Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 267 Test Match Begins

Chapter 267 Test Match Begins

Early this morning, everyone was sitting in the audio-visual room, because the test match was going to be held today, and everyone was very curious, because it was the first time a match was held in this format.

And Ji Zhixi and the others were sitting in the VIP room, enjoying food and drinks while watching.

"Sister-in-law, let me tell you! The mutated plants and animals here are all designed by me! I also specially asked Xiao Hei Xiao Jin to take me to the forest to find various mutated plants and animals for reference." Tang Xin said excitedly .

The four little ones next to her nodded, Ji Zhixi looked at it and smiled, no wonder there was no one around for a while, she thought she was going to the forest to play, but it turned out she was doing this.

"Awesome! Then let me take a look at your results!" Ji Zhixi praised.

"Xinxin, don't you need to help? What if there is something wrong with the system during the game." Tang Haotian asked.

"It's okay, isn't it because Li Huai is here! He can definitely handle it." Tang Xin waved her hand and said.

Tang Haotian and Lisa looked at their daughter helplessly, they were really used to it, and even Li Huai was willing to pamper her like this. They are the same age next year, so why is there such a big difference in personality?
"I don't really understand these things, but everyone seems to be very excited, and we are here to join in the fun." Xia Jinxuan said.

"It's okay, mother-in-law, you can just watch a movie, and you can ask us if you don't understand." Lisa said.

"I didn't expect that we would also be lucky enough to watch the games of this legion. These can be said to be confidential. Is it really okay for us to watch together like this?" Zhan Bei said.

"It doesn't matter, Grandpa Zhan, it's just an assessment, not to mention our current defense technology is already very strong, so we won't let it out easily." Ji Zhixi said.

"Our assessment system is ever-changing and can be modified and adjusted at any time, so we are not afraid of leaks." Tang Xin said confidently.

"Haha, Xiao Tang's heart is really strong!" Xiang Nange said.

"Huh? Why don't you see President Pan and Wen Yan?" Ji Zhixi asked.

"Old Pan received news that there was a problem with a project, so he rushed over. As for the Leng Zongmen, I heard that they also signed up for the competition." Xiang Nange said.

"What? They signed up for the competition too? I thought there were only people from the Jagged Legion." Ji Zhixi said in surprise.

"Because this is just a test match, everyone is very curious. The marshal didn't say who is only allowed to participate. Later, I heard that everyone wanted to participate, so they all allowed it. So not only Leng Zongmen, but also in Blue Star, everyone Everyone who wanted to participate participated." Xiao Li, who was preparing food next to him, said.

"Brother, isn't this hitting people? This is an assessment system developed for selection. How can ordinary people play it before? They died within two hits. Are you sure this isn't abuse?" Tang Xin said speechlessly.

When Ji Zhixi heard Tang Xin's words, the corners of her mouth twitched, as if she had some reason, "Xiao Li, why didn't you go to participate?"

"Hey, my hand is suitable for holding a kitchen knife, not for others." Xiao Li scratched his head and said.

Ji Zhixi smiled, "Don't be too busy, let's sit down and watch together!"

"Okay!" Xiao Li replied happily, poured himself a cup of tea, sat down happily, and looked at the person in the camera with everyone.

After Artis announced the rules, everyone brought their equipment and entered the assessment area.

In today's test competition, only the top three can get rewards, so only 300 crystal nuclei were invested and hidden in various places in the forest.The winner with 100 crystal nuclei before the end of the final competition, but this time there are more than 1 people participating in the competition, one can imagine how fierce the competition is.

The competition can snatch the crystal nucleus through fighting, but it cannot be fatal. Once death occurs, the qualification will be disqualified and corresponding penalties will be imposed.

Moreover, the competition must be conducted in a group of three, which not only needs to assess individual abilities, but also assesses team abilities.

The competition lasts for three days. During these three days, they have to solve the problem of food and lodging by themselves. All contestants are only equipped with basic tools and medicine kits. To win the crystal nucleus, they must hold on to the end to win.

Ji Zhixi looked at the people on the screen, "Lieutenant General Jiang also participated? Isn't that unfair? And don't they know about the assessment system?"

"There may be a strong opponent in the game, and it cannot be said that it is unfair to meet a strong opponent. And he may not be the strongest. I think that kid from Leng Zongmen is not bad." Tang Haotian said.

"Also, Li Huai and I re-adjusted the assessment system last night. Only Li Huai and I know about it, and no one else knows about it," Tang Xin said.

Ji Zhixi nodded and looked at Leng Ran, Wen Yan and a group formed by Jiang Yuxuan, Guo Yiming and Jiang He.

She paid close attention to it, and basically every group has a healing department, or someone who understands medical treatment.

Indeed, in this dangerous zone, injuries can occur at any time, and treatment is still very important, because it takes three days.

There are still many unfamiliar faces here, she looked carefully, and said in surprise: "Grandpa Zhan, Grandpa Xiang, many members of your guild also participated?"

"Haha, yes! Because it's a group match, there's a lack of treatment, and it's okay if you don't know how to heal and know how to make medicine, so everyone from the guild was pulled to participate." Zhan Bei said.

"The same goes for our guild. Many botanists were also drawn to participate. After all, there are many mutant plants in the forest." Xiang Nange said.

"I didn't expect Xiaobai and Jiang Chen to participate. I don't know how long they can last." Ji Zhixi said while watching the play.

"Their group of brats just joined in the fun, and they were probably beaten and sent back within a few strokes," Zhan Bei said.

Each contestant has a distress signal on his body. When encountering a dangerous event, he can press the distress signal, and someone will rescue him immediately. Rescuers are hidden everywhere in the assessment area, but pressing it means abstention.

Those who really can't persist in voluntarily abstaining can also press the distress signal. It is estimated that many people will not be able to persist on the first day.

Also, those who are also fatally attacked by mutant animals and plants will be eliminated. Although they are all fake, the system is basically 99.9% close to the real restoration, so it is estimated that many people will be eliminated on the first day. After all, the mutant animals and plants here are still very strong.

When the time came, the competition started, and everyone started to head towards the forest quickly. At the beginning, everyone wanted to search for crystal cores first, and didn't plan to confront each other, because there would definitely be many people who would be automatically eliminated.

At this time, the screen saw some people just approaching the grass to find the crystal nucleus. Unexpectedly, a piranha jumped out with its bloody mouth open, which shocked people.

Quickly took out the weapon to fight back, but the piranha spit out venom, and the weapon was melted. These people were dumbfounded on the spot, and felt dizzy after a while, and quickly swallowed the piranha in one gulp. These people left and were eliminated up.

Although I know it's fake, these scenes are very real, and the scene of blood and flesh is really disgusting.

She blocked Xinxin's eyes, "Can this be a mosaic? It will affect your appetite a bit."

Tang Xin dropped her hand, "Sister-in-law doesn't want to read these things, okay, wait for me, I'll make adjustments right away."

(End of this chapter)

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