Chapter 261 Wedding Night
Ji Sihan took Ji Zhixi's hand and said: "Zhixi, I know you have been wronged, Xueqing shouldn't have such thoughts, it's just that this child has been stubborn since she was a child, and she already liked Artis before you appeared, this We all know that."

"That's why someone took advantage of her loopholes, and she was punished accordingly. After she learned this lesson, she no longer dares to think about it. I hope you can forgive her. After all, we are a family. We are a family, right? No one is good."

Ji Zhixi didn't open her mouth, she could feel Ji Xueqing's malice from the very beginning, she didn't believe that she didn't do it on purpose, and she didn't tell the matter because of everyone's relatives.

No matter what she thinks now, the hatred has already been forged, and it is useless to say whether to forgive or not.

"Auntie, I only have one thing. Don't touch my bottom line. I don't want to care about other things, and I don't deliberately target anyone. I just live my own life. I don't care about other people. Caring, how I lived before, how I live now." Ji Zhixi said.

Ji Sihan's smile froze. It seemed that this child was also stubborn and difficult to deal with.

"Okay, Auntie understands, you are married now, and the next step is to prepare for the wedding. I will ask your mother to prepare together and hold a grand wedding for you."

Ji Zhixi said helplessly: "No need, this is so tiring! I don't even want to hold a wedding, just go to honeymoon with Artis."

"Okay." "No!"

The two spoke at the same time, and Ji Sihan looked at Artis who came over and said, "No, you two have special identities, you can't play games, and you can give Zhixi a grand wedding, so others won't point fingers, it's also for her OK, understand?"

As soon as Artis heard that it was for his wife, he nodded immediately, and Ji Zhixi rolled her eyes speechlessly, it was so unprincipled.

"The two of you will return to Blue Star to prepare for the wedding obediently after finishing your work. Don't run around anymore. There are still many things to prepare before the wedding, you know?" Ji Sihan reminded.

The two nodded helplessly, "Tomorrow we will return to Blue Star."

Seeing that they had listened to it, Ji Sihan let them go with satisfaction, and Artis led her back to the room.

When she returned to the room and looked at the big bed in front of her, she realized that the two were married, so they had to sleep in one room and one bed.

She didn't know what to think, her face suddenly turned red, Artis looked at the flush on her face, and suddenly leaned forward.

Ji Zhixi retreated reflexively, but she was hugged around the waist and pressed her head with one hand. Looking at the tip of the pen 1 cm away from her eyes, she felt her face turn redder.

"Baby, what are you thinking? Your face is so red." Artis said with a smirk.

Ji Zhixi patted her chest, "Let go of me, just speak well."

Artis suddenly let out a deep laugh, his voice was a little hoarse, "Then don't talk about it, just do it."

Then he kissed the person in front of him. After receiving the certificate, he wanted to hold the person in his arms and kiss him fiercely, wanting to integrate the person into his body.

He pushed her down on the bed and kissed him deeply, Ji Zhixi couldn't help curling up her toes after being kissed, her hands tightly clutching his clothes.

When he finally let go of him, she quickly covered his mouth and gasped, "This is someone else's place, don't mess around."

Artis kissed her palm, "I know, our first time must not be in such a place."

Ji Zhixi's face felt like it was burning, why did this person say everything directly.

"Let me go, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed."

He grabbed her unruly little hand with a darkened look, "Although there are some things we can't do, there are some things we can get used to in advance. After all, this is also our wedding night."

As she said, she picked her up and walked to the bathroom, Ji Zhixi was so frightened that she kicked her legs desperately, "You, you put me down, what do you want!"

Artis didn't say a word, and carried him directly into the bathroom, locked the door, put him down, turned on the shower, and the two of them were drenched in water.

The water just released was a bit cold, making Ji Zhixi shiver from the cold, and then she was pressed against a fiery body, like a stove, and her body temperature began to heat up instantly.

The white shirt was wet with water, and the transparent allowance was attached to the skin, and the seductive muscle lines were clearly seen, and hormones were exuding from the whole body, Ji Zhixi couldn't help swallowing when she saw it.

Looking at the beauty in front of her, she had the urge to tear off her clothes, oh my god!What is she thinking!

On the other side, Artis looked at the drenched man in front of her, her clothes clinging to the blood-spitting curves, and she clinged even closer to this attractive body.

She was stunned when she made a sound, and couldn't help covering her mouth. My God, is it really her that made such a charming voice?
She never knew her ears were so sensitive, my God!She felt a sense of crisis in an instant, and wanted to quickly stay away from the man in front of her.

Ji Zhixi could feel the muscles sticking to her become harder, and she was suddenly a little scared.

"Sorry, Xixi, I can't help it." Artis said hoarsely.

Then he kissed her wet lips, and the sound of blushing and heartbeat came from the bathroom for a while, and it didn't stop for a long time.

After a long time, the bathroom door opened, and a gust of moist heat came out, and Artis returned to the bed with Ji Zhixi, who was already exhausted.

Looking at her swollen lips and charming face, Artis couldn't help but calm himself down. If he messes around again, he probably won't be able to sleep in the future.

He really overestimated his endurance. It should be said that he had no resistance to the person in front of him, and all endurance was wiped out in front of her.

A beating would probably be inevitable tomorrow, and it would probably take a long time to coax her well. This time, he really went too far. He rubbed the ambiguous marks on her collarbone, and thinking about being in the bathroom just now, he couldn't help but feel enthusiastic.

As a result, he ran into the bathroom again and took a cold shower for half an hour to calm himself down, then dried his body before going to bed.

After he lay down, he hesitated for a moment, but still carefully hugged him into his arms, "Turn off the light."

The room was plunged into darkness immediately, and it was a sweet torture to hold her to feel at ease. Artis kissed the forehead of the person in his arms, "Baby, good night."

At this time, Ji Zhixi was so exhausted that she couldn't move, and she didn't even have the strength to recover with the strength of wood. She soon fell into a dreamland. Before going to bed, she thought angrily, don't talk to this person tomorrow, after shouting no more for so many times, she just refused to stop .

There are traces of this person's madness all over her body, and her whole body is sore. Now she is so angry that she is not shy, and she will teach this person a lesson when she wakes up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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