Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 259 Preparing for the Wedding

Chapter 259 Preparing for the Wedding
Ji Chenghan, who received the news from Blue Star, was so angry that his daughter was kidnapped if he didn't pay attention.

Xia Jinxuan comforted her from the side: "Don't be angry, what are you angry about! Sooner or later you will marry, and even if Xixi is married, it will still be the same!"

"What's more, we said before that we would not interfere with her affairs. The two of them have gone through so much, and it's hard to be together. It's normal to want to get married early."

"But no matter how you say it, you should tell us first, instead of getting married hastily like this!" Ji Chenghan said angrily.

As soon as the other end said, Lisa and Tang Haotian came to the door. They knew that what their son did would definitely make their in-laws dissatisfied, so they hurried to make amends.

"Father-in-law, don't be angry, Artis is too shameful, I will teach him a lesson when he comes back."

"Isn't Xixi too kind? In addition, the two of them have experienced so much, so it is understandable that Artis and Xixi will marry Xixi as soon as the medicine is over. This is a great thing. People who have lovers will eventually get married, he will definitely treat Xixi very well, don't worry."

"The most important thing now is to hold a grand wedding for them. We can't wrong Xixi, right! We've already brought the dowry here, in-laws, come take a look." Lisa took out the document and persuaded.

Xia Jinxuan was shocked when she saw these property transfer agreements, "Dear family, this is too expensive, we can't accept it, or you can let Xixi come back and read it!"

Ji Chenghan couldn't help but take a look, 2% of Tang's shares and [-]% of Jones Group's shares are really generous, if he can't come up with a decent dowry, it won't make Zhixi look inferior.

No, he had to think about how to get his daughter married, but at this moment he forgot that he was still against it a second ago.

"Of course, let's discuss the details of the wedding. After all, there are many things to do in order to hold a grand ceremony." Lisa said happily.

"Alright, I don't know what kind of wedding Xixi likes, why don't you ask her opinion first?" Xia Jinxuan said.

"It's okay, I've already asked people to prepare a few sets of plans, and we'll just let them choose when the time comes, let's take a look first." Lisa opened the documents as she spoke.

The two of them immediately got involved and started a heated discussion. As for Tang Haotian, he drank tea calmly by the side, and Ji Chenghan was still thinking about the dowry.

As for Ji Zhixi and the others, they knew that they were on the trending list before they left the Civil Affairs Bureau, and they were very helpless.

"You are miserable. My father will be very angry if he finds out." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm married anyway, and I'll make amends when I go back." Artis held her hand and said with a satisfied expression.

Puff, Weier couldn't help laughing beside him, when did he see Artis like this, love can really change people.

"Why are you still here?" Artis frowned at the light bulb.

"Hey! Do you have a conscience! I came here to be your wedding witness, throw it away after use? Didn't you say you have something to tell me?" Weier said dissatisfied.

"Tsk, let's go back to the palace first." Artis said helplessly.

So the group returned to the palace and came to Weir's office to sit down and discuss matters.

After hearing what Artis said about the recovery of the experimental body, I was surprised, "Can it really be recovered? Is there any fraud?"

"It can really be recovered. We have seen it with our own eyes and checked the data. Then we can experiment for a while before putting it into use." Ji Zhixi said.

"How do you say that person is also a clone of Cao Lian, you just believe that?" Weier asked.

"How to put it, after I wake up, I have the ability to sense the good and evil of people. I can feel that this person is not malicious, and he is protected by Cepheus. In fact, there is no need to give this medicine to us."

"No matter where it is used, this medicine is also a major invention. It can be said to benefit the entire interstellar. If it is studied in other aspects, it will not only restore the experimental body."

"He took it out directly without hesitation, and planned to continue research in other fields. He is really a rare talent."

"And I've had someone investigate him privately. He really didn't participate in Cao Lian's affairs. He has been in the laboratory since he was created."

"I ran out by myself and didn't do anything else. I didn't settle down until I went to Cepheus. People in Cepheus are not simple. They must have known his details before taking him in."

"It's also impossible for them to leave a scourge on their own planet, just like they directly handed over Cao Lian to us this time."

"I invited him to come to Blue Star this time, and Prince Li Ke obviously didn't want to let him go, which proves that he is a good person, no matter from any aspect, except for his background." Ji Zhixi said.

"It turned out to be like this. There is no way to choose such things as birth, but life can be changed by oneself. It seems that he has also forgotten the variable that Cao Lian didn't think of." Weier said.

"That's right, if we can pull people over, maybe our medical level and other related fields will make great progress." Ji Zhixi said.

"Oh, the more you talk about it, the more I want to meet this person, but it's a pity that Cepheus is not diplomatic. By the way, you guys went this time, did you talk about the establishment of diplomatic relations in the future?" Will asked.

"The people of Cepheus don't have this intention for the time being, but they can try from Prince Li Ke as a breakthrough, but I will leave it to you in the future. I am going to apply for retirement. Hurry up and choose a new marshal!" Artis Said calmly.

"Okay, huh? What? Retire? Why are you crazy! Hasn't the effect of the medicine been completely eliminated?" Weier excitedly slapped the table and stood up.

"I'm going to take Xixi on a trip. I don't have time to manage military affairs. There are so many outstanding talents in our federal empire. It's time to promote a group of them." Artis said.

"No, if you want to travel, I can grant you leave. Why are you retiring at such a young age! Uncle Tang will definitely not agree! Others will not agree either." Weier waved his hand and said.

"So what do you think if you don't agree?" Weier said coldly.

"Hey, no, my lord marshal, what about your sense of responsibility! What about your responsibility! How can you be willing to abandon the little friends who fought side by side with you like this?" Weier immediately persuaded.

"Even if I am not in the position, I will continue to fight side by side with everyone, and without me, they can do a good job. Everyone in the Iron Blood Legion is very good. They can complete any task independently, and they can also carry this burden. It just takes a chance."

"The selection process will start soon. When the time comes, you all come to Blue Star to observe those newcomers carefully. I plan to focus on cultivating several of them," Artis said.

"I don't care. Anyway, I can't approve this retirement. If you can convince Father, I will let you go." Weier said helplessly.

"Don't worry, I will arrange everything. You all have to prepare in advance and just think about the next marshal's reserve staff." Artis said.

Weier sighed heavily, "Beauty is misleading!"

(End of this chapter)

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