Chapter 262
The next day Ji Zhixi slowly opened her eyes on the bed, and found that her hand was held by a big hand, and the knuckle-protruding fingers were tightly intertwined with hers.

Looking up along the direction of the arm, the man was looking at the document seriously at this time, and when he noticed her gaze, he immediately put the document away.

Leaning over to leave a kiss on her forehead, "Baby, wake up, how does your body feel? Are you still uncomfortable?"

Ji Zhixi felt her body for a while, as if recalling something, took a deep breath, broke free from the man's hand, and then used the power of wood to restore her body, and soon her body recovered like this.

Then she turned her head and stared at the man. The man was a little flustered by her stare, and before he could speak, he was kicked down by the woman.

Although with his skill, it is impossible for a woman to kick him away, but he knows that she is angry, and if he does not vent her anger, it will be even more difficult for him in the future.

Artis fell to the ground with a slam, then got up and half-kneeled beside the bed, "Baby, I was wrong, I didn't control it well, but you know you are too attractive in my heart."

Ji Zhixi felt a little speechless, felt it was her fault?Blame her for being too charming, that's why he seemed to be possessed last night?
Ji Zhixi gave him a cold look, "I'm hungry."

"Lunch is ready, it's outside, I'll bring it in for you." Artis immediately got up and said.

Feeling that she slept until noon, what would the people in the palace think, oh my god!I have no face to see people.

"I want to drink the porridge you cooked." Ji Zhixi ordered.

"Okay, but it takes time to cook porridge. After you wash up, eat some snacks to cushion your stomach." Artis said and put all kinds of food in front of her.

"The porridge will be ready soon, you wait for me." Artis took her hand and kissed her fawningly, then turned and went out.

Only then did Ji Zhixi relax. Although she was angry, it was still difficult for her to face him with a straight face.

She thought about it, and she still wanted to teach others a lesson, so she quickly went to the bathroom to clean it up, went out of the room after tidying up, and called Silver Wing out.

"Mistress, isn't this very good! Leave the master behind." Silver Wing said hesitantly.

"Then you and it stay here! I'll go by myself." Ji Zhixi said.

"No, I promised Master to take good care of you, let's go! Master will find a way to go back." Silver Wing said after analyzing.

The most important thing now is to coax the hostess first, it is impossible for her to leave alone, so the host will be anxious to death, it will be different with him, at least he will protect her.

"Okay, let's go!" Ji Zhixi said.

Then the Silver Wing quickly changed into flight mode, and quickly left the palace with Ji Zhixi. Seeing that it was the marshal's mecha, of course no one would intercept it.

Silver Wing also cleverly sent a message to his master. After receiving the message, Artis, who was cooking porridge on the other end, overturned the whole pot of porridge.

He never thought that his wife would be so angry that she would run away from home. Is this a quarrel between husband and wife?It was the first time he had such an experience, but it was obviously not what he wanted. This feeling was too bad. He vowed not to make his baby angry again.

He has no experience and doesn't know how to coax people. He must ask his father for advice after returning home. In his impression, his parents don't seem to have quarreled.

The marshal suddenly felt that he was in a big crisis, and it was more difficult than his participation in the assessment. It turned out that it was so difficult to coax people.

So he quickly found Weier and asked him to arrange a state-of-the-art aircraft, and he was going to chase his wife soon. This person was out of his sight, and he was afraid of danger.

"Hey, Mr. Marshal, what's the matter with you, you got mad at your wife on the first day of your wedding. Could it be that you are too bad? Do you want me to send you some teaching videos?" Weier sneered.

Artis swung his fist, and Weier was almost blown away, "Hey, serious! Well, this is the latest mecha I ordered Dr. Mu to order, and I will borrow it from you for the time being, Xingxue, help the Marshal Go after your wife!"

"Okay, Your Highness." Xingxue replied, quickly changing into flight mode.

Artis didn't say much to him, and immediately entered the cockpit, quickly disappeared into the palace, and chased after him according to the location information given by Silver Wing.

On the other side, Ji Zhixi was lying on a chair while eating delicious food and watching a drama, but watching it, she suddenly felt a little empty. Without Artis' company, she always felt empty in her heart.

He would definitely be in a hurry when he left without saying a word. Although he knew that the boy Silver Wing would tip off the news, it is estimated that he would still be in a hurry to die.

Hey, why is she so soft-hearted, she was angry for less than an hour, she was thinking of him, she put down the snacks in her hand, and sighed.

"Mistress, what's wrong with you?" Silver Wing asked, he could feel her suddenly depressed.

"Where is Artis?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Eh~" Silver Wing found out that he was caught, and immediately didn't know whether to say it or not.

"I know you told him, so tell me, I'm not angry." Ji Zhixi said.

"Um, the master has already driven another mecha to catch up, the distance is about 100 kilometers." Yin Yi said guilty, it was because he deliberately slowed down to make the distance so close.

Ji Zhixi nodded, didn't say anything, turned around and said, "I'm going back to my room to rest, don't bother me if I have nothing to do."

"Okay, Mistress." Silver Wing replied obediently.

The hostess doesn't seem to blame him, is it true that she is not that angry, and she also hopes that the host will chase after him, just like in TV dramas, the hostess is always duplicity.

He immediately reported the situation here to the master word by word, and Artis was relieved after hearing it. It seemed that Xixi was still thinking about him.

After thinking about it, he still dialed his father's communication number. He still asked for advice on how to coax him, so that he could be coaxed back quickly. When he thought of his wife ignoring him, he couldn't breathe because of the heartache.

When Artis was asking her father for advice, Ji Zhixi tossed and turned on the bed, did she feel that she was a little too impulsive?
But when she thought about saying no last night, she was still in someone else's place. Although she said she didn't make it to the end, she did everything that should be done. When she thought that the people in the palace might know something, she felt ashamed to face others.

And the first time in the bathroom was so exciting. When she thought about last night, she couldn't help wrapping herself in the blanket and screaming.

Silver Wing was so frightened that she hurriedly asked, "Mistress, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Only then did Ji Zhixi calm down, "It's okay, I just watched a horror movie and was just taken aback."

"Mistress, if you are afraid, don't watch it. If you really want to watch it, Silver Wing can watch it with you, so you don't have to be afraid." Silver Wing said.

"Cough, thank you Silver Wing. I decided not to watch it. I'm afraid I'll have nightmares after watching it. Don't worry." Ji Zhixi said.

"Oh, that's good, Mistress, I'll find you some funny and happy movies! Let you forget about those scary pictures." Silver Wing began to search for movie sources in his inventory.

(End of this chapter)

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