Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 266 Comprehensive Construction of Blue Star

Chapter 266 Comprehensive Construction of Blue Star
"Our medicinal herb planting has stabilized, both quantity and quality can be guaranteed, we can start selling medicinal herbs and potions." Zhan Bei said.

"Through further purification, we have now further increased the yield and strength of medicinal herb seeds, including grain, fruits and vegetables, and these can also be sold directly."

"We can also set up planting sites on other planets, directly plant and sell them, or transfer the planting technology." Xiang Nange said.

Ji Chengxuan nodded in satisfaction immediately after hearing this, and continued to record.

"Now Blue Star's population has increased to 1 million. Although it has been screened at various levels, it is still difficult to guarantee that there will be no chaos, so the garrisons and guards in each region must be matched immediately." Wen Yan said.

"Understood, we will have a group of new troops coming in after this trial, and we will arrange it immediately." John said.

Since Jiang Yuxuan and the others were not free, they asked him to come over for a meeting.

"Also, the development of energy stones has also been completed. We have renewable resources. According to our current reserves, in addition to supplying our own needs, we can also sell energy stones." John said.

This is really good news!Thinking about how much money you spent on buying energy stones before, and now you can sell them yourself, you must make a lot of money.

"The king of Shuli came to talk about the cooperation before?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Hey, those despicable guys, we really don't want to cooperate with them, but they directly gave us the energy stone development method. The marshal felt that it was not good to offend them, and their technology was indeed relatively new, so he agreed to short-term Cooperation."

"We are responsible for providing energy stones, and they are responsible for development and sales. The profit is 3 or 7 points, and we get 7 points. When we learn the technology in the future, we can develop it ourselves." John said.

"Now we have become stronger, and finally we will not be bullied anymore." Tang Xin said.

Tang Xin came to the meeting on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology because Li Huai was too busy.

"Now that our economy has stabilized, the environment has changed greatly, and military control has been introduced, then we must keep up with education." Ji Zhixi said.

"Zhixi wants to run a school?" Wen Yan asked.

"Yes, when everyone lives here in the future, many children will definitely be born, and children need to receive education. Even if online classes are developed now, I also hope that we have our own schools."

"And I hope to regain the history of our lost civilization. Blue Star still has many precious historical cultures worth learning from."

"And politics, economy, culture, military, population, land, etc. reach a certain level before we can apply for sovereignty. I hope that everyone can really settle in Blue Star and regard Blue Star as their home. I hope everyone can enjoy this I have the right." Ji Zhixi said.

Wen Yan was very moved when he heard it. It is not easy for people like them to have a place to live in. Now they can still have the right of residence and enjoy the civil rights they should have like legal citizens, which was unimaginable before. .

"So, Wen Yan, the school is going to have to work hard for you to find someone again, and spend a lot of money to recruit those good teachers." Ji Zhixi said.

"Ahem." Ji Chengxuan cast a glance at her, and she immediately faltered.

"As for the funds that each of you need, ask my uncle! My uncle will definitely arrange it reasonably." Ji Zhixi said.

"Xinxin, I hope we can have our own independent network system, so that we will not be affected even if there are problems in the outside world. Can we do it?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Well, although it's a bit difficult, I will try my best!" Tang Xin said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your results. One more thing is, I want to set up a political organization, but I don't understand these things. Do you have any recommended candidates?" Ji Zhixi asked.

Everyone was silent for a while. Politics is very sensitive, and it is easy to cause accidents if it is not handled well.

"It doesn't matter, everyone has a suitable candidate to speak out. We will consider it now and then find someone. The most important thing is to establish the system now." Ji Zhixi said.

"I know a person who is a teacher in my university. He has multiple degrees in political science and administration, international politics, international affairs and international relations, and has also participated in the establishment of the federal imperial system."

"He is an upright person. Even though he has many honors, he has not participated in other political struggles, and has always stayed in the school to teach." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Wow! This teacher is very powerful, uncle, you must invite him here!" Ji Zhixi said.

"This... I'll try to get in touch! It may not work, and the teacher has a weird temper." Ji Chengxuan said.

"Uncle, do what you like, I believe you can."

"By the way, I believe everyone knows the good news about my Artis. After we finish the wedding, we will go on our honeymoon, so the next thing is left to you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact. It is best to Don't look for me! You all communicate more!" Ji Zhixi said.

"You lazy girl! This blue star belongs to you, and we do all the work. Are you going to give us the blue star!" Zhan Bei said.

"It's ok! This Blue Star is also something I picked up. It depends on everyone that Blue Star can have what it is today, so everyone should also have a share. Everyone will have a share of Blue Star's residence rights and benefits!" Ji Zhixi said.

"Haha, silly girl, don't listen to old man Zhan's nonsense. The things we get here are much more precious than money. We don't need to give us anything, but the right of residence is okay. I think Blue Star is very suitable for retirement." Xiang Nan said the song.

"Bah, you're just talking nonsense. Think about it. Blue Star will develop better and better in the future. If you don't give some benefits to win people's hearts, sooner or later some people will have opinions. It is still necessary to give some benefits appropriately." Zhan Bei said.

"Grandpa Zhan is right, share the blessings and share the hardships. Only in this way can we unite as one. The development of Blue Star still depends on you. I also hope that everyone can make a fortune together!" Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"Okay, just say this to you girl, I am willing to stay in Blue Star in the future, and give me the right of residence first!" Zhan Bei said, patting the table.

"Haha, President Zhan, if you stay here, what about your guild in the Federal Empire?" President Pan asked.

"What's the matter, there are talented people from generation to generation, just re-elect a president to take over." Zhan Bei said.

"That's right, we've recruited a lot of people recently, and it's time for these young people to be busy." Xiang Nange said.

"Well, I also want to recruit more people, or I won't be able to last long with my old bones." President Pan said and looked at Wen Yan.

Wen Yan said helplessly: "Yes, I will try my best to pay attention to talents in all aspects and recruit more people for everyone."

It seems that the job he took is really endless. Recently, he has been so busy that he can't keep his feet on the ground. Leng Zongmen has no time to deal with the affairs of Leng Zongmen, and a certain big ice cube has lost his temper.

It seems that he also needs to hire someone to share the work with him. He has to solve his own needs first.

Everyone nodded in satisfaction, and then they continued to discuss related matters, reaching an agreement very happily.

(End of this chapter)

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