Live Adventure Life through Interstellar

Chapter 269 Intense Competition

Chapter 269 Intense Competition

After a night's rest, everyone recovered, and Leng Ran and Wen Yan discussed how to win the game.

"On the first day, those with poor basic strength were eliminated, and the remaining ones may not be easy to deal with," Wen Yan said.

"You see, the number of crystal nuclei shows that they have basically been snatched up, and the remaining ones are probably more difficult to get. In order to save energy, we must grab the crystal nuclei from people next." Leng Ran said.

"The top three must be very strong. Let's not go head-to-head for now. We can start with those small fish, but harvesting them one by one is too troublesome and wastes energy." Wen Yan said.

At this time, Lu Xingchen suddenly handed over a pill, and they looked at each other, as if they suddenly had some idea, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of their mouths.

The following teams faced more challenges, because the level of mutant animals and plants was obviously higher than yesterday.

"Ah! What is this? Help! Why do muscular deer have vines!"

"Oh my god! Could it be that even mutated animals can use plant-type abilities?"

"Run! Once you get entangled, it's over!"

"Ah! Don't come here! There is a quagmire here, come and save me quickly, I'm about to sink!"

"I found a fourth-level mutated python here, pay attention, the python seems to have gold-type abilities!"

There were all kinds of screams in the forest, and soon, the remaining half of yesterday's people were killed.

Wen Yan and the others stood on the tree and looked at the tragic situation below, "Tsk tsk tsk, what kind of design is this? The combination of animal and plant systems is probably Xiao Tang Xin's masterpiece."

He looked at it with a blank expression, and then looked at the fallen person, "Yan, the crystal nucleus."

"OK!" Wen Yan waved his hand, using the wind ability to harvest the crystal nuclei of those people.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind.They hid in the dark like this, and when they saw someone falling down, they took the opportunity to harvest the crystal nuclei, and the number of their crystal nuclei soon increased.

Lu Xingchen showed Wen Yan the current ranking, and found that the number of crystal nuclei in Jiang Yuxuan's team and Bai Genghuai's team has been increasing. It seems that they have also used the same strategy.

"It seems that we will run into them soon, Xingchen, we must use the medicine powder on time!" Wen Yan reminded.

Lu Xingchen nodded and continued to study the medicine in his hand.

"This kid refuses to talk for many rounds, how can he get a girlfriend in the future!" Wen Yan said helplessly.

"Why do you want to have a girlfriend?" Leng Ran said suddenly.

"If you don't have a girlfriend, why should you have a boyfriend?" Wen Yan rolled his eyes and said.

Staring at him coldly, Wen Yan looked away, "Well, it's not impossible, well, hurry to the next place, we still have to hurry, to the final assembly point."

Then the three continued on their way, while Bai Genghuai's team encountered a big crisis on the other side.

Bai Genghuai hid behind Jiang Chen, grabbed his clothes, "Oh my God! Xiao Tang's heart is too bad, what is this design!"

Standing in front of them is a giant mutant mouse. If you look carefully, you will find that it looks exactly like Xiaojin, but its size is dozens of times larger!
And the force value is also super high, a bit like Xiao Jin after the berserk.

"This is probably designed based on Xiaojin and others, and there may be Xiaohei, Xiaocan, and Yinyin in the future." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Little ginseng? What is the little ginseng doing? Let everyone eat it?" Bai Geng said disdainfully.

Little did he know, the mutated plant that he disdained as the prototype of the little ginseng was chasing after Jiang Yuxuan and the others.

"I'm going! What a heaven-defying design this is! Xiao Shen can actually control all plants! This forest is full of plants, where can we escape!" Guo Yiming fought back while hiding.

"It's not an option to go on like this. It's endless. Our physical strength will soon be exhausted!" Jiang He said.

Jiang Yuxuan grabbed the two of them directly, and suddenly the three of them began to float towards the sky.

That's right!Floating into the sky like a balloon, Jiang Yuxuan changed the weight by using supernatural powers.

Guo Yiming and Jiang He breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the mutated plants that could not catch up.

"Hmph! Come and chase after me if you have the ability! See if you can still go to heaven!" Jiang He challenged arrogantly at this time.

Before he was happy for two seconds, something suddenly sprang out from the ground and wrapped around his feet.

"Ah! Help! Captain! It's a bloodthirsty vine!" Jiang He screamed out of fear.

"Shut up!" Guo Yiming immediately cut it off with a knife, but new vines kept coming towards them.

Because they didn't rise fast enough, they were quickly pulled down by the bloodthirsty vines.

"Yiming!" Jiang Yuxuan said with a frown.

"Understood!" Guo Yiming immediately activated his ability to control the little ginseng, which made the mutated plant stop.

Jiang Yuxuan picked up Guo Yiming, "Quick! Get out of here!"

The three left quickly, as long as they got out of the range, they would not be attacked, or they could find other people to divert their attention.

Sure enough, not long after they ran, they encountered other teams. Before they could see clearly, they saw three shadows running past.

"Why are they running so fast? What the hell?"

Soon, there was a wail from behind, "I'm sorry, brothers!" Jiang He mourned silently in his heart.

When they escaped to a safe place, Guo Yiming's powers were used up. It was not easy to control Xiao Shen, because it took only a few minutes to control all the mutant plants.

"Oh my god! It's like this before we reach the final assembly point. When we get to the final assembly point, I don't think we will be able to survive." Guo Yiming said panting.

"So we can't act rashly now, find a safe place to rest, and rush to the final assembly point tomorrow, anyway, the crystal nucleus will eventually arrive there." Jiang Yuxuan said.

"The captain is right. Judging by the number of crystal nuclei, we are still in the lead, so let's not collect any more. Let's go to the final assembly point first." Jiang He nodded.

On Bai Genghuai's side, fortunately they met other teams, they teamed up to defeat Xiao Jin, and escaped, but everyone was scarred and their abilities were exhausted.

Fortunately, they were able to refine the potion. They handed the collected herbs to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen refined the potion for them, which was what they agreed at the beginning.

With the potion, everyone finally had security, and they separated to find a safe place to spend the night.

Watching everyone fighting fiercely, the audience here is also discussing enthusiastically.

"Hey, this kid is not bad! I didn't expect to be able to do it!"

"That's not bad either. It looks talented and can be recruited into the guild!"

"Don't even think about it, he's going to join the army! Why did he join your guild?"

Ji Zhixi listened to their discussion, and she also had some candidates to pay attention to in her heart. It seems that holding this competition is very good, and everyone has discovered many outstanding talents.

But after observing for so long, it seems that there are no outstanding plant-type supernatural powers. There are a few self-healing-type supernatural beings that look good, and they can be cultivated.

While thinking about it, Ji Zhixi was thinking about how to train them.

"Sister-in-law, how's it going? Is the mutated animal and plant I designed very powerful? Do you really want to participate?" Tang Xin asked excitedly.

Looking at those shining eyes, she really couldn't say anything shocking, looking at those things, to be honest, her scalp was numb.

"Well, Xinxin is very powerful! But in our future game development, it is better to have multiple modes, because girls can also play, but girls will prefer a cute and gentle style of painting, what do you think?"

"Well, my sister-in-law is right. Everyone likes different things. It is indeed possible. Then I will design a few more plans and do some research to see what types everyone likes."

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work." Ji Zhixi said while stroking her head.

(End of this chapter)

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