Chapter 268 Eliminate Half
The screen continues to return to the arena, and it is found that many people have begun to encounter various mutant animals and plants.

Someone wanted to collect medicinal herbs on the ground, but was bitten by a mutated snake that flew out.

Someone wanted to go towards the forest, but was blocked by misty vines, and was stunned to find the southeast, north, east, and west.

Looking at the frightened people jumping around on the screen, Ji Zhixi couldn't help worrying, is everyone going to end at the beginning?

Looking at it again, the number of participants had already died too much in just ten minutes.

Of course, it is not the real death, but the death-level attack in the arena, or the death condition is met, and it is judged as death.

There are also some who directly surrendered and were rescued from the arena. Of course, these people will not have the opportunity to join the legion in the future.

At the same time, the polarized situation is that some teams have already obtained the crystal nucleus.

At a glance, the top three are Leng Ran's team, Jiang Yuxuan's team and Bai Genghuai's team.

"Yo, I didn't see it! The two children, Xiaobai and Jiang Chen, are fine!" Xiao Li said.

"Haha, that is, it doesn't matter whose disciples they are, since these two children have improved their abilities, they have made great progress!" Zhan Bei said happily.

Ji Zhixi looked at Bai Genghuai in the picture, in addition to proficiency in the use of plant-type abilities, the wind-type abilities are also good now, successfully repelling the mutant animals.

Because both of them have plant-type abilities, they are very clear about mutated plants, so they successfully avoided the attacks of many mutated plants.

Jiang Chen also used his abilities to collect a lot of medicinal herbs. There were a lot of equipment for refining medicines at the competition site. As long as they found the equipment, everyone could refine medicines.

Jiang Chen copied and mutated under the protection of his teammates, and then made simple low-level potions, and soon some hemostatic, detoxification, and mental recovery potions were quickly made.

Tian Bin, who was on the same team as Jiang Chen, was very happy. Fortunately, he invited them as soon as he heard the news, and he knew that these two people were also very strong.

Tian Bin was very happy in his heart, it seemed that they were expected to squeeze into the top three, when a fireball hit them.

"Pay attention to dodging!" Tian Bin dodged quickly, turned around and saw that it was a fourth-level mutant bear, and it was a fire-type bear, which is too bad!
Ji Zhixi looked at the mutated bear a little funny, "You didn't put a lot of mutated animals with supernatural powers in there, did you?"

"That is, in order to increase the difficulty, we have added a lot, which only you can't think of." Tang Xin said proudly.

Ji Zhixi shook her head helplessly, then looked at the other side of the screen, Jiang Yuxuan's team also encountered a mutated animal, a level four pangolin.

The hard shell can't be hurt no matter how you attack it. The pangolin turns into an iron ball and rolls at high speed, directly breaking the tree. The scales on the pangolin's body can turn into weapons and fly out to attack people.

Jiang Yuxuan and others have been avoiding attacks and looking for the pangolin's weakness.

"This, this design is a bit outrageous. Is it because you are afraid that everyone will not know that it is fake?" Guo Yiming said a little speechlessly.

"That's right! Even if the mutated animals and plants in the Hopeless Zone are special, these supernatural powers are too outrageous. Many people will know that these are fake after thinking about it." Jiang He complained.

"So what if it's fake? We have to win, otherwise we'll lose." Jiang Yuxuan said.

Then he used his ability to suppress the pangolin, reducing its weight, and then suspended it in the air, "Attack its abdomen!"

Guo Yiming and Jiang He immediately joined forces to attack, and soon the pangolin was killed, and they got another crystal nucleus.

"Let's quickly find a safe place to rest. It's only been half a day, but it consumes a lot of mental energy, and there are traps everywhere. We have to find a safe place to settle down before dark." Jiang Yuxuan said.

So the three of them packed up and immediately started looking for a place to stay.

"Xinxin, your design was immediately noticed." Ji Zhixi said with a smile.

"That's because Brother Yuxuan and the others are familiar with Blue Star, but they haven't seen anyone outside, how do they know, and just like Brother Yuxuan said, so what if they know, no matter it's true or not, you have to win to get Crystal Nucleus." Tang Xin said cunningly.

"Well, we have a really strong heart. We have designed so many mutated animals and plants, and the effect is very realistic." Tang Haotian said immediately.

"That's right! I made this after spending a lot of time in the forest with everyone. I also refer to the prototypes of these little guys. Haha, there will be surprises later!" Tang Xin said.

Ji Zhixi looked at the four little ones with great interest, referring to their prototypes?This little black little gold and Yinyin can understand, but what about little Shen?Wouldn't it be designed to be eaten?

Thinking of the appearance of the little ginseng being chased by people, and then being stewed, I feel pitiful, probably not!Ji Zhixi shook her head, then continued to look.

On the other side, Leng Ran's team was very fast, fighting monsters and collecting herbs and food at the same time. This rhythm can be said to be a standard clearance demonstration.

Leng Ran's abilities are very powerful, basically there are no mutated animals and plants that can stop him, and with the tacit cooperation with Wen Yan, people watching around think that the two of them are very powerful.

Ji Zhixi noticed that their other partner, although silent, moved very fast, had already collected a lot of herbs, and he was also very particular about the herbs he collected, as if he had calculated it from the beginning, and didn't want too many.

The food is also collected some food that is durable and easy to cook, because there is no nano space, so you can't collect too many things at once.

After a day of fighting, Leng Ran and the others seemed to be very familiar with the terrain, and quickly found a relatively safe foothold before dark.

They raised the fire and began to put some potatoes and sweet potatoes in to roast, and the rabbits, birds and snakes they caught before were cleaned and roasted on a fork.

Wen Yan found wood and started to make handicrafts, and soon a kettle was ready, and he planned to make it to hold water.

When the ice made by Leng Ran melted, it turned into water, and Wen Yan collected the water.

Fortunately, Leng Ran has an ice ability, otherwise they would have no water to drink, and they still haven't found the river after walking all day today, so they still need to store some water now.

Looking at the barbecue coldly, Lu Xingchen was making potions on the side. He saw that his technique was weird, somehow, he quickly made pills one by one.

This kind of ancient method of medicine is rare, this young man is a bit interesting, Ji Zhixi looked at that young man, and wondered how effective the pills he made were.

"The meat is ready, come and eat!" said Leng Ran.

"Xiaolu, don't be busy yet, come here." Wen Yan greeted.

Lu Xingchen stopped only after tidying up and came over, took the rabbit meat given by Wen Yan and started to chew slowly.

Leng Ran blew the peeled sweet potato to a suitable temperature before handing it to Wen Yan. Wen Yan took a bite and sighed in satisfaction: "The roasted sweet potato is so delicious, fragrant and waxy."

Seeing him happy, Leng Ran hooked the corners of his mouth, then picked up the barbecue and ate it.

Compared with the warm and harmonious picture here, most people are a little embarrassed. After being chased by mutated animals and plants for a day, they only collected one or two crystal nuclei, and nothing was collected.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of supplies in the forest. I picked some fruits to barely fill my stomach, and then I found a place to nest and rest. I didn't dare to sleep soundly at night, worrying about the attack of mutant animals and plants.

(End of this chapter)

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