Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 260 Application for Retirement

Chapter 260 Application for Retirement

Ji Zhixi glanced at Weier, and Weier immediately coughed twice.

"Ahem, don't misunderstand that sister-in-law! I mean that Artis has no position at all. Hey, I didn't expect this person to be self-willed after so many years. Is this a belated rebellious period?" Weier joked.

Ji Zhixi looked at Artis. Indeed, this person has been training hard since he was a child, and has experienced many trials that ordinary people cannot bear. He has taken on everything at a young age. Almost died.

If he hadn't met her, maybe he would have had to spend the rest of his life miserably as a strange beast. Now, she just wanted him to relax and enjoy it for a while.

As for military affairs, it is definitely impossible to let go of it. Everyone knows his character. He said that he retired, but it doesn't affect everything. He will still do what should be done, but leave more opportunities for others.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm going to find the king now, Xixi, you can rest here for a while, if you don't want to face this annoying guy, go back to the cabin, Silver Wing." Artis said.

"Yes, master, don't worry, I will take good care of the mistress." Silver Wing said.

"Hey! What an annoying guy, get out of here! I will take good care of my sister-in-law." Weier said angrily.

Artis kissed Ji Zhixi's forehead, and then walked out, Wil felt that he was fed a lot of dog food.

"Sister-in-law, let's talk! What are your plans for the future?" Weier gossiped.

"I believe you know Artis better than I do. After all, you grew up together. Although he said he was going to retire, it didn't affect his desire to serve the country. No matter where he is, his military uniform will always be in his heart. .” Ji Zhixi said.

Will nodded, yes!He knew, so even if Artis suddenly said that he wanted to retire, he didn't say that he would stop him.

"Besides, he was mainly stimulated, so you have to give him some time to buffer it. We will go out for our honeymoon and come back, and it will be fine." Ji Zhixi said.

"Hey! Don't irritate me as a lonely family anymore. If Artis retires, it will add a lot of work to me. I am already miserable enough." Weir said.

"Hehe, Your Highness, with so many talents in the Federation Empire, are you afraid that you won't find someone to share the work with you?" Ji Zhixi laughed.

"Yes, you are right. Since Artis is ruthless, I can't blame me. I want to pry more people from him. Well, I think Palia is good, and the royal ceremony, as for the others ’” Will muttered to himself.

"Palia? Your Highness, Palia is a secret guard. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with your work, right? Do you have any other ideas for keeping people by your side?" Ji Zhixi asked keenly.

"Huh? What can I think? The hidden guard is actually very important and can do many things. You know that there are many things that need to be done secretly. Palia's hidden guard works very well, and I can rest assured that he is protecting me." Weier quibbled road.

"Palia is not the only hidden guard, and it's not very convenient for her to be a girl. I will let Artis choose other excellent hidden guards for you." Ji Zhixi said seriously.

"Hey, no, sister-in-law, you can't do this, I have helped you a lot." Weier complained.

"I just want His Highness to think clearly. After all, I still like Palia very much, and I don't want her to be hurt. Your Highness understands what I mean, right?" Ji Zhixi said pointedly.

Weier was silent, or he was seriously thinking about Ji Zhixi's words. After a while, he scratched his head and changed the subject and said, "Let's talk about this later! Artis said that the trials will start soon. Is the venue set at Blue Star?"

Ji Zhixi looked at him speechlessly, "Yes, Artis asked Li Huai to prepare the assessment system, and the assessment site is probably almost ready. We can start after we return to Blue Star to prepare."

"Well, I asked Jiang Yuxuan to show me the registration list first, to see who Artis is focusing on." Weir said.

"Okay, Your Highness, you need to do your work first. I'll just sit here and rest, and I won't disturb you." Ji Zhixi said.

"Okay, come here, bring more fruit snacks, magazines, books, etc." Will ordered.

Then Ji Zhixi ate fruit snacks and continued to wait for Artis, and Weier quickly went to work.

When Jiang Yuxuan received a message from His Royal Highness Weier, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Marshal is retiring!retired!
He suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes, and Guo Yiming next to him hurriedly supported him, "Old Jiang, what's wrong with you?"

"I want to take my time, let me take my time." Jiang Yuxuan said and sat down.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Guo Yiming asked worriedly.

"Uh, I was stimulated by the marshal. The marshal is married, and I'm still single. I'm so busy that I don't know when I'll find a wife." Jiang Yuxuan said jokingly.

It's inconvenient for him to tell others about the marshal's matter.

"Haha, Old Jiang, are you also tempted? That is, it is difficult for us soldiers to find a wife, and you are so busy, it is indeed a bit difficult. Otherwise, next time you organize some social gatherings, you may really be able to find one." Guo Yiming Said.

"Okay, then our happiness will be entrusted to you." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"Old Jiang, there is something wrong with you. If you have something to say, don't you have brothers? There is nothing we can't solve together." Guo Yiming said.

Jiang Yuxuan nodded, yes!What is he worried about? There are so many brothers, and even if the marshal says he will retire, he won't ignore them. Maybe the marshal will come back after playing with his wife for a while.

They were all cultivated by the Marshal. The Marshal must feel that they can take responsibility before letting go. The Marshal has worked so hard for so long, so he should take a break.

If there was no marshal, they might all have died on the battlefield. Now that the marshal has found his own happiness and what he wants to do, they should support him.

Jiang Yuxuan thought about it, built himself up, and cheered himself up. He will definitely be able to take on the heavy responsibility. Before the Marshal returns, he will guard the Iron Blood Legion and not let him down.

Guo Yiming looked at Jiang Yuxuan who was full of energy again, and shook his head, wondering why this person suddenly had a fit, as long as he was fine.

Artis talked with the king for a long time, and didn't come out until evening. The king's family warmly entertained the couple.

When Ji Sihan found out about the two of them obtaining the certificate, she immediately asked someone to take out a set of diamond jewelry that she had collected for a long time, and gave it to Ji Zhixi as a wedding present.

After the meal, she took Ji Zhixi aside for an opportunity. For Ji Xueqing's matter, after Ji Xueqing was arrested, her uncle was worried that she would be sentenced, so she immediately went to her sister, hoping to plead for mercy.

When Ji Sihan found out, she was also very angry and disappointed. It was really disappointing that the niece she had grown up with had such thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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