Chapter 258 Shocking news
Because of Artis' eagerness, he directly asked Silver Wing to perform a space jump. No matter how healthy Ji Zhixi was, she couldn't stand the space jump for the first time.

The whole person was dizzy, chest tightness and nausea, which startled Artis.

Artis made Silver Wing stop jumping immediately, quickly put her in the medical cabin, and fell asleep in it after taking the medicine.

Artis was filled with remorse, and was so impatient that he forgot that Ji Zhixi had never experienced space jumping. Even if she was a 3S strong person, it didn't mean her body could adapt, just like people getting motion sickness.

Looking at her pale face, he wished he could beat himself up. Looking at the scenery outside, it was already dawn.

Due to the jump just now, the Federal Empire is already very close.

At this time, the communication rang, and Tang Xin's voice came immediately after the connection: "Brother, where did you take your sister-in-law? How could you sneak away?"

"I'm going to get married with your sister-in-law," Artis said.

"Oh, I thought you guys wouldn't take me with you! I... what! Get married!" Tang Xin screamed.

Artis immediately moved away, fearing to disturb the sleeping people.

"If you keep arguing, I'll hang up. Your sister-in-law is sleeping." Artis said displeased.

"Oh, then I'll keep my voice down, no, brother, are you really going to marry your sister-in-law? Now? The kind to get a certificate?" Tang Xin asked immediately.

"Yes, let's go back to the Federal Empire to get the certificate now," Artis said.

"Oh my god! Brother, could it be you who forced your sister-in-law? You are in such a hurry that you didn't even tell mommy and father." Tang Xin said dissatisfied.

"I'll tell them after I get the certificate. Your sister-in-law personally agreed. I don't want to wait for a moment now. I just want to marry your sister-in-law as soon as possible, so that I can rest assured." Artis said.

Tang Xin suddenly lost her voice over there, and said after a while, "Brother, you must treat your sister-in-law well, and don't make her feel bad anymore, or I will let my father beat you up!"

"Okay." Artis agreed.

Seeing her brother being so straightforward, Tang Xin was still a little overwhelmed, "Then I wish my brother and sister-in-law a happy wedding and a happy marriage for a hundred years! Remember to take more photos when the time comes!"

"Okay." Artis rarely objected, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then he hung up the communication, returned to Ji Zhixi's side to guard, and then turned on the computer to deal with military affairs.

By the time of the Federal Empire, it was already afternoon, and Ji Zhixi also woke up. Artis helped her up and gave her saliva.

He asked softly: "How is it? Is it better? Will you still feel uncomfortable?"

Ji Zhixi shook her head and said, "After resting for such a long time, my body has fully recovered. It's just the first time I've experienced a space jump. I didn't expect it to happen like this. I'll just get used to it in the future."

"I won't take you to jump after nothing happens," Artis said.

"Don't! It's quite fun, and I will have to experience jumping in unexpected situations in the future. It's better to adapt in advance." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

If possible, Artis doesn't want her to have any unexpected situations at all, but this is still a skill, so it's better to adapt.

"When you get back, you can enter the virtual cabin for training," Artis said.

"Okay, are we there yet?" Ji Zhixi looked outside and asked.

"Mistress, we have arrived. I am right above the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Federal Empire. We can land at any time. By the way, a friendly reminder, there are still 15 minutes before the Civil Affairs Bureau closes!" Silver Wing said.

"What? It's time to get off work, so let's leave quickly!" Ji Zhixi pushed Artis and said.

"Hee Hee, are you really determined to marry me?" Artis asked.

Ji Zhixi was speechless, and she still asked this at this point, "Yes, yes, yes, I agree, Mr. Marshal, do you want to go back on your word by saying this at this time? If you don't want to... eh!"

Artis kissed her, and then pressed her forehead and said, "I've been thinking in my dreams, let's go, baby."

Ji Zhixi blushed, tidied up, and then the silver wings landed at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, immediately attracting the attention of many people.

As early as they entered the federal empire, the information was immediately transmitted to the palace, and Weir was shocked when he heard that the place where Artis stopped was actually the Civil Affairs Bureau.

This brother is really doing great things in silence!I was clamoring to break off the engagement before, but now I'm married!
So he immediately rushed to the Civil Affairs Bureau with his people, and when Artis and the others got out of the cabin, he was already waiting with officials from the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Weier looked at him with a smile: "My dear Marshal, you came here suddenly, is that what I thought?"

Artis and Ji Zhixi clasped their fingers together, looking very affectionate, could it be that his medicine has been cured?
"We're here to get a marriage certificate. I wonder if the marriage application issued yesterday has been reviewed?" Artis asked.

The director of the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately said nervously: "Yes, that, after we received the application, we reviewed it immediately, Marshal, please rest assured."

"That's good, let's go in and register now!" Artis said.

"Okay, Marshal, Mrs. Marshal, this way please." The director of the Civil Affairs Bureau immediately led the way.

"Hey, are you brother? I came here to be your wedding witness, but you ignored me." Weier shouted from the side.

"Be quick and don't interfere with other people's get off work." Artis said coldly.

"Hey! You, did I say that your medicine has been cured? Are you in good health?" Weier asked after catching up.

"Well, it's resolved, Cao Lian was also caught, and I will talk to you in detail later." Artis said.

"Good guy, you really gave me a big surprise without saying a word, sister-in-law, congratulations, I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years, and have a baby early." Weier said with a smile.

Ji Zhixi was a little uncomfortable with such a title, but she still nodded shyly, "Thank you, Your Highness Weier."

They quickly came to the office to sit down, and then filled out the information. The staff reminded: "Because of the special status of the Marshal, I must remind you that this marriage cannot be divorced."

The director of the Civil Affairs Bureau almost shot the staff member to death. He just talked about divorce when he got married. Isn't that a bad idea!
The two looked at each other and smiled, "Don't worry, we won't divorce."

Seeing the loving look of the two, the staff couldn't help being envious, "Then please confirm the information, read the marriage vows, sign and press your fingerprints."

After the two people read their wedding vows, they quickly signed their names and pressed their fingerprints, and then a bright red marriage certificate was released.

Artis carefully put the two marriage certificates into his space. Ji Zhixi looked at him amusedly, "You put it away before I saw it clearly? One of them is mine, right? Why did you put it away?"

Artis said without changing his expression, "Honey, I'll keep it for you. If you want to see it, we'll see it when we go back."

For this claim, Ji Zhixi couldn't help but blush, and everyone around applauded and congratulated: "Congratulations to the Marshal, congratulations to the Marshal's wife, I wish you a long life together and have a son soon."

Since there was a commotion at the door just now, the shocking news of Marshal Marshal's marriage became popular on StarCraft in less than a minute. Now they don't need to mention it, everyone knows it.

(End of this chapter)

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