Prince Li Ke, I'm Ji Zhixi, thank you very much for your help this time."

"You're welcome, who told Xiaobai to be my good friend, and this beautiful lady must be Xiaobai." Li Ke winked at Tang Xin and said.

"How do you know I'm Xiaobai?" Tang Xin asked in surprise.

"Guess!" Li Ke said mischievously, without any pretensions of a prince.

"Brother Hei, did you secretly check my information!" Tang Xin puffed up her cheeks and asked.

"Haha, no, but my intuition tells you that you are Xiaobai whom I have known for many years, and my intuition is still very accurate." Li Ke said with a smile.

"Xinxin, don't be rude." Artis said.

Tang Xin pouted and stopped talking, Li Ke waved his hand, "It's okay, is it called Xinxin? Xinxin and I are good friends, so don't worry about these etiquettes."

Tang Xin immediately smiled happily, "It's better to be little black brother! Smelly brother knows how to bully me."

"Haha, if I have such a cute little sister, I will be very spoiled. Would you like to stay in Cepheus and have fun?"

"It's not very good for the prince to kidnap people face to face like this, and we're here for something important." Li Huai said coldly from the side.

Li Ke raised his eyebrows after hearing this, "This is?"

"This is Li Huai, our Minister of Science and Information Technology." Artis warned Li Huai with his eyes.

Ji Zhixi was watching a play nearby, the two kids seemed to be in trouble!
"The Federal Empire really has a lot of talents, young and promising! You are right, let's talk about the business first, and I will discuss it with Xinxin in detail after the business is resolved." Li Ke said deliberately.

"Then everyone, please come with me!" Then everyone got on Li Ke's aircraft and went to a place where Cao Lian was being held.

Since Cepheus is xenophobic, it has attracted everyone's attention to let people from the Federal Empire come over this time. Others did not agree to let them enter the interior, so they had to arrange it at a base near the border.

When they arrived at the base, they were very happy to see Cao Lian lying on the ground unable to move and his mouth still gagged. He also had this day.

Ji Zhixi went up to check his condition, and found that he seemed to be controlled by some kind of drug, and now he was like a disabled person.

"I don't know what kind of medicine the prince gave him? We still need him to make medicines. It won't work in this state." Ji Zhixi said.

"This person is very cunning and powerful. If the medicine is cured, can you control him?" Li Ke asked.

"Don't worry about that. We have plenty of ways to deal with him when we get to the base." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, but I didn't give this medicine. As for whether there is an antidote, I have to ask the Lord. By the way, there are gifts for you, and you will definitely like it very much." Li Ke said.

Gift?Artis and Ji Zhixi looked at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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