Chapter 257 New Chapter
"Congratulations, congratulations! I hope I can attend your wedding." Li Ke applauded.

Others couldn't help applauding, and everyone was very happy to see the marshal back to normal.

"Great! My brother is finally back to normal!" Tang Xin happily pulled Li Huai and said.

Li Huai also applauded and nodded, "Fortunately, an antidote has been developed, otherwise Master will be sad for a long time."

"In the future, we have to be careful and vigilant. If someone drugs again, it will be troublesome, and now there are more and more people in Blue Star." Tang Xin said with a pouted mouth.

"Xinxin, don't be afraid, Dr. Cao is here! Nothing can stop him!" Li Ke said beside him.

Tang Xin stared straight at Cao Lian, he was a little uncomfortable being stared at, and suddenly Tang Xin rushed in front of him.

"Brother Doctor, come back to Blue Star with us! That is your home! You will definitely find many interesting researches in Blue Star."

"Let me tell you! We have talking animals, refined plants, all kinds of delicacies, and some magical substances. Aren't you curious?" Tang Xin said bluntly.

"Hey, Xinxin, you are not kind! My brother has worked so hard to help you, and you still want to kidnap my person!" Li Ke interrupted her quickly.

"Brother Hei, what are you worried about? If Cepheus is really that good, no matter how much I say, Brother Doctor won't want to leave!" Tang Xin said innocently.

Li Ke was speechless, looked at Cao Lian's unresponsive face, and breathed a sigh of relief, "Our Cepheus must be fine, otherwise Dr. Cao wouldn't have stayed here for so long."

"Your Highness reminded me that I have indeed stayed here long enough, and I should change places. Blue Star seems to be a good one." Cao Lian turned and left after speaking.

Li Ke hurriedly followed behind: "Hey, hey! No way! Please explain clearly to me!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw it, and finally everything was coming to an end.

After finishing the handover, Artis and the others returned to Blue Star with people and medicine.

Looking at the beautiful starry sky outside the starship, Ji Zhixi couldn't help sighing, "It's so beautiful, I can finally relax and take a look at the beautiful scenery."

Artis hugged her from behind, leaning against her face and said, "Yes, everything is over. After everything is dealt with, I will take you to various planets to play."

"Really? What about your business? What about Blue Star?" Ji Zhixi couldn't believe it and turned to look at him and asked.

"After going through this time, I really feel that nothing is more important than you. We actually have very little time, and we might lose it at any time."

"I don't want to miss the time with you again. In Blue Star, we have discovered many talents. I believe that without me, they will be more independent and able to resist the Jagged Legion."

"Besides, I'm just retiring. Whenever the country needs me, I will step forward, but before that, I only belong to you." Artis said affectionately.

"Then didn't you become the earliest marshal to retire?" Ji Zhixi tilted her head and said.

"My father is actually similar. Because of his heart, my father retired early and handed over the Jagged Legion to me." Artis said.

"Ah! Yes, you are the youngest marshal in history. So it's not just because you are capable, but because your uncle entrusted you with the burden early on." Ji Zhixi couldn't help laughing.

"It's a pity that we don't have a baby to bear, so we can only hand it over to Jiang Yuxuan." Artis said.

Ji Zhixi thumped his chest shyly, "But if you retire suddenly, will it make people from other planets want to move again?"

"It's okay. After the selection of talents this time, they will be allowed to participate in Star Wars. If they get the first place, the people on their planet will definitely not dare to move their minds casually."

"And the mechs we prepared can also open their eyes to our current strength."

"And that's not counting. Just because of Blue Star's products, they can't wait to establish diplomatic relations with us. They won't be so stupid as to destroy this benefit." Artis said.

"That's right, now our Blue Star's products are getting better and better, and they will definitely be popular all over the stars in the future. Our Blue Star will soon return to its previous appearance." Ji Zhixi said with expectant eyes.

Artis stared at her glowing eyes, and suddenly kissed those longing lips.

Although Ji Zhixi was taken aback, the lingering kiss quickly melted her into it.

After a passionate kiss, everyone's breathing became chaotic, and they could feel the intense heartbeats of both sides from their close bodies. Feeling the heat from his body, Ji Zhixi couldn't help but blush, and wanted to distance herself a little.

Suddenly Artis took a step back and dropped to one knee, startling her.

"Hee Hee, I solemnly beg you again, marry me, okay? Now, immediately." Artis said seriously.

Ji Zhixi was a little confused, "Now? Immediately?"

"Yes, I want to marry you right now, I want you to be mine right away, I don't want to wait any longer." Artis said eagerly.

"But, now? Immediately? How?" Ji Zhixi asked a little puzzled.

"So you agree?" Artis asked, looking at her.

Ji Zhixi blushed and nodded, "Anyway, I depend on you for the rest of my life."

Artis got up and hugged her into his arms, kissed her hard again, then opened the bracelet and called out the marriage application.

"What is this?" Ji Zhixi asked curiously.

"This is a marriage application. We both sign, and then submit the application. After the review is approved, we can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register." Artis said and quickly signed his name.

"Oh." Ji Zhixi watched and slowly signed her name.

After seeing her signature, he seemed relieved at last, and then pulled out many agreements for her to sign.

Before Ji Zhixi had time to see clearly, he urged her to sign the contract. She was in a daze, and only realized something was wrong after signing.

It seems that I saw some property agreement just now?Equity agreement?She seemed to possess something extraordinary in an instant.

"Hey, you won't sell me out, will you?" Ji Zhixi joked.

"I'm reluctant to sell you even if I sell it. If you want to sell it, you can only sell it to me." Artis said.

Then he called Silver Wing out, and the two sat on Silver Wing and set off for the Federal Empire.

"Shall we go to the Civil Affairs Bureau now?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Of course, I said immediately." Artis nodded and said.

"Well, no, I signed the application, so don't be so anxious, right? And I haven't told our parents, it's not good!" Ji Zhixi said with some hesitation.

"I'll apologize to them, but baby, I can't restrain myself from this feeling of being lost and regained. I still feel very insecure in my heart." Artis actually looked at her with a pitiful look and said.

"Baby, don't worry, we got married successfully, they must be happier than anyone else, everything has me, you can just follow me! Huh?"

Ji Zhixi found out that the Iron-Blooded Marshal used all the acting like a baby in order to coax her into marriage.

Ji Zhixi thought about it, anyway, sooner or later she will get married, and good things take time, so it's better to get married sooner.

So she also nodded happily, "After you get married, you have to listen to me in everything."

Artis kissed her forehead, "Of course, my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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